Chapter 479 Molested.

Inside the office room.

The man didn't notice that someone had entered his territory. With the lazy complexion of his, he continued to do his work and flip through the files. 

Luo Lixi stopped beside the door and looked ahead. She still didn't go beside him and stared as he worked. 

'Something is different about him…' Luo Lixi had this hunch as she saw him looking through a large pile of files as if he was doing a week's worth of work. 

After a few minutes, the man realised that someone was gazing at him. With solitary eyes, he perked up and saw Luo Lixi standing beside the door.

His eyes halted for a moment and stayed on Luo Lixi. The other person saw the calm eyes of his and couldn't feel the warmth she used to see from him. At the same time, she felt a coldness from him.

"Ruming…" Luo Lixi whispered his name and strode ahead. In no time, under his watchful eyes, Luo Lixi stopped before his desk.