Chapter 475 Being Molested...

In the outskirts of Ming city. 

A black car drove stealthily towards a certain direction and then did a lot of zig-zags along the straight highway. People would simply get a headache if they were to witness this scene.

The crazy person who was doing this was none other than Yan Ruomin. Her whole body was covered in thick clothes while her face was hidden by sunglasses and a scarf; her whole attire was telling others that she was up to no good!

While driving, Yan Ruomin kept a watch around less someone followed her and she didn't know. 

After arriving before a small villa hidden in the deep forest, Yan Ruomin made her way inside after looking around thoroughly. Her face had a huge smile which was covered by the scarf. 

She walked to the innermost chamber of the villa with a confident expression.