"On That Note! Let's Start The Training! "All Might" And always remember to go Plus Ultra." He said making the weird pose again along with the rest of the class. 'Sometimes, I wonder whether him teaching us is a good thing or not.'

"Alright then the first match is between Team A and Team D. Team A will be hero and Team D will be villains. Everyone move towards the designated area."All Might said leading us towards the basement. It had many screens from where we can view the battle while the hero and villain team moved into position.

As, we watched the screens intently, waiting for it to start Denki suddenly asks me"Dude! I have been meaning to ask you but is that staff made up of gold?"Everyone starts looking at me at this point.

"Yup! It allows me to better control my quirk and do other insane things."I reply. Our conversation is cut short as the battle starts. 'Hmm... It seems like me being here hasn't changed anything drastically till now. Well that will change soon enough.' I think while seeing the battle play out same as in the manga.

After, the whole drama, with Bakugo blowing up the building and Midoriya breaking his arms but still winning ,finished the rest of the matches were anticlimatic. "Now, that all the battles are finished, Arashi-shounen here has made a request. He requested me to allow him to participate in the same training alone fighting against 3 opponents."All Might said drawing gasps from everyone.

"Bah! He will just choose some 3 weaklings."Bakugo said while scoffing.

"Yes! You are correct, I will only choose 3 weaklings, one of which you are!"I said snickering at his face."For the other two ,I will choose Shoto and Momo. To give you even more advantage, I will give you the advantage of location."

"Woah! Dude if those 3 are weaklings, then what are we?" Denki asks. "To me all of you are the same. Afterall,I don't discriminate between weaklings."I say while walking out of the room towards the battle zone.

"Umm..! All Might is this really okay?"Ochako asks ignoring my comment while Bakugo screams in anger. "I don't need anyone to defeat you, lightning bastard, you hear that!"

"Don't worry! It will be alright, afterall I am still here."All Might says"Now, it is up to you 3 to decide whether you want to go along with Arashi-shounen's antics or not." pointing towards them.

"Let's do this! Ahhhh...."Bakugo screams running out of the room.

"Ah...! Alright, fine I will go along him this once."Momo speaks leaving the room as well with Shoto behind her.

"Shoto, Katsuki and Momo are the villains and Arashi is the hero. The rules are the same, the teams have 5 minutes to plan."All Might voice boomes through the intercom.


"I don't need both of your help. I can take care of that guy alone." Bakugo says. "No! If we want to win we will have to work together. He is too strong for us to defeat alone."Shoto says while Momo nods her head agreeing.

Seeing, the two's serious face as well as remembering Arashi's performance in quirk assessment he relents.

"Ok! Then, now that we are on the same page. Let's discuss strategy." Momo


As the buzzer sounded, I flared up my observation haki to search for the bomb. My haki covered the entire building as well as the area around it. 'Hmmm... Seems like they kept the bomb on the top floor. So, they are waiting for me.' I muse to myself as I levitate and phase through the wall appearing on the floor beneath them. Using my haki, I see rubber on the floor beneath the bomb and a glass covering around it.

'Nice! They made a viable strategy according to my quirk. Now I can't phase through the floor to get the bomb. Let's see how they do in actual combat.'i quickly appear in front of Bakugo, phasing through the floor, as they stand with their backs connected to one another.

Bakugo reacts exactly as I expected by jumping towards me and destroying the formation. He propels himself forward by using explosion, as he tries to knee me in the face. I quickly dodge to the side and hit him in the stomach in mid-air using my staff, making him drop to the floor. "Advanced Lightning Series: Body Pathway Derangement" I whisper before touching Bakugo as lightning flashes on my hand. By this time, Shoto and Momo had already reached me. Shoto shot ice pillars towards me, while Momo tried to flank me."Advanced Lightning Series: Thunderclap Arrow" I say before throwing lightning arrows aimed at the ice pillars.

The ice pillars quickly melt due to lightning while the remaining arrows keep moving towards Shoto. Seeing that Shoto is busy in dealing with the arrows, I quickly blitzed at Momo's side "Normal Lightning Series: 60 Million volts Vari" I say electrocuting her. With all this happening, Bakugo who was trying to get up wasn't able to control his limbs and kept flopping on the floor like a dead fish.

Securing, Momo with the tape who was still out cold I turned back towards Shoto, who had finally taken care of the arrows by making an Ice Wall to stop their charge. I blitz in front of him swinging my staff at him trying to catch him off guard but his years of training with Endeavour had sharpened his instincts. As he ducked to avoid my strike, he shot ice at my leg trying to freeze them. I instantly blitzed away, standing in front of him, trying to goad him in using his fire side I say"Come on Shoto! Are you gonna lose again? Why don't you use your other side?"

"Never! I will become No.1 using only my Ice side. I will not acknowledge his existence by using my fire quirk." he screams. "Alright, then time to end this. Advanced Lightning Series: Raikage Lightning Cloak" I say as lightning starts to flicker around me as I dash towards him. Shoto tries to stop me by throwing ice at me but all of it melts as soon as it gets close to the lightning cloak. I punch him straight in the jaw, arriving in front of him, knocking him out.

After securing all three of them with tape, I move towards the bomb to finish this ordeal. By this time Momo who had gotten up spoke" You can't touch the bomb Arashi. The glass covering it is strong enough to stop rockets, you will not be able to break it." Though, I could have broken the glass using my strength alone I decide to show her how wrong she is. "You are right, if I was some normal person I might not be able to reach the bomb but I have been training to become No.1 Hero and this glass will not stop me." I say placing my hand on the glass before heating it using lightning." Do you know what happens if you heat glass enough? It cracks"

As soon as I finish the glass starts cracking before breaking down. I move towards the bomb, as the sound of glass crushing under my feet could be heard while my Cape fluttered. I touched the bomb marking the end of the battle.

"The Hero Team Wins!"All Might voice boomes through the interface.