5. Hunter finds a girl

A few days after the bowling debacle Oliver went on a date with just him and her. I decided to talk to Olivia and tey to come up with a plan.

"Maybe we should try to make him jealous." She suggested.

"How? I can't ask some random girl to pretend to be my girlfriend and I still haven't told him I'm gay."

"Why do you need a random girl? We can pretend. He gets so upset seeing you with anyone but it will worse when it's me."

I knew she was right but doing this also meant hurting him. He was hurting me a lot recently so I decided we might as well try. When he got home from his date we were on the couch. After hearing him pull up and I checked to make sure it was him and just him I came back over to Liv and kissed her as he walked in.

"What the hell do you think your doing?" He yelled at us.

At first I thought he was mad at me for kissing his sister but he was yelling at her for kissing me.

"Are you crazy? He is too old for you and my best friend you can't kiss him. Hello? Olivia are you listening to me?" She was staring at him wondering why he was yelling at her and not at me.

I grabbed his arm "how are you going to yell at her? Are you not mad at me?"

"Mad at you?" He whispered and walked away.

"Where the hell are you going?!" I yelled at him following him up the stairs.

I went into my room and he said "I thought you weren't into my sister. You told me that."

"What does it matter who I go out with? Who I kiss?"

"It doesn't matter. Not anymore. Your were my best friend but you lied to me so I dont know what you want from me anymore?"

He looked so upset so now it came down to being honest or not "I didn't lie to you. I don't like her. I just wanted to piss you off. I'm gay. Does that make you feel better? "

"You are such a liar and an asshole."

When he said that I punched him I wasn't about to be called a liar. We got into a fight and Liv came up there asking what we were doing.

"Hunter just lied to me telling me he was gay. Can you believe that?" He asked his sister.

She helped me up. "You are so stupid. Hunter is gay."

He looked confused but I was done with it, with him. I got the keys and told Liv to come on and we left. We went to the park and were on the swings for a while.

When we got home he grabbed me and asked why his sister knew I was gay before he did. "Because Oli i couldn't tell you. You would ask who I liked then I would have to say you and that seemed like a bad idea especially after you got a girlfriend."

"You like me?" He said with a blush on his face.

I shook my head "no Oli I did like you but not after what happened at the bowling alley. You were an ass not only to me but your sister. I can't like someone who doesn't have my respect."

He looked hurt and he slept on the couch for a few nights. Then one night he came up to my/our room and grabbed me. "I wish you would have told me."

"Why? Your not gay. It wouldn't have mattered."

"Maybe I wouldn't have had a girlfriend if you told me."

"Now that's a lie Oliver. I love you and I have loved you ever since we were 10 years old. You are my best friend. Just because you have been an ass lately doesn't change how I feel."

He put his finger under my chin and smiled. "I love you too you know?"

"No Oliver our love is different you love me as a brother or best friend. I love you as I would marry you and have your babies. It's very different."

He rolled his eyes and put his forehead against mine. "Just give me a couple days ok?"

"A couple days for what?"

"I love you Hunter more than you know."