It took a lot of convincing to get a thing in the children's mind that boys don't wear rings, rather watch. When Wang Fengmin successfully got one of Sheng Ruming's watches which was very big for his little wrist, his mood improved from the sadness of losing Sister Yue's rings! 

Even though they did not have any plans to make Sheng Yuexi's 7th birthday a big event, it happened in the end. The birthday girl went to meet her friends who got invitations while Little Fengmin followed her. The little one was busy admiring the shiny watch which was a gift from Uncle Sheng!

"Erli, Fan Fan!" Sheng Yuexi called out excitedly when two children entered her room guided by a bodyguard. 

"Yuexi, happy birthday!" Erli said as she handed a gift box to her.

"Happy birthday too!" An Fan also gave her a gift box which was much bigger than Erli. 

"Thank you!" Sheng Yuexi said happily as she held the gifts.