19. Future

Oliver and I started going on dates after this and once Liv graduated she moved in with us. I was getting a veterinarian degree he was only a year away from his accounting degree. She started going for criminal justice.

We dated until I started veterinary school then Oliver took me to Disney world. We had been dating four years now. We rode rides all day. Olivia loved Space Mountain so we rode that a lot. We were staying for a week.

Oli and I slept in the same bed and Liv slept in the bed next to us. We had passes to every park and we went to one a day. It was fun. On our last night there we were watching the fireworks he had his arms around my waist until the finale then 'will you marry me Hunter?' Came up I turned around looking at him he was down on one knee as I started crying nodding. He got up and hugged me.

We got back to our house in Gainesville the next day. Olivia was so happy for us. He and I got married six months later.

After being married for a year we got two surrogates I he and I were going to have two babies in nine months. Oliver was making good money in his accounting job and I was only around a year and half from graduating from veterinary school. After that Oli and I were going to buy a house big enough for our family.

Ten years later we have a had six kids,4 boys two girls, live in a five bedroom house in Colorado. Olivia lives twenty minutes away. Our parents apologized feverishly after we had children. We eventually let them back in our lives and they saw us just at Christmas and would come for our children's birthdays.

For our kids his surrogate would be white like me and and mine would be mixed like him so we would have no idea whose child was whose.

Even after all this time I'm still in love with him and he is still in love with me. He is still my best friend and knows more about me then I know about myself. After all this time he knows everything that happened at the conversion camp.

We are still happy and still having sex atleast once a week.

                     The End

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