Chapter 20 - The Archangel Michael

It had been 3 days since the Bishop Ramirez plans had been put into effect. He & the pope couldn't have been happier with how it had all worked out. The current leaders of the Orange Catholic Church were gloating to themselves about how it all worked so easily. When they were done patting each other on the back, Ramirez left the Pope to the silence of his evening prayers. The sound of wings fluttering, startled Mohammad Peter. He turned to see the gleaming & beautiful being, land on his balcony. The surprise of it all left his mouth hanging open, but silent.

"I am the Archangel Michael & I have come from the LORD to demand your repentance!" the being spoke with a boldness that frightened him to the core. He fell out of his chair onto his knees. As he looked upon the angelic creature before him, his fears grew & grew. Now half expecting the Wrath of God to rip him apart at any moment. "REPENT SINNER!"

"I'm sorry O'Lord, Bless me Father, for I have sinned." He said out of fear.

"WHAT ARE YOU EVEN REPENTING FOR? DO YOU EVEN KNOW?" the angel screamed at him.

"I know not what I have done to offend thee Lord." cried the Pope, beginning at the robes of the winged one. Lifting his head to plead, it's met with a forceful strike. He couldn't think at all, & his nose was gushing blood. Dizzy, but now determined, the pope lifts himself off the floor. Seeing 2 swirling angles form into one as his eyes refocus. The pope tastes his own blood & touches his lip. Finding blood on his fingers, he says "You hit me?"

"I'LL DO MORE THAN THAT IF YOU DON'T BEG FORGIVENESS FOR WHAT YOU HAVE DONE!" boomed Michael. The pope saw the truth, for once

"That felt like a person. Not a divine being." Shouted Michael, "KNEEL!"

"Never, not to your corrupt flesh, never again!" he dove for the dart gun on the desk. Once he got it, he turned and fired wildly, running towards the feathers he now saw before him. Diving off the balcony, Michael jumped, gliding over Vatican City & out of the pope's sight.

Gritting his teeth he grumbles "Luciifour incarnate." Stomping across the room he finally rings the bell for help. His broken nose will need to be set, & he knows it. "Mass tomorrow..." he growls to himself, "I'll look like a fool!" throwing his desk across the room, it's contents scattering. Writing implements roll across, & papers float down to the floor.


The next day's mass was perplexing. Many of the parishioners were confused by the Pope's sermon. Most of it was just him ranting about corrupt flesh until he finally gave way to talking about the "....Demon took on the form of an Angel & entered my room last night. LUCIIFOUR tried to assassinate me, but I prevailed." There were shocked gasps through the audience, which then became cheering. As the cheering settled & the pope was about to speak again, there was a clap, from a nearby tower. Another. & another. The clapping was rhythmic, yet sarcastic. There, for the masses to see was Michael, naked save for a rope belt, holding a brown sack. Now flapping his wings, lifting himself off the tower roof, continuing the mocking clap. "YOU FUCKING SHEEP! YOU DESERVE THIS ASS HOLE AS YOUR SHEPHERD." He reaches for the sack & begins to toss what looks like glitter all across the mass of orange catholics. "THINK, HAPPY, HAPPY THOUGHTS!"

The people below started to bray & mule. As they grunt at each other in panic, all that's seen is the people becoming actual sheep. The nanites sprinkled on the crowd had begun immediately altering the genetic patterns from Homo Sapien to Ovis Aries. Michael laughs and laughs, flapping his wings above them.

In his horror and helplessness, the pope loses his sanity. As he backs away from the window, he turns towards his Armor. Hopping into it like an Iron Maiden, he blasts his jets without even putting on the safety harnesses. Straight towards the Luciifourian, the pope flies off his balcony, & smashing into the creature. Michael smiles. Then into the ground, crushing the angel on impact. "NOOOO! It can't be over so fast! That wasn't satisfying enough!" He begins to cry. Wiping the blood & feathers from his armor.

The Baa's that drove him insane, ceased. He turned around. Staring, & once again horrified, he watches as the sheep, slowly become sheeple, & finally turn back into the normal people they had been before mass. As the people stumble home, the pope falls to his knees and begins to pray.

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