Swim Down

At Sunset Toy Store, Hilary was looking at dolls when Alex Harpo, a young redhead boy with freckles, brown eyes, and an amputated right arm approached her.

"Hi. I'm Alex. I think I've seen you around school. You're in Miss Richards' class, right?"

Hilary smiled and nodded.

A trio of kids walked up to Alex. "Almost ready, Alex?" One of them asked.

"These are my friends, Erica, Sheldon, and Jordan."

"Hi." They said at the same time.

"Come on. Let's go." Sheldon urged Alex as the trio started to leave.

"You wanna come hang out?" Alex asked Hilary.

"Sure." Hilary picked up her backpack and followed the group.

They were about to open the door to leave when two of the store's employees held the doors closed. Jim Pride, a man with brown hair and brown eyes, and Larry Aldrin, a brawny man with blue eyes and a cleft in his chin. "Hold it right there!"

"Where do you think you're going?" Jim pointed at Hilary. "Open up your bag."


"Don't think I didn't see you rob us." The group exchanged a glance. "Open your bag."

"But I didn't take anything."

Larry angrily grabbed Hilary's backpack and searched through it, finding some action figures in it. "And a liar, too."

Hilary turned to Alex and the others. "That's why you were talking to me. So your friends could put that stuff in there."

"Hilary, I'm shocked." Jim turned to Alex. "And you kids- just who do you think you are?"


"I'm sorry, Mr. Mayor, but your daughter was shoplifting." Larry explained to Derek, who he had called shortly after catching the kids.

Derek turned to Hilary. "Were you?" She shook her head.

"Well, look for yourself." Jim pointed to the counter, on which were Hilary's backpack and some toys taken from it.

Derek took a look at the toys. "My daughter knows better than to steal." He took Hilary's backpack and zipped it, looking at Alex accusingly. "It was obviously him. We're going."

Derek and Hilary were about to leave the store when Jack entered.

"Hilary. What happened?"

"Jack, must I remind you that genetics mean nothing? You're not her father and it's all taken care of."

"I'm here because I'm the sheriff."

"Oh, that's right. Go on, do your job. Take care of that miscreant."

Jack walked past Derek as he and Hilary left. "Did you call his parents?"

"Uh, the number he gave us was... disconnected." Jim explained and then walked away to return to work.

"Did you give them a fake number?" Jack asked Alex, who shook his head. "Then why is it disconnected?"

"'Cause my parents couldn't pay the bill."

Jack picked up a deck of cards Alex planned to steal. "You're just trying to help out, huh?"

Alex nodded. "Please, please don't arrest me. It'll just make things worse for my parents."


Later, Jack pulled up in front of a house with Alex in the backseat. "This it?"

Alex nodded. They both unfastened their seat belts. Jack opened his car door and prepared to get out of the car.

"Please, no." Alex pleaded. "If my parents see you, they'll be so embarrassed."

Jack closed the door and leaned closer to him, knowing that he was lying. "Tell me the truth, money problems aside, is everything okay at home?"

"Yeah, we're great. Can I go?"


Alex climbed out of the car. Jack started the engine and watched him go up the front steps. Alex stopped at the door, seeing that Jack was now out of sight.

"He's gone." Alex looked relieved. He went down the steps, around the side of the house, to the backyard climbing over a fence and reached the house's storeroom, which he had been living in. Alex put the toys he got onto a shelf.

Suddenly, Alex heard floorboards creaking and a door closing. He followed the noise and came into the house through a trapdoor. Suddenly, Jack appeared behind him.

"Why did you lie to me?" Alex turned to face Jack, startled. "Where are your parents?"

"I don't have any."


Soon, Jack took Alex to the apartment. Alex ate at the table, while Jack and Laura Reed stood off to the side, quietly talking.

"Do you know him? Does he go to your school?"

"I've seen him, but... I had no idea. None of us did."

"Alexander Harpo." Jack read from a profile. "Said his mother was a woman named Elizabeth Harpo. She died a few years ago." Laura Reed shook her head. "No one seems to know her or remember her."

"And the father?"

"There isn't one- at least not one that they know."

"What does, uh, what does social services say?" Jack paused, saying nothing. "You didn't report him."

"I report him, I can't help him. He goes into the system." Jack whispered.

"The system that's supposed to help."

"Yeah, says the woman who wasn't in it for sixteen years. Do you know what happens? They get thrown into homes where they're a meal ticket. Nothing more. These families get paid for these kids, and as soon as they're too much work, they get tossed out and it all starts over again."

"But they're not all like that."

"All the ones I was in."

"What, we're just gonna adopt him?"

"I want to look for his father. He doesn't know him. He may not know he exists."

