When Wei Airan, who was watering her flower trees saw them, she threw away the watering pot and rushed to them.

"My little sweethearts! Come to Grandma!" Wei Airan said as she bent down to pick them up.

"Grandma! I am back!" Sheng Yuexi giggled while saying.

"Grandma! I missed you~" Little Fengmin whispered and then got embarrassed. He instantly got Wei Airan's attention with his cute little face. 

"Fengmin is also here. Good! Good!" 

Wei Airan took them inside the Villa and gave them a bunch of candies. Wang Fengmin was ecstatic when his two little pickets failed to keep all the candies he got. Wei Airan could not help but chuckle when she saw this. She had to help him with those putting in his little school bag. 

"I am going back to the company." Sheng Ruming said to Wei Airan. The latter nodded at him. Then he turned to the kids who were counting who got more or less and said, "Be obedient, don't trouble grandma."