New kid

Adriens POV

Last night

I fell asleep while waiting for y/n I guess because I woke up. I look around the rook and y/n wasn't here, I heard some noise from the kitchen so I got up. I was at the end of the hallways down I hear Max talking. "-mini joker that's probably freezing in the fridge." He says. I only caught something about a mini joker? I was confused and I stepped out of the hallway to see a shirtless Max and a confused y/n basically skin to skin. I make a sound that wasn't supposed to come out and they both look at me.

Oh I think I interrupted something...

"A-Ah sorry for interrupting I'll leave now." I say stepping away heading towards the room. Before I enter I hear

y/n groan. "Now he's gonna misunderstand." He whines. I raise an eyebrow.


"Aww but what's there to misunderstand baby~ I thought we were already in

love?~" for some reason I get annoyed and roll my eyes at him. I stay in my place waiting for y/n to say something snappy but what I hear next surprises me.

"Oh I'm sorry baby~I can't beleive I did that to you. Here let me give you something~" I hear y/n say.

What the heck?

I don't mean to be a perv but I wanted to see what was happening. I walked to the end of the hallway peeking around the corner to see what happened. I look at y/n leaning into Max's surprised face and I wanted to do something to stop it but something told me not to so I stayed in my spot.

Y/n keeps leaning in and when he was an inch from his face he smirks before kicking Max where the sun don't shine.


I mentally groan basically feeling the force of the kick. Max tumbled to the floor holding his area groaning.

I see y/n giving him a bitch face. "I thought you had grown an extra set of balls, had to get rid of em." He says looking down at Max. I smile. For some reason I'm happy he did that.

That's the y/n I know!

I cheer in my head, I look as y/n gets up about to hit Max again when he gets a call. Who calls y/n this late?

"How do you always manage to save max from my fists!" He whines into the phone. "I'm sorry I guess?" Comes from the phone.

Luka? Why's he calling this late?

Ah don't matter I'm tired. I head back to the rook laying down a while passed and I was slowly falling asleep when I heard the door open. I didn't feel like getting up so I just stayed still. I felt the pressure in the bed move. I hear y/n sigh before he speaks words that scare me.

"I love you Adrien.."

This was the second time I hear y/n say he likes me. And I don't really know if I like him back. Everything is just so confusing. One moment Marinette is in love with me and the next she likes max. Like wth. I drown out my thoughts trying to sleep. Eventually I succeed entering a dreamless slumber.

Y/n's POV

Next morning

I wake up with an empty bed. Not that it was weird Adrien always got up before me, but I had really wanted to see him first thing in the morning. I pout getting up ruffling you my hair. I look at the time. 7:30.

Ah shit not again..! For the past week I've been getting to school late. I keep on forgetting to set my alarm, because I've been so focused on Adrien.


No wonder Adriens not here he probably left me here to go to school!

I run to the closet getting a tanktop then a plain baggy black shirt over it and white ripped jeans. I put on my Nike Air Force 1s not tieing them and head to the bathroom. I brush my taste and leave my hair be in what ever form it was in then. I put on the choker and head to the kitchen grabbing a black leather jacket cause it went with my clothes. No judging.

I enter the kitchen to Max on the couch watching tv. He looks up at me as I grab an apple putting it in my mouth. "Oh look who finically decided to wake up. I told your boyfriend I'd wake you up so he left. But from what you did yesterday I wanted to get back at you." He says looking back at the tv. "Well we'll see. Let's go to the park play a game. Let's see who really won this." I tell him running back into the room grabbing my bag Joker flying into it as I enter the kitchen again asking him what he wanted for the day. "How about a donut and banana?" I nod putting in a banana. "I'll get u the donut on the way." He sighs happily getting comfortable in the bag. I close it grabbing my keys phone and wallet. Closing the door I jog over to the nearest bakery.

I open the door only to be pushed to the ground by a guy a little taller than me. I hear a gasp and a small voice say 'my banana!' Only loud enough for me to hear. This place has a rep for making me destroy my food. I groan trying to get up. "Hey sorry man, didn't see you there." The guy says holding out a hand.

I wave him off jumping to my feet. "It's fine. Things happen." I enter the building getting the donut and a banana for Joker. I open my bag and throw away the 'banana'.

When I exit the building he's long gone.

"That guy is different from other people..." Joker says taking a bite of the banana. "Yeah...who wears polos in the middle of summer?" I say starting my jog to school, that soon turns to a run as the time is 8:00.

Shoot classes start in 30 minutes!

After a while my run turns to a walk once I realize I won't get there in time, so why rush at all?

??? POV

That kid is a cool one. I think watching the guy in a white shirt walk into the bakery. "Yeah he's really different I got a vibe from him." Says my kwami puma. I nod giving him the pastry I got. "Thanks Noah. "No problem." I say starting my walk to a jog realizing the time.

Can't be late on my first day.

I think soon arriving at the school.

I wander around for a bit before entering class. It was 8:25 and class would be starting soon. In the front row was a blondie and a guy with a red cap in the next row was a midnight haired girl and an auburn haired girl with glasses. Then a guy with blonde and black hair with a red head. The next row was empty so I sat there.

