I endured my College days.
I aspired to become an Electrical Engineer on 2015.
I was challenged and doubted myself on 2016.
I was inspired and enjoyed the path I take on 2017.
I faced a lot of problems on 2018.
I barely survive College and make it through on 2019.
I graduated on 2020.
I passed the board exam this 2021.
Now what?
Currently, what I'm doing right now is...
1. Preparing all requirements for the job I applied for, Project Engineer
2. Playing World Zero (An MMORPG game in Roblox)
3. Writing (I finally got out of the writer's block pit)
There's a lot of things I wanted to do, seriously... however, I must start to filter out and give up stuffs that takes up most of my time, but not right now, it's already 9 in the evening. It's time for me to sleep.
Mantra: Don't think of what they think, what matters is what you want for your own future.
October 12, 2021 | 9:11 PM