
"Where….are we?" the girl asked holding tight to a girl beside her.

A gust of wind came from the end of the tunnel, the tunnel was dark but not dark enough for them not to see.

The boy plucked out all his courage to start walking, even if every limb of his body is shaking. Their footstep echoed through the tunnel making it creepier in every step, the gust of wind sounded like voices calling for help.

The youngest of the three can't help to screech quietly every time the wind comes inside, she tends to hide and hold tighter to the girl beside her.

A small light flickers ahead, and it grows gradually as they came closer to the end. The light brightens as they reached it making them cover their eyes. They slowly opened their eyes as they adjust to the light.

"Woah." came from each one of them.

The scenery was beautiful, countless trees covered the bottom of the mountain, and the sea can be seen from their whereabouts. It all feels so magical. From their point of view, they are at the edge of a cliff on top of a mountain, they all looked back to only see the mountainside, the tunnel was gone.

"How did we…" the boy was cut off when a big gust of wind came from the bottom of the cliff.

A long lizard came flying from the bottom of the cliff, its enormous wings flapping aggressively making whirlpools of dust. Its silver scale bounced off the light of the sun, it was like a group of shooting stars swimming in the sky.

The three tumbled back a few steps behind, their faces tainted with fright but with a hint of amazement.

All they can think about at this time is where the hell did they end up, a minute ago they were happily running on a hill then suddenly they end up in a dark tunnel with a gloomy atmosphere.