Chapter 468 Stubborn Luo Qintian.

After a while, Luo Qintian turned around and looked at Luo Baiyun calmly. He walked ahead and sat in front of his son and stared at him sharply.

"I don't know why you are not rejecting the marriage proposal from another city but keep that in your mind. She doesn't need to go there. I won't let my granddaughter leave. She will remain in this city."

"But, listen…" Luo Baiyun wanted to speak but got interrupted by the old man again.

"I don't care who she marries but she must stay in the Long city after her marriage! That's final!" Luo Qintian's authoritative voice rang out and made Luo Baiyun's mood bad. Luo Qintian's stubborn side was flaring up again!

Both of them knew that Sheng Ruming was the only son of the Sheng family as well as the CEO of the Sheng Industry and Corporation. There was no way he would come to stay in the Long city permanently.