Chapter 4 - Cardinal of China

- 18 years before Singularity.

The package she opened was from her husband. The sticky note on the magazine just had a smile on it in Nathan's handwriting. When she removed it, the cover of Shout Magazine read; "Prince Arthur dances with Princess DNA, at opening Gala for Global Supercomputer". The picture was endearing. She was already missing her.

Joy was not pleased with the title, but the picture of her daughter was stunning. Everything about her glowed and she could tell that there was no airbrushing of the picture. Her daughter was just beginning to blossom. She didn't know whether to be proud or jealous. She admitted to herself, she was both. It was agonizing to have lost Genevieve so totally. "He sent this to rub it in my face, how he had won." she screamed as she threw the magazine across the room in a rage.

Extreme emotions sometimes triggered the programming. Her alter asserted itself. Charity was not exactly a simpleton. But nothing affected her. Nothing except for her own desires. Her giving, of herself, in what ever way was asked of her, was who she was. she could give away everything. Pleasure, pain, anything. She wanted to please him now. She opened up the messaging app on her Pomegranate 3, "I want to please you" she texted. Charity put down the pad and began to touch herself. She pushed her own underwear aside and began to rub her own vulva. Her satin panties became damp. The pad answered. "Delete this, Jurisprudence" Her consciousness shifted as she deleted the text message. Joy's mind returned to her & she was no longer bothered by the magazine. She just felt hurt by Nathan.

Joy finished her breakfast, and continued to open yesterday's mail. Once she was done, she did her dishes, dressed for work, & put her hair up, wrapping it tightly & professionally. She chose her orange suit with royal blue blouse & put them on. After she finished putting on her makeup. She left for work. Bishop Rothschild expected her to be on time. So she always made sure she was there about 20 minutes early. At this rate, she'd only be about 10. Her driver was waiting for her as she left her apartment.

***3 weeks later***

Her car pulled up to the servant's entrance of Michelangelo's famous Sistine Chapel which had been closed off to tourists, suggesting that the College of Cardinals in the Vatican is getting prepared to meet again with the Pope. Bishop Rothschild's day had finally come. He finally had his 3 main agenda points ready to be voted on. All her work, increasing attendance in Britain, had gotten the Pope's attention. Bishop Rothschild, took her ideas & used them in other parishes. She was so happy to be serving him & the Lord so faithfully.

When she entered his chambers, they spoke about his referendums. Going over the finer points of each was simple enough. The first was the most likely to pass, her very own "Friends & Family Plan." It was always understood between them, the importance of this idea, as a way to ensure the others were also taken seriously. Bringing back sacramental wine for all parishioners during the Eucharist, other Holy ceremonies & Sunday's. They both expected this one would be shot down, on the docket, but at least it would be presented. Finally, upon having shot down his 2nd item, the greatness of the 1st led to an understanding of how how it will help the church so much, so feeling like they owe him, they'll vote for the 3rd. The one agenda item, he wanted the most to be voted upon, and have become a Papal decree. The chance for the creation of the position, Cardinal of China. It had been over 1/2 of a century since Nixon went. China has had it's gains & losses lately. The 3D printer revolution in the Americas crippled the Made in China label across the globe.

However, China's bankers still held great debt vouchers from the US for previous decades worth of consumerist opulence, before the corona virus lowered their population like Italy.

China was much more Austrian-capitalistic in this decade. They were willing to take what manufacturing jobs they could get, & Bishop Rothschild had one in mind for them, but it would need to come with a foothold in their territory, to keep a close eye on the project, while expanding the reach of the church.

Bishop Rothschild enters the college with the others. A confident look on his face.


Cardinal Rothschild leaves the college with the others. A smile on his face. Everything had gone perfectly, exactly as planned. Upon reaching the office of his chambers, Joy was waiting for him, with anticipation. "Call Ambassador Wong & arrange our travel plans. We'll both need new passports, as well." he said as she spun her chair around with her arms in the air. "I got them last month." He smiles at her. She makes the call to the ambassador & he goes into his private chambers.

After the call, they discuss plans for the evening. She would arrange a going away party. One that will make the other cardinals not only wish him God's speed in his endeavors, but create, loyalty, he can count on, when he returns. He used the gestures and words to alter Joy to Charity. He needed her to give of herself tonight. "Your choir. Make sure they attend the late night services we are planning." he said with a deviousness that gave Charity a grin of excitement. She new the new recruits were ready for a night like this. "It will be debaucherous!" she whispered.


Over a hundred Cardinals attended. Charity had to reach out to other monarch handlers to ensure there were enough entertainers. They had all arrived in plenty of time. The one troupe was like Cirque du Soleil. None of the others could compare in flexibility. Each group had their own talents, beyond the obvious. They had been programmed with an array of abilities. One spun fire as the closing act, one of their team was even given their brand, that night, before all in attendance. Charity was honored to do it to the new recruit. The young woman's Mistress was once the recruit of Charity. Her pyramid now had a new brick.

Before everyone, Charity kissed her. Then Charity gave her the brand. She passed out from the pain, to the roar of applause. This ended the nights planned festivities. The rest would devolve into drink and debauchery through out the Rothschild mansion. The cameras and microphones in every room would generate the loyalty Cardinal Rothschild had desired.

Charity and the Cardinal enjoyed each other through the night. She gave herself over to him completely, like she always did. Normally there are rules about doing anything that could cause a pregnancy in a monarch programmed individual. Especially ones who have been partitioned for different users, but they would be leaving for China, for over a year. So he celebrated his success as he pleased.

As the Cardinal basked in the afterglow with Charity, he thought to himself, "Nothing and no one, could stand in his way now."

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