Jason – Jason was the son of Aeson and Alcimede, and the hero quested by Pelias to bring back the Golden Fleece so that he might succeed Pelias as the king of Iolcus. As the man given the task, Jason was eventually elected captain of the Argo and leader of the expedition to Colchis.

Heracles - Heracles was the greatest of all Greek heroes, and was the son of Zeus and Alcmene. Heracles was left upon Mysia when the Argo stopped there, and of course, Heracles went on to complete his own Twelve Labours.

Castor and Pollux – Castor and Pollux were sons of Leda born to different fathers, Tyndareus and Zeus, meaning Castor was mortal and Pollox was immortal. The Discouri were skilled warriors and were highly skilled with weapons and their fists, and the brothers proved particularly useful when fighting the Doliones.

Zetes and Calais – The brothers Zetes and Calais were collectively known as the Boreads, being the sons of Boreas, the god of the north wind, and Oreithyia. Zetes and Calais had the ability to fly, a useful skill made use of to chase away the Harpies during the Argonaut's quest.

Meleager – Meleager was a prince of Calydon, born to King Oeneus and Althaea.

Orpheus – Orpheus was the son of Oeager and Calliope, and was a hero and a noted musician. Orpheus' music would allow the Argo to pass the island of the Sirens virtually unharmed.

Peleus – Peleus was the son of Aeacus and Endeis, and also famously the father of Achilles by the Nereid Thetis. Peleus was used as a messenger between the goddess Hera and the other Argonauts.

Telamon – Telamon was another son of Aeacus and Endeis, who also had famous children in the form of Ajax the Great, and Teucer.

Acastus – the son of Pelias and Anaxibia, who was forced to join the Argonauts to prevent his father from deliberately sabotaging the voyage.

Argus – the son of Phrixus and Chalciope, and builder of the Argo.

Asterius – the son of Cometes from Piresia in Thessaly.

Butes – the son of Teleon and Zeuxippe from Attica. Butes was rescued from drowning by Aphrodite during the quest and became the lover of the goddess.

Cepheus – King of Arcadia, son of Aleus, and friend of Heracles.

Erginus – son of Poseidon or Periclymenus.

Euphemus – son of Poseidon from Psamathus.

Eurytus – son of Hermes and Antianira.

Hylas – the son of Theiodamas and Menodice, prince of the Dryopes, and companion of Heracles. Hylas was abducted by nymphs on Mysia and Heracles and Polyphemus remained behind to search for him.

Iphiclus –the son of Phylacus and Clymene.

Iphitus – the son of Naubolos, hero from Phocis.

Menoetius – son of Actor and Aegina, a friend of Peleus and father of Patroclus.

Pericylmenus – the son of Neleus and Chlrois, a hero with the ability to shapeshift.

Polyphemus – the son of Elatus and Hippea, companion of Heracles and Hylas, left behind upon Mysia.

Tiphys – the son of Phorbas and Hyrmina, and pilot of the Argo before his demise on the voyage.