Chapter 2: Introductions


What happened next shocked the butterflies outta me.

Chapter 2

"What the fuck are you all staring at!!! Turn around and mind your own god damn business!!!" Growled Rex. Surely by now all the students were now whispering and conversing with each out without spearing me a glance. I was shocked to say the least.

Rex had never yelled, much more growled, in front of me before nor did he ever swear when I was in hearing range. I look over at him to see his jaw clenched and his hands in a fist. I slowly placed my hand onto his and his head snapped to me.

I wasn't afraid of him or anything but I really didn't like yelling or swearing it reminds me that the words isn't all sunshines and rainbows. I know that it isn't from first hand experience (will be reviled later in the story) but I like to focus in the light in the word and not the dark.

"Thank you Rex, I appreciate what you did but next time you can try being nice." I said to him. I really was thankful that he removed the attention from me but he could've been nicer about it.

"Anytime and I promise I'll try to be nicer." He told my while ruffling my hair. I swat his hand away to see that he was now relaxed and had a small smile on his lips.

When the teacher had finally calmed the chattering in the class he turned to me and asked me to introduce myself, with my name and an interesting fact about myself. I slowly stood up and took a deep breadth, "Hi my mame is Sophia Rodriguez and I was home schooled most of my life."

Everyone in the room looked at me as if I grew a second head. After about a minute of awkward silence the teacher cleared his throat and asked of anyone had questions. Immediately hands shot up. He called on a girl named Stacey and she asked again if i was related to my brothers, what is it with people and my brothers?! The teacher called on a boy named Jackson and he asked if I was single, I mean of course I am and I was gonna tell him but the chair beside my scraped back but before Rex could get up the teacher ended the introductions.

The class was boring as I had already learned most of the stuff during home school. The next three classes where also boring and with Rex and 3rd with Ryan. It was nearing the end of 4th period and I was fidgeting in my seat and not so patiently waited for the bell to ring. As soon as it went off I threw my stuff in my bag, grabbed Rex's arm and sped out of the classroom.

Rex chuckled at my actions and lead the way to the cafeteria. On the way their almost anyone that was in the way of Rex and I moved aside...weird.

Rex walked up to a table that Ryan along with 4 big, buff guys and 2 girls. When we got closer I realised there was only one seat which Rex practically ran to.

I rolled my eyes and went over to Ryan I gave him a hug and a kiss on the cheek I was about to pull away but he pulled me to sit on his lap. All of my brothers did that if i didn't have a place to sit, its not in any way sexual just a place for me to sit.

Both of the girls looked at me and started talking about how cute and adorable I was. I didn't mind but I could help the heat that rose to my cheeks. I buried my face in Ryan's chest and I could feel him laughing at me. I look up at him and pouted and said, "Don't laugh at me!!!"

I could see he was trying to hold back a laugh again so I huffed and turned around to be met my two of the guys smiling like goofballs,one staring at his phone almost angrily and one whispering to the girl beside him. The other girl was eating and laughed at something Rex said.

After Ryan calmed down he introduced me to the people sitting at the table. "Guys this is Sophia my baby sister." I slapped him on the arm and said, "I'm not a baby!"

"Yeesh so violet..." He said while rubbing his arm. "Anyway that girl next to Rex is Claire, next to her is Max, Ashton or Ash, Rosie, Jesse and Caleb. Say hi!" He say while pointing to each of them respectively.

"Hi guys!" I say in the most cheery voice I could muster. The girls started to gush on how adorable i was. While the boys just said hi. All except Jesse he looked up and then back down again.

"Don't feel bad about what Jesse does, he's a grumpy pants." Ryan whisper into my ear. I giggle and look at Caleb who says, "So you're the new girl everybody is talking about." I looked at him with a raised eyebrow and asked, "What do you mean 'everybody is talking about ' why would they talk about me?"

He looks and say something i never thought i'd hear, "C'mon the bad boys of East Side Prep don't just bring their baby sister to school everyday. We didn't even know you existed and we're their only friends." I look at him shocked.

I turned to look at Rex and Ryan to see that they were silently looking at the table or glaring at Caleb. "What does he mean by the 'Bad Boys' of East Side Prep?" I asked with narrowed eyes. They were about to answer when the bell rang. They were literally saved by the bell.

I hopped of off Ryan's lap and started walking away but not before I turned around and said, "This discussion isn't over yet." And yes it was a very dramatic exit.

(Thank you to those of you who decided to give my book a shot. I will update again soon.)