Guess no seat mates.

The teacher enters and I introduce myself to the class soon the class starts and around fifteen minutes later someone steps in making the class look at them.

Oh it's the kid from the bakery.

I think.

Y/n's POV

I step into the class pretty late. Ok I'd be lying if I said I didn't walk around wasting time. Well I would've be out longer if the hall monitor hadn't told me to get to class.

Isn't their job to do what's best for students? Well staying out of class was best for me but NO.

I step in and everyone's eyes were on me. The most unsettling one was the glare the teacher gave me.

"Wow, late again Mr. l/n. Mind telling the class why your late?" She says gesturing to the class. "Well if you ask me it's better to arrive late than ugly." I say giving her my bitch face. She sighs rubbing her temples. "Y/n why must you always be late? Do you enjoy being late?" She gives me her teacher look that tells me that she's annoyed. "Oh no I don't like being late but I'm just too good at it." I give her a tight smile. "So mam if your done interrupting your class can I hear to my seat?" She rolls her eyes and nods. Our entire conversations there were snickers and giggles coming from the class and I just smirked at their reaction.

I sat down and find a new kid siting next to me. I raise an eyebrow. Then take out a hand. "Names y/n." I say. They seem slightly surprised. "Noah." He says taking my hand.

I hear a girl sigh. "Oh Mrs. Smith you must be trying to give us some nice eye candy if you sat them both together." She says giddily. I look around confused and all of the girls were looking at the both of us. "What are you guys staring at? You got som say say it to us." I complain at all the stares. "Well isn't someone I'm a bad mood." Says that little ughhhhh chloe. "I am now that you spoke." I glare at her and she just rolls her eyes.

"Move your thick head so I can see the beauty besides you, maybe you can do that without screwing it up or making another accident. " She says making a moving motion with her hand.

"If anything is thought you'd be born on the high way that's where accidents happen after all." I say closing my eyes and putting my face in my hand my elbow on the desk. She scoffs and was about to say something but was cut off. "Girls girls your both pretty can we go on with the lesson now?" The teacher says exasperatedly. I sigh leaning back in my seat. "Finally something actually helpful comes out of your mouth." I say. I hear a laugh come from Noah and I smirk. Smith just rolls her eyes and continues with the lesson. I sat near the back so me and Noah were just messing around. The entire time I felt someone staring but when I'd look there was no one. I'd just shrug it off.

At my next class I sit by Adrien after having another argument with Chloe and pay attention to the class. Then there was lunch so I headed there. Luka has texted me beforehand that he was already there so I went alone.

My way there I saw Noah getting bombarded by the sluts of the school. They had slept with almost everyone but me nino Adrien Luka and now Noah. They've even slept with Nathaniel. K roll my eyes at them not wanting to help. But all that goes out the window when one of their boyfriends walks up to him and dumps his drink all over Noah. I'm pissed.

Like I said before you can mess with me but you mess wit someone I know you bes hope you at least end up in a hospital bed and not a coffin.

I walk up to them pushing the girls to the side and throwing a punch at the guys face. I turn to Noah. "Hey you alright man?" I ask he looks cold and his polo shirt wasn't doing him any good. I sigh. "Yeah I'm—" he gets curt off by a punch being thrown to my mouth. A pain shoots through my lips and I turn back to the boyfriend. I throw another punch at his face and stepping behind him and kicking him behind his knees. "Geez man. You really don't know when to stop do ya. First a drink and now you hitting me. Man you must've grown some balls or sum." I say and he stands up after spitting out what ever was I'm that mouth of his. "At least I got some balls faggot." He says catching me off guard with his words. Flashes of dad beating me up flashed through my mind and before I knew it there was a punch at my stomach. And I crumbled to the floor. I groans. Ooh that hurt.

I look up seeing his feet.


Was all I thought before spinning my legs to knock him over backwards.

"Nah man, at least i can get myself a date, I don't date sluts desperate for only one thing and I'm surprised you even got it." I say looking down at him wiping the blood from my mouth. I didn't even trike him that many times but this was his second time on the floor.

I look at Noah nodding him over to me. "Let's go." Was all I said heading to the bathroom. I grab my bag and Jokwr hands me some Vick's. I give him a silent thank you and start washing the cut on the edge of my mouth and the small scratch on my cheek.

I finished on the Vick's when Noah steps into the bathroom. I look down at him he was dripping in water. "Take off your shirt." Is all I say putting away the Vick's putting it my bag. He does as I say and I take off mine leaving me in my tanktop.

I get napkins from where they have the napkins in the bathroom and hand some to him. I start drying his back and he starts drying his chest. "Hey um thanks for that y/n..." he says uncomfortably. "Nah it no problem. I don't even know why that guys so jealous it's obvious she's just using him." I scoff at the thought of them. He nods. "Omg I sound like a gossiping school girl."I groan. He laughs at my statement.

I move to the side to get my shirt and when I do I accidentally kick his bag. I would have apologized immediately if it weren't for the soft ouch I heard from the bag.

My eyebrows furrow in confusion. I was about to grab the bag but he snatched my hand away. "What are you—" i get cut off by the door opening.