"And you think if he knows, he'll want him?"

"I don't know. But what I do know is that it's hard enough finding foster families to take a kid that isn't theirs. It's his best shot."


In the hall of records, an older, gray-haired man was working behind his desk when Jack approached him.

"Excuse me, Mr.-" He glanced at the nameplate "-Sherman? I'm sheriff Swan. I'm hoping to look at the birth certificate of Alexander Harpo."

"Well, just, uh," He took out some papers. "Fill out this form... in triplicate." He stamped all three.

Jack took the forms cautiously and filled them out. "Okay."

After searching from a drawer, he turned to face Jack. "I'm sorry, mate. That document has been recently removed."

"By who?"


In Derek's office in the town hall, Jack asked him about the birth certificate.

"Don't worry, Jack. You can relax. I've contacted social services. Turns out this kid is on his own. He needs help."

"Which is exactly what I'm trying to do. I'm trying to find his father."

"Well... he doesn't exist." He handed back the file to Jack.

"He has to."

"Well, of course, biologically, he exists, but there's no record of him, which means we have no choice. This boy needs a home, so he'll be put in the foster system."

"Pixfare has a foster system?"

"No, but I have contacted the state. They put us in touch in a home in Boston."

"They're sending him away?"

"I don't like it either, but we've got no choice. You need to have him in Boston tonight."


"Well, you wanted to be sheriff. This is what sheriffs do. Yes, you're taking him."


"This child needs a home. I'm just trying to find the best one."


Hilary entered the Sheriff Department while Jack searched for information about Alex's father. "Any luck?"


"I know who he is." She took out her Pixar Storybook and opened it to the Finding Nemo story. "Young boy with a little arm, lost, no parents. Nemo."

"Anything in there about the dad?"

"Just that he searched the ocean to find him."

"Not in this case. Whoever this guy is, he could be in Loas by now."

"No, he's here."

"Just how do you know that?" Jack scoffed.

"'Cause no one leaves Pixfare. No one comes here. No one goes. It's just the way it is."

"I came here."

"Because you're special. You're the first stranger here, ever."

Jack took out a file from a cabinet and sat at his desk. "Right. I forgot. Well, if he's around here anywhere, I'm gonna find him."

Hilary sat on the edge of the desk. "Can you tell me about her?"

"Who her?"

"My mother. I told you about your parents. Now you're even living with your mom."

"Laura Reed isn't- she's... never mind."


Jack turned to Hilary. "I was pretty young. I'd just gotten out of the foster system, and the only job I could get was at this 24-hour diner just off the interstate. And, um... your mom was training to be a cop. She always got the worse shifts, so she'd come in and order coffee and pie and sit at the counter and always complained that we didn't sell pumpkin pie, but she always came back the next day anyway."

"Did you get married?"

Jack chuckled. "Oh, no. Nothing like that. We just- we hung out a few times outside of work. And... life happened. Hers got better and mine got worse, and... I got into some trouble."

"When you went to jail."

"Yeah." Jack sighed. "And... I tried to contact her. And I found out... that she died saving a family from a burglar. So you think I'm the savior, Hilary? She was. Your mother was a real hero."

"Do you have anything of hers? Something you can remember her by? Something I can see?"

Jack thought for a moment, trying to remember. "I...I don't." He suddenly realized something and got an idea. "Hilary... I'm sorry. I gotta go. I may know how to find this guy."

Hilary got off the desk as Jack stood up and left.


Alex was eating from a plate of cookies when Jack came downstairs, holding a box.

"I want to show you something." He took out a black eye mask from the box.

"What's that?" Alex asked.

"It's a mask. It's something I've held onto my whole life. It's the only thing that I have from... from my parents. I've spent a lot of time with a lot of kids in your situation, and all of them... all of us... we held on to stuff. I want to find your father, but I need your help. Is there anything of his you've held onto?"

Alex got an idea. "I might have something." He took out a scuba mask from his bag and gave it to Jack.

"A diving mask?"

"My mom kept it. She said it was my dad's. We used to always go snorkeling."

"Thank you."

"Did you find them?"


"Your parents."

"Not yet. But I'm gonna find yours."


Jack entered Ms. Wood's store as she chiseled a wooden piece.

"Jack. How lovely to see you." She put down the tools. "I'm flattered to take time off your busy schedule for me. What can I do for you, sheriff?"

Jack put the mask on the table in front of her. "I'm looking for information on this old driver's mask. Any idea where it could've come from?"

She took the mask in her hands, examining it. "Well, well. Look at the detail. You know, this is tempered glass, this faceplate? Despite the rather unfortunate shape it's in, this is actually quite an unusual piece." She put the mask down on the table again. "The person who owned this obviously had great taste."

