Chapter 463 Getting shares again...

"What will you know from that foreign place?! Humph!" Luo Qintian snorted as he moved his sight away. Luo Lixi pursed her lips and then glanced back. 

Kong Pipi smiled awkwardly and turned to Luo Lixiang, "I better go now."

Luo Lixiang didn't say anything as he saw her leaving. Finally, Luo Lixi felt relieved and turned ahead. She dragged a chair and sat down on it with a thumb. 

"You called us here for a meeting? What's the matter?" Luo Lixi inquired as she glanced at the old man. The latter smiled and stood up. Thus Luo Lixi stood up as well and helped him to wear the outer suit. 

When Luo Baiyun was going to sit down, Luo Qintian glared at him and spoke out angrily, "Why are you sitting now? We will go to the meeting room!"

"Father, you!" Luo Baiyun was speechless and felt numb as he was scolded in front of his children. Luo Lixi couldn't help but smile at that. After Luo Qintian walked out, the other three followed him closely.