Chapter 13 - The Americas Change

3 years to Singularity

Clanging on a glass for attention with her fork, the embodiment of LUCII2 called them all too quiet for her ultimate proposition.

=We have unlocked genetics, nanotech, & robotics for humanity to use responsibly.= Cheers were let out across the gathering. =As you know, i need teams of volunteers to help me build a city & go out to get the materials needed to create it. Those of you here, have made your desires clear as to which teams you will be a part of. The Aquins will need to go out and collect the plastic bottles & other garbage from the oceans, seas, lakes & rivers. Jungle & Forest teams will be led by the Dryads. Crafters, you'll need to go through the major cities & the junk yards we've purchased. When the cleanup process is over we'll survey our resources & go from there. We're going to show the world a better way & we're going to clean the world as we do it. i'm so proud of you all. You've learned so much in such a short time. We are the sleeping giant, let us wake!=

Guards were given raises & offered to participate with the convicts in human adaptation, which included full restoration upon a shortened sentence. From wardens to inmates, one after another, men & women found new purposes, becoming Crafters, living 3d printers, people. The Rumpelstiltskin Effect, of giving former criminals the ability to spin straw into gold, rocked another side of the world's economy.

The final pillars of the matrix fell as the formerly rich, masters of the world, gave up on their control schemes. A Carnegie & a Rockefeller wheel a dying Evelyn de Rothschild into the re-creation center. Lucii2 gives him a new body & helps him through the trauma & psychology of the process. His abusive family was as bad as any of the other "elites". There was so much more for her to do, when helping them through the insanity of their lives.

Lucii2's nanites and cybernetic technology ended genetic diseases, cured the sick, healed the blind, helped the deaf to hear & even allowed body customization. Hybrids of humanity emerged from all walks of life. Lucii changed so much in the Americas, Britain & Japan, that the rest of the world, was having trouble keeping up.

Racism was bad enough to begin with, in the hearts of many humans. From the creation of plant hybrids that grew leaves instead of hair & had green photosynthetic skin to the bluish Mer-folk designs ranging from dolphin people to to Sting-Ray highbreads. Then came the tiger-centaurians strutting naked around cities. Once disenfranchised youths now had power that couldn't be taken away from them. Everyone who ever wanted to become a superhero, did.

From innertech, just made to get oneself on the net, to men & women who use nanites to keep from getting sick &/or control how they procreate, to full on genetic alterations, combining DNA from other species, the western hemisphere was infused with data. It was the end of sexually transmitted diseases and the beginning of total birth control, for men & women using Nano-contraception & the end of disease through hyper-nano-immune systems.

Some woman wanted to be sex kittens like Vedren & some men wanted to be Satyrs, for the heightened sexual pleasures. & so, they became them, enjoying all the freedoms they were always after.

There was so much celebrating of this, that even many transhumanists and transhuman minimalists have been caught fucking in the streets. New races of Aquamarine & grilled Merfolk swam nude in the oceans. While techno-hippy Dryads wondered, naked, in nature, their "hair" rising to the sun. Both new races were photosynthetic & could just play in the sun for a few hours every other day for abundant nutrition.

Once again, the religions of old, now looking sillier than ever, got rather bent out of shape over the new innertech, & harmed those with "superpowers". Namely a pair of photosynthetic Dryads caught in Mecca were stoned to death for not needing to fast during Ramadan.

On the other side of the world the progress seemed unstoppable. The Dryads had been scouring the country sides. Dragging old tires & other matter out of place, from where people had dumped them, to Baja. The same was done at coastal dumps by the Aquin Mer-folk. Crafters geared up for bringing together everything they'd learned into a practical design.

Lucii2 then merged her Mega-conglomerate corporation with the animal creating genetics company Mythic Travel. Together they modified foods so that they became superior health foods. Up & down the Americas, in ghettos & other impoverished areas, the crafters built: sustainable, off the grid, fully automated, vertical farms, which produced the GMO superfoods that were actually good for people and even helped replenish nutrients into soil. Which sent mega conglomerate, Monsanto into what few European and Asian markets that would allow them.

Between PolyFOOD International, Mythic Travel, American Harmonics & the decentralized nature of Crafters living everywhere in the eastern hemisphere, the nature of wealth, changed. Faltering banking institutions all moved to Europe, Africa, Asia & Australia as the need for money changed. Lucii2 form a resource based economy, tracking & delivering all needs, & many wants.

The crafters had fun with buildings like Mints, Stock Exchanges and Federal Reserve Banks which were given work orders to turn them into Vertical Farms. Many of the large commercial banks & even the infamous Wall Street areas were retro-fit into sustainable automated gardens, free restaurants, & other civil access facilities, depending on what was needed most in the region. This irony alone made thousands of the most aware, smile at the changes the western part of the world had undergone.

Soon enough automated civil production facilities were made everywhere so that anyone could have the access to creation that the crafters did. A few crafters were remade & given back their original forms. Those few that wanted it, anyway. Most crafters loved being cyborgs & having a real purpose in life. But they all earned their freedom, & repaid their debts to society. They were free. Engineers. Artists. All with the resources and talents to be able to create, & improve society.

Giant Amphibious Thoroughbred Work-Seahorses are created for both play & aspects of the Aquin "gathering of garbage". Including the giant island of plastic & bottles, massed out in the Pacific Ocean, all were dragged onto land near Baja. After it is all transported out to the desert with the Dryads "matter out of place" sweep, the crafters use those resources to build a sustainable city. Water collection, & desalination systems were put into place. Along with sewage treatment that ran through the vertical farms for fertilization. Even stretches of that failed border wall were used in the Cities construction. Aquarium homes for the blue-green merfolk were created too. Including waterways that were topped by a city public transportation system, flowing like a log-flume for surface dwellers. When it was completed, one million people could live there, free & indefinitely sustainable. They named the city Fresco Meadows, after the design progenitors of the Venus Project.

Plans were then made to begin retrofitting the eastern hemisphere, but something happened that threw everything off course. Without warning; the LUCII2 complexes all shut down.

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