"And where would someone like that buy it?"

"Right here, of course."

"You know it?"

"Indeed. A piece like this is difficult to forget."

"Do you happen to remember who bought it?

"Well, I'm good with names, Jack, but," She walked to another side of the shop. "Maybe not that good. However, as luck would have it, I do keep quite extensive records..." She opened a drawer and searched in it. "And... yes." She took out a white card. "Here we are." she held up the card but said nothing.

Jack understood what it was that she wanted. "What's your price?"


"How about tolerance?"

"Well, that's a start. The mask was purchased by a Mr. Martin Brooks."

"Anything else?"

"Just a name, but I generally find that's all one needs." Jack nodded then turned and walked towards the door. "Good luck with your investigation."

Jack looked back at her and then continued to walk away.


After learning that Martin was a tour guide at the Pixfare Aquarium, Jack decided to visit him. He showed Martin the file about Alex, but after reading it, Martin gave it back, shaking his head. "Not possible."

"Actually it is."

"I'm sorry. Look, Elizabeth- she wasn't my, um... It was just once." He turned back and faced the fish tank.

"Sometimes that's all it takes."

"I met her when I was snorkeling... And, we um… No. It's not possible. I don't have a son."

"Yes, you do." Martin turned his head and look at Jack. "You have a son who's been homeless ever since his mother passed away. Your son has been living in an abandoned house." Martin continued watching the tank. "Your son is about to be shipped off to Boston unless you stepped up and take responsibility for him."

"Look, I have enough with my job here. I don't have time for a kid." Martin walked back to his tour group that was watching the fish tank. "Why are you so sure he's mine?"

"Besides the timing?" Jack took out the diver's mask. "Have you ever seen this?"

Martin walked towards Jack as he handed him the mask. "I lost this."

"Let me guess- twelve years and nine months ago?" Martin looked up. "I know it's a lot. Believe me, I know. A month ago, a kid showed up on my doorstep. His mother gave up for adoption, asking for help with… something, I ended up moving here, for her."

"I heard about that. It's the mayor's daughter. But... staying in town is... a lot different from taking him in."

"I don't have my kid because I don't have a choice. You do. That kid didn't ask to be brought to this world. You brought him into this world. You and his mother. And he needs you. If you choose not to take him, you're going to have to answer for that every day of your life. And sooner or later when he finds you- because believe me he'll find you... you're going to have to answer to him."

Martin paused for a moment. "I'm really sorry. I am," He put the mask back into Jack's hand. "I don't know anything about being a dad. If it's a good home you're looking for, it's not with me." He turned around and returned to his tour group. Jack looked down in disappointment, feeling like he failed to do his job.


Laura Reed, Hilary, and Alex were baking in the kitchen when the phone rang. Laura Reed stepped away to answer the phone. "Hello."

"Hey, it's me." Jack's voice came from the other side. "I need you to come outside right away."

"It's everything okay?"

"Don't say anything to Alex, but no, it's not."

Laura Reed turned to take a look at the kids, who were both smiling.


"He doesn't want him." Jack told Laura Reed as they stood out on the sidewalk.

"And you don't want to tell them."

"I can't, because all I'll be telling him is that false hope I gave him is exactly that."

"The truth can be painful, Jack, but it can also be cathartic."

"I agree with the painful part."

"Well, hey, look, you told Hilary the truth- that her mother is dead- and she's handling it great."

"I didn't tell her the truth."

She looked at him, confused. "What?"

"Hilary's mother was no hero, and trust me, she doesn't need to know the real story. Maybe we can hide Alex, just until we can find a family for him- someone to take care of him."

"Yes, hiding a twelve-year-old is a good plan?"

"You have a better idea?"

"Or maybe there isn't an idea. Maybe you just have to-"

"Sheriff, shouldn't you be on the interstate?" Derek suddenly came from behind them.

"What are you doing here?" Jack asked.

"Seeing to it that you do your job."

"You know that you don't need to check up on me. I know what I have to do."

"Really? Because that kid is supposed to be in Boston tonight."


Later that night, Alex sadly stared at the window of the police car. Jack opened the door for Alex to get into the car while Derek and Hilary watched them a few feet away.

"Come on. It's gonna be…" Jack took out the diver's mask and gave it back to Alex. "Here. I'm sorry, but we gotta go."

Alex got into the car in silence. Jack shut the door with anger, still hating that he had to do this.

"Let's go, Hilary." Derek turned to Hilary, with his arm around her. She shook his hand off her shoulder and ran to the car's driver seat.

