I arrived home from work and kicked my heels off. Having a long day at work all I want is to make myself comfortable, pick up a book , read, then have dinner. I browsed my book shelf and ran my fingers gently on the spine of my books. I realize it was time to go to the book store and purchase a new book. My feet protest with every step I took but i was determined to change my clothes and head out the door. Thankfully, it was a short walk to my favorite book store. Some people love going to the clubs, some love to go shopping with friends. What gets my heart pumping is a store with written pages of many talented writers with such beautiful imagination . I walk into Jazzy Lynn's book store and within seconds the smell of books calls for me. I can feel the tingles of drama, adventure and horror on my skin. My imagination running wild. I can't hold it much longer and I speed walk to the nearest book section.
I run my fingers across the books, my finger tips yearn to pick out a new book that will help me escape for a while. I kept running my fingers across the line of books when suddenly my fingers locked on a book that caught my eye. I pulled it from its formation . Opened the book , Scan the pages and saw beautiful written words that was there especially for me. I close it and found the title of the book very peculiar
" You"
My spine tingled with excitement and I thought to myself I must get this book for the sake of ME.
I shopped around for about an hour and then walked back home, soaked in a well deserved hot bubble bath, sank myself in and engaged on reading.
Finally, I have been chosen. I have been lonely for quiet some time I can't wait for the Journey ahead. I was made for this, I was made for her eyes, I was made for her. I want to know what runs through her mind I want to know her likes and dislikes and I want to know know about her past and hopefully be part of her future.
"That's it?" .
I realized I must be exhausted because I swear I didn't see blank pages.
it has less than a page written . I close the book and throw it at my bathroom door. I sink down into the hot water and drown out the world around me. Damn, i'm starting to get hungry, YUP! it's time for dinner. I got out of the tub and put my night clothes on and proceed to make dinner. An hour later I was sitting in the couch watching tv and I slowly closed my eyes and drifted off to a nap. I had a dream, I saw this man, very handsome. He had beautiful dark hair, gray eyes like the moon, full lips, smooth dark caramel skin and tall. He walked up to me and held my hand. My breath was stolen from my lungs. I tried to say something to him but I couldn't process words.
" This is part of you, meeting you was destined to happened. I was created for this, for us, please open the book and it will answer all your questions"
I woke up from my dream and without thinking twice I got up and ran around my apartment checking every room for an intruder. no one was here. The dream was vivid, that guy felt very real. I felt his touch , the warmth. I must be going crazy but I can't believe how real the dream felt to me. I went to the bathroom and washed my face with cold water. I looked at the mirror and I saw the book in the reflection, I turned around and hesitated on grabbing the book. I looked at the mirror once again and started arguing with myself.
" Okay Keira take it easy, it was just a dream and its not real"
I took the book and walk into the living room and opened the book has I sat down and I was surprised to see there were more words on the first page I had read earlier.
I seem to anger her because of the book was not what she expect, for now. I had no other choice but to invade her dreams I didn't want her to abandon this book. She woke up startled and ran. I am happy that she picked up the book and opened it to continue her reading.
" OH MY GOD!! this can't be real!" I glued my eyes back to the book.
Allow me to introduce myself madam. My name is Levi Miles please do not be alarmed, you are not alone I am here for you. I know this might look like a fairy tale but this is indeed very real. I know you have many questions running through your mind, ask away and I will answer to the best of my knowledge.
I begin to pace back and forth in the living room.
"I'm going insane, I must be. There is no way that this is happening"
After a while of processing my thoughts I decided to test my sanity.
"What the hell ,let's try this again".