The adults were busy until all the guests left. When Luo Lixi saw Erli leaving with her bodyguard, she frowned. The little girl was asleep on the man's shoulder.

'Yuexi, Fengmin...' As she remembered them, Luo Lixi immediately went to the second floor and walked into Sheng Yuexi's room. 

Her eyes swept into the room but she did not find the children. 'It's so late. They should have been asleep by now.' 

With this thought, Luo Lixi went to the nearby rooms.

"Yuexi, Fengmin, where are you two?" She called out but she did not get any reply. 

She stopped a maid on the way and instructed, "Check where are the children. After you find them, send them to my room."

"Yes, Madam." The maid nodded and then walked away. After looking for a while, Luo Lixi went to her bedroom. She changed into her pajamas and opened her laptop.