Chapter 456 Husband Metarial

Ring~ Ring~

At 6 am, Luo Lixi's phone rang out. In that quiet room, the loud sound was ear-piercing and extremely disturbing. The cold air of the AC made her skin flushed. 

Luo Lixi grimaced in discomfort and turned to the phone. She had the urge to kick it off and destroy. 

"Such a pain in the morning! Oof~" Luo Lixi grabbed the blanket and threw it off. 

With laziness, she slowly sat up on the bed and took the phone while rubbing her eyes and yawning. As soon as she saw the name on the screen, all her drowsiness vanished. 

'Grandfather?! Why is he calling?!' Luo Lixi panicked and then tried to get off the bed but at that time, Sheng Ruming moved and hugged her waist. His blue shirt clung to her skin and gave her a fluffy feeling. 

"Don't go. Talk beside me…" The man rubbed his face on her back like a lazy kitten and kissed her there. Luo Lixi felt a current go through her whole body.