12. His Departure

They wouldn't let me see him that night. It was really hard for me. At one point in the middle of the night, sometime around three AM, he came up there obviously his dad had fallen asleep. He grabbed my waist kissing me. "I love you. Run away with me. Please. I don't want to loose you."

"They will call the police if we run away. It's only a year. You will still love me in a year. Right?"

"Hunter I love you more then anything. If I have to wait a year to be with you I will. Is that what you think we should do?" He looks like he wants me to say no and man do I want to. I love him so much but if we wait until we are eighteen then our parents can't do anything to separate us.

"I love you so much Oli. You are my best friend. I have loved you for six years and i don't plan on stopping anytime soon. If we have to wait a year then i can wait. I'm not asking you to wait for me. When you go to your aunt's if you find someone-" I say before he cuts me off.

"I don't plan on being with anyone else. You don't have to wait for me either. You know that right?" He pulls away from me.

I grab his shirt "don't leave me. If this is our last night together I want to feel you hold me and kiss me. Please." I say not letting him go.

He instantly wraps his arms around me. He undresses me so and himself so we are both in our boxers. I feel his skin touch mine as he wraps his arms around me in our bed.

The next morning it was early but I felt him being pulled out of the bed by his father. I tried to grab him.

"It's ok Hunter. I love you. One year. I promise I will be here." His dad let him pack some stuff which included a photo of us together, some clothes, a couple books, and a stuffed animal we had gotten on our first date.

He looked at me asking if it was ok he took the stuffed animal I nodded. As his dad was pulling him out of the room and down the stairs I yelled at him that I loved him too. His sister was still at one of her friends houses so she had no idea what was happening.

When she got home that night I hadn't left me room since he was taken away. She came in saying hey then she saw it was only me and asked where he was.

I started crying again only just recently stopping. She looked confused but went and asked our parents she came back in there "what the hell? They kicked him out? Because they caught you?"

I couldn't talk so I just nod. She hugs me saying how sorry she is. I just want to be alone so I lay in bed i can't sleep so i go to the closet and grab one of his shirts. I put it on and it smells like him. I keep crying but after a while finally fall asleep.

I don't leave my bed for the next week. Eventually my mom has to force me out of bed. I go to school come home and go to sleep I only eat the once at school and then sleep from four PM until 4AM then work on homework for two hours shower and go to school.

When my birthday comes around a couple months later my parents want me to celebrate. It is the first time they have even tried to talk to me after the first two weeks of him leaving. I don't want to have a party. This year isn't a year to celebrate next year will be.

I don't leave my bed for my birthday. Olivia thinks its unhealthy for me to be in bed all the time but I can barely force myself to breathe let alone move.

All I do is go to school come home sleep throughout the rest of the year. Some of my teachers are worried about me because I have lost a lot of weight. They keep asking me if everything is alright i just shrug and go on about day. They have called my parents in a couple times. My parents just tell them I'm depressed. Which is true.

When summer finally rolls around I know I only have about six months until I can see him. I couldn't even go watch his graduation. Olivia came in my room one day and had her computer. She turned it on and it had his graduation. I hugged her. He looked skinnier too. He had bags under his eyes which made it look like he hadn't been sleeping.

"Have you talked to him?" I ask her.

She shakes her head. "No if I call aunt Kate she won't let me and he can't pick up the phone. But he is eighteen and not in high school anymore maybe he can come see you."

"When I turn eighteen I'm moving out and going to live with him. I hope. " I said looking at my bed.

"Why wouldn't you?"

"Liv. He is amazing all he has to do is talk to someone and they will fall in love with him. I want him to be happy, Even if it's with someone else."

"You know you are insane right? Just because he never told you he was in love before you told him it doesn't mean that he wasn't. I think he has been in love with you just as long as you have been in love with him. I think the reason he never told you was because he knew that you were the only one in his entire life that could really truly hurt him."

"Why would you think that?" I ask.

"Haven't you seen the way he looks at you? He has always looked at you like that. He has always been jealous when you were around anyone and they got too close. Whenever you leave a room he always watches you. When you come into a room his face lights up. He has never been like that with anyone, girl or guy. He has always been in love with you. Even when we were young."

"He asked me to marry him before the wedding."

She looks shocked when I say this. "What did you say?"

I laugh at her "I said yes obviously. I love him and no matter what happens I want to be with him the rest of my life." She hugged me when I said this.

"Now you can really be my brother." She smiles. "Only six months and you two can be together."

She was right only six months until my birthday. I hope he waited for me.