"No. You can't take him." Hilary pleaded to Jack through the open window. "He can't leave Pixfare, Jack. He can't. Something bad will happen."

"Something bad has already happened." Jack started the engine and drove off. Derek watched with a mischievous smile on his face.

On their way to the town border, the engine suddenly began sputtering, making the car shake, and then eventually stopped.

"You gotta be kidding me." Jack groaned.

"What happened? What's wrong?"

"Engine stalled." Jack took out his cell phone and began dialing.

"Who're you calling?"



Jack waited outside the car for help to arrive, while Alex stayed in the backseat. Alex was playing with the mask, bored, when he noticed a reflection in the faceplate. He turned and looked through the back window and saw headlights approaching. Jack came closer as the car stopped, was surprised to see Martin step out.

"That's him?" He asked Jack.

"That's him."

"And your car? It's fine?"

"I just wanted you to see him. Just once. I didn't think I could do it either. I gave up Hilary 'cause I wanted to give her her best chance. When I saw that she didn't have it, I couldn't leave. I was just as scared, more probably. But once I saw her, got to know her... I couldn't go back."

Martin walked up to the car, where Alex was watching them from the back window. "You're taking him? To Boston?"

"I don't have to." Jack shook his head.

Martin looked back to Alex. "No. You don't." He walked towards the backseat and Alex looked at him, rolling down the window. Martin leaned in closer and he and Alex stared at each other. Watching, Jack smiled with joy, but was overcome with emotion.


Laura Reed was folding clothes on her bed when Jack entered the room. "Hey. What happened?"

"His dad? He showed up. Changed his mind." He laid down on the bed.

"Changed his mind? Just like that?"

"He might have had a little nudge."

"He found his father. That's great." She smiled.

Jack propped up on his elbows. "I wonder what that would be like."

"Maybe you'll find out. You can't give up."

"I don't know. I kinda think giving up might be the best plan. I think I need to let go."

"No, you don't."

"Really... if they wanted to know me, they wouldn't make it so hard to look."

"Maybe. But maybe there are other reasons. Maybe there's an explanation."

Jack laid down on his back again. "If there is, it's something crazy- something even crazier than Hilary's theory."

"Yeah, what's her theory?"

"Well... that my parents put me in a magical door and sent me to this world to save them."

"Oh!" She chuckled. "And who does she think they are?"

"Well... for one... you." He sat up.

"Me?" She looked at him in disbelief.

"Well, Elastigirl."

"As in the Incredibles?"


"I have kids and superpowers. I'd think I remember that."

"Yeah, you'd think."

"You do kind of have my hair color." The two smiled at each other.

"I think I need to go get some air." Jack got off the bed and walked out of the room. Laura Reed also followed with the folded clothes. "I'm gonna go think." He took a manila envelope from the box that contained his eye mask.

"If you're gonna be back late, I can wait to eat with you."

"No, don't do that."

"I'll leave you leftovers."

Jack got the keys when Laura Reed caught sight of his eye mask.

"What a nice mask."

He turned back to face her. "Thanks, goodnight." Jack left and closed the door.

Laura Reed picked up the mask and tried it on. She paused for a moment, but then put it away.


Jack sat in his car, reading news cuts about him as a baby. Hilary suddenly appeared outside the car, holding a white box.

"What's that?" She asked.

"Just an old file. What's up?"

"Pumpkin pie. I...I thought you'd like some." Jack smiled, touched. "It was pumpkin, right?"

"Right." He stepped out of the car and Hilary walked towards him. "Hilary... about your mother..."


Jack was about to tell her the truth, but couldn't when he saw her smile. "I'm glad that I told you."

"Me, too."

Hilary wrapped her arms around Jack, who had a guilty look on his face. He knew that he'd have to tell her the truth eventually. Jack grabbed the box in Hilary's hand. "Give me that." He opened the box and started to eat.

"What you did with Alex- you really are changing things."

Suddenly, they heard the sound of an engine. They both turned to see a stranger arrive on a motorbike. It was a woman. She pulled off her helmet and approached them.

"Hi. Is this Pixfare?"

"Yeah." Jack answered.

"Any place to get a room around here?"

"Uh, you're staying?" Hilary asked.

"That's the plan." The woman replied. "Just looking for a bed."

"Ellen's Bed and Breakfast is just up the road," Jack pointed down the street. "Another two blocks."

"Thank you." The stranger walked back to her bike.

"Hey, I didn't catch your name!" Jack called to her.

"That's 'cause I didn't give it." The woman got onto the bike and drove off.

Jack looked at Hilary, a little freaked out. "I thought you said strangers don't come to Pixfare."

"They don't." She replied, returning the look.