Chapter 500 Yan Ruomin's Misfortune.

But how could Luo Lixi let him continue when she still held grievance in her heart?

Thus, she aimed to kick his private part sneakily! Being attacked so suddenly, Sheng Ruming was embarrassed and caught her leg in shock. 

"What was that for?!" He asked her incredulously. 

"For being a jerk!" Luo Lixi bared her teeth and spat out at him as her other leg moved as well but the man caught it as well. Having her two legs seized by him, Luo Lixi wasn't happy at all!

Finally, Sheng Ruming recalled the idiot he had been after he had lost his memories! But at the same time, he thought in despair, 'It wasn't me at that time…' 

Unintentionally, his eyes fell on the ruby pendant on Luo Lixi's neck and his eyes paused. He tried to remember if the current him had given her one or not but he couldn't remember any scene. 

He became elated but outside he didn't show her. He freed her legs, stepped back and directly kneeled with a thud.