A black mass of space or void as people like to call it, that's all i saw while floating in the boundless tethering space which seems to connect me to all the of the universe at once while me not being connected at all. It was a pretty odd sensation, as i felt the space around me until something pulled me towards itself like a magnet. As, I blitzed pass my surroundings, a bright light surrounded me I squint my eyes to look at the background but i saw nothing, then unexpectedly i looked up to see a fricking huge eye staring at me. I stare back at it as it keeps ogling at me unknowing what to do until it's voice boomed in the space echoing all around giving a felling of omnipresence.
ROB: Hello, there my bad for staring at you like that, but can you please stop gawking at me like that.
???: AH! Sorry about that, I was just wondering are you a ROB like those in fanfiction novels.
ROB: YUP! You are correct, I am ROB who has been given the task of settling you in your new world. I will allow you to go to your favourite world. Yes it include all anime worlds and no you can't get any world travelling or instant mastery thing it takes the fun out of everything. So speak your wishes I shall fulfill them to best of my ability.
???:Ummm! I just wanted to ask why did you choose me as far as I remember I was no genius nor was exceedingly good or anything and are you going to ask for anything in return from me.
ROB: Woah! Hold your balls young man ask me one by one. As, for your first question no you were just picked randomly and no you don't have to give me anything, just do fun things and enjoy your life.
???:OH! Great. So for my first wish-
ROB: Stop! This chapter has gone way too long. You can choose your powers in next chapter.
???: What???????