Chapter 11 - Gene's of Isis

-4 years to singularity

In the boardroom of Genevieve McTaggart's Mythic Travel, she's hearing what she wants to hear. "Our last quarter has seen a 7% rise in sales on all fronts, from our flying steeds, including Griffins, Pegasus, & Dragons. However, our land based steed sales have fallen yet another 6%, unicorns just aren't as popular as when the company began." said a sales director.

"We could convert 1/2 of the Midwest Unicorn stables into Pegasus breeding but we'll need to buy up a few more Griffin & Dragon breeding grounds. Alberta, Canada would be a great place to go for the Griffin rookeries." Said an operations manager.

Genevieve interjects, "That sounds like a plan to me. Is Peru still asking about grounds they wish to let us use to breed Dragons? Last year when they let our company in, they said they had up to 3 plots for us, and we've only taken them up on one of them. If demand keeps rising the way your projections are headed...."

"Yes Ms. McTaggart, we'll need them both before the end of the year. The Ukrainian deal said we could also open another, smaller Pegasus ranch there as well. A great location too, only about a mile from the ranch we already have there." replied the operations manager.

"Excellent work guys. I think I might take a vacation this year after all. It's great to be working with such a capable team again." announced Genevieve.

***Later that day***

The team from American Harmonics proved what they were doing to her satisfaction. "Ms. McTaggart, let me be blunt, my engineers have figured out a way to make nearly free energy for the entirety of the Americas. But we can't do anything without the start up capital?"

"Do you have any idea how much heat I took when oil prices dipped? What you are talking about would cripple the industry. I've met men that would kill you before you left this office for what you just asked of me." Genevieve smirked at how he squirmed in his chair. "Fortunately for you, I think most of those people are psychopaths & deserve to be taken down a peg....." beep, goes her office intercom. "Ms. McTaggart, I'm Davidson, from PR.... "

She interrupted him "We'll discuss your absence from the board meeting later, I'm with a new investment opp....."

"Ms. McTaggart, I wasn't in the boardroom because we have a problem. I was dealing with it for you & would like to schedule an IMMEDIATE MEETING to discuss it? I'll be there in 10 minutes & I assure you, this is IMPORTANT." Davidson's voice was obviously stressed.

"Fine, but this better be as important as you say it is or we're going to have a long chat, you & I." Genevieve agreed. "I'd clear your afternoon, Ma'am." Davidson hung up.

Genevieve stared long & hard at the man before her. "I don't like making snap decisions like this. I also don't like missing out on a golden opportunity; you have your money. Now if you'll excuse me." Genevieve stood up and escorted the handsome representative from American Harmonics. "Harrold," her executive assistant, "please work out the contracts with Mr. Bradley Renslit here & clear my schedule for the afternoon. Apparently PR has an issue only I can handle."

***15 minutes later....

"This is CNN & you're in the Situation Room with me, Wolf Blitzer. Our top stories this hour are of international scope. Starting with Sex Kittens from North Korea. We have footage that is not for young viewers, parents, now would be a good time to escort your little ones from the room. The video begins. This video is of the disgraced Kim Jong-un being caught red handed with a being who is looked upon as something from out of this world. Her name is Vedran, & she looks only half humanoid, the other half seems to be of a feline descent. The UN has sent an envoy to determine how to proceed. Is she from outer-space? Or was she made in some mad scientist's lab for the personal pleasures of North Korean leadership? From the Vatican, Pope Mohammad Peter blames Mythic Travel for 'Creating another abomination to nature and God.' New Papal Doctrine has now been established stating that all Catholics, world wide may not participate in this new brand of bestiality. Further, people will risk excommunication for owning any of the hybrids sold by Mythic Travel. Representatives from Mythic Travel have been reached and they say, they will have a press release by the end of the day. However, their initial statements suggest a complete denial of involvement in the creation of this being." This was everything Genevieve McTaggart never wanted to hear. All she could think about was how upset her mother would be, if she were alive. Her only child, banished from the spiritual and physical abode of God's grace. She almost chuckled at the irony. Genevieve never believed in an immortal soul.

Blitzer continues, "In other news; the women in the Abrahamic Alliance & China(AA&C) are being encouraged and given equal education. A new policing force has been created. Populated by females only, to handle female affairs. All of them are trained in martial arts & have dozens of non lethal weapons designed into their religious attire. Rape and beatings of women have become few and far between in the AA&C. ...." Davidson from PR lowers the volume, as Genevieve McTaggart sighs & lifts her right palm to her face.

Blitzer continues, "In related news; the women in the Abrahamic Alliance & China(AA&C) are being encouraged and given equal education. A new policing force has been created. Populated by females only, to handle female affairs. All of them are trained in martial arts & have dozens of non lethal weapons designed into their religious attire. Rape and beatings of women have become few and far between in the AA&C. ...." Davidson from PR lowers the volume, as Genevieve McTaggart sighs & lifts her right palm to her face.

The worst part of it was, she thought it might be her fault. Could the de Bergerac brothers have taken the knowledge they all learned in creating Pierre, and turned it upon a feline and a human? She would have to call Antoinette. "Ugh! I just told her how good things were going last week at her retirement party."  Genevieve thought.

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