
1. Ebony Moon

The short story symbolizes what happens when people let curiosity get the best of them. Often, people love the paranormal, the good vs. the evil, and try rituals and using objects where they can contact the dead. These people are messing with entities that they have no power seeing, speaking too, and knowing how to deal with, and when the wrong ones come along people face trouble. Later, these entities turn into dead friends and torment the people close to those that contacted them. Furthermore, the story shows the dynamic of wanting to be like everyone else rather than love where you originate and being different. There are people that will do anything so that they fit in, and sometimes, it causes terrible consequences that may be irreversible.

2. Porcelain Doll and 3. Porcelain Doll Pt. 2

This short story was for my creative writing class where I had to write about an object in two different perspectives. Chapter 2 shows a girl that is so ecstatic to have a new doll and wants to be the doll. Tons of little girls think that dolls are pretty and wish to resemble them. She says and thinks nothing but nice things when she details her doll. Chapter 3 shows a rather darker point of view where the sister of the other girl hates the doll and fears it. The doll is seen as this disgusting and demented toy. When she stares at the doll, she fears that it will do something evil. Dolls are a touchy subject, people either love or hate them, and often times entities can possess them. The perspectives show opposite sides of the coin where someone loves something and sees the good while someone else hates the said item and sees the bad.

4. A Secret Recipe

This short story was also for my creative writing course. It's the most disturbing short story that I've written. It's purpose actually came from a video I watched on Facebook about Veganism becoming more popular. I wondered what would happen if it became the only liable food source, because things are popularized, and people often create laws where not everyone can benefit. That's when I decided to create this story about a sociopathic man that craves meat when it becomes illegal all so that animals are treated better. Anthro goes crazy not having something that humans are meant to have, so he kills his dog to satisfy his cravings and the A.H.T. president, making her feel the way that he felt while his urge for meat ruined his life. The story encompasses that no matter what laws people make, they won't benefit the entire population and just because someone is Vegan doesn't mean that others cannot eat meat or wear fur and leather. Anthro regains his power by eating the woman that took something away from him.

The icing on the cake is when he puts her blood on a cake and has his co-workers eat the cake. It shows how twisted he is and how the new law really illustrates how sociopathic he is, and how everyone around him is oblivious to him. The story shows that happens when people get away with taking important things away, how people will break the law in getting what they need, and how people can really be twisted. I believe that people would become cannibals if meat ever became illegal, because most people rely on it; we need it. Selfishness never wins, especially when most people will do anything to get what they want and need.

5. The Sound of Her Own Scream

This short story was an assignment for my Creative Writing Course where I had to write a short story that is unexpected and questionable. The narrator's father is a police officer who is having his daughter bait a child predator. The daughter rethinks her childhood and how much it haunted her, and she screams when the predator makes her feel uncomfortable. When the narrator screams, the short story ends, making it unknown what happens to her. Is she safe or did the man hurt her? Also, the ending may entice readers and make them wonder why the father put his daughter in such a dangerous situation.

6. The Monkey Club

The Monkey Club tells the story of a young eight-year-old girl that is ostracized by her friends when a new student joins the class. Most people love new students, but things take a twist when the narrator's friends seem to care more about the new girl than her. Megan creates a club called "The Monkey Club" because they love the Monkey Bars and invites all the girls in the class but the narrator to join. The narrator becomes angry since she did nothing wrong and seeks her revenge like a spider. She avenges herself by getting back at her victims one at a time so that she teaches them a lesson. She lies about hurting them to prove that she isn't the one to mess with and so that she can show the girls how much they hurt her. All is fair in love and war.

7. A Different Type of Woman

This short story was for extra credit in my Greek Mythology college course. I had to rewrite one of the short stories and write an unexpected ending. I chose "Daphne and Apollo" because it was my favorite, and made Daphne this transgender female. It's unexpected because well, no one can look at a fully transformed trans person and tell if they had changed their gender and appearance or not. Plus, being transgender has its setbacks: Daphne can't give birth and she's living during a time where that's what almost all women did. She's stuck between being her true self but not being able to have a simple female reproductive system. Alas, no one would believe Apollo because he is prideful; so, everything works out in Daphne's favor. Her secret is safe.