Strange Eyes Part 1

It's a hot Wednesday morning in the town of StonFilia, the students of StonFilia High are all wearing their summer uniform which is worn during hot summer days such as today.

On the left side of the school is the soccer field surrounded by wooden bleachers and a few flag pulls, the two-goal pulls are painted in white with rust showing over the paint. Students in soccer uniforms run around the field dribbling or stealing the ball.

"Goal!" yelled a man around his mid-30s, he was wearing a white t-shirt with 'coach' in big letters printed on his back.

The team has been training since six in the morning, they have a friendly competition against a team from another school around noon.

"Okay, guys let's take a break." The coach yells smiling to his players.

Shaine drop her body to the grassy ground cooling down her body from the heat, her cousin sat down beside her patting and dripping with sweat.

Shaine put her soft towel over her eyes and took a deep breath. "I so don't like this at all." her voice is stained with annoyance not just because she had to wake up early but also because of the heat this early in the morning.

"You and me both." Elly agreed with a laugh.

Alex and June sit along with them on that grassy ground, Alex got forced to sit beside Shaine which she didn't mind at all, but it's a different story from Elly and June's perspective. June is as silly as he can get, having an idea that can make Alex piss off.

With a smirk, June stands up and stretches his arms in the air. "Hey, Elly let's get something to drink." Elly didn't have enough time to respond as June pull him along.

Alex knows what his friend is up to and he doesn't like it one bit, he and Shaine have known each other for like three years or so, it's not because he felt awkward being left alone with her it's the thought that those two are probably laughing their ass off because of him being flustered.

"Let's go for the win Alex." Shaine happily said showing off her smile that reveals her perfect white teeth and the deep dimples on her cheek.

Alex replied with a small nod and a smile. He admires Shaine's positivity to almost everything, that's one of the things that made him fall for her, Shaine isn't the type of girl that gets that much attention from boys but once someone devotes their attention to her they would fall for her like how he did.

Alex wants to tell her how much he admires her positivity so much but when he was about to speak up his most hated voice interrupted them.

"Hey guys I got you both energy drinks."

Shaine looks back and stands up from the ground. June sit right beside him and give him the drink he bought.

June elbowed Alex on the side. "So what did you guys talk about?" he asked teasingly.

Alex's glare darts at him and in one swift of his hand he uses the bottle to hit June on his forehead.

June groan and hold his aching forehead. "Dude what the hell?" he asked only earning another hit on his head.

A loud ear-piercing whistle came from the coach's yellow whistle which mean that it was time to get back to practice, they all went back to their original place and begin where they left off.

In the end with Elly and Shaine on one team they won with one point ahead. It's already almost lunchtime and their competitors are going to arrive soon.

Students began to fill up the bleachers one by one, it's only a fun game but they want to show at least a bit of support that and also to see some of their favorite players.

"I'm just going to freshen up a bit," Shaine said with a smile and run off.

The gymnasium isn't that far from the field, it's right in front of it, just outside of the gym are faucets with clean water, not that clean to drink though.

She started cleaning her face to freshen up her mind and also to lessen the heat.

"I didn't know that this school's lousy soccer team hires slow-paced girls." a voice said behind her.

She didn't get to carry her towel with her so whether she liked it or not she turned around with water dripping on her hair and face.

There stand upon her are five boys wearing a different soccer uniform, she knows that they are just some players they're going up against later.

Hearing that insult earlier she tried her best to force a sincere smile. "On behalf of the school, I welcome you to our beloved university," she said with a forced smile hiding the fact that she was a bit furious about his insult.

The one on the front is a boy with spiky black hair, she can tell just by one look that this guy is not one to mess with. His eyes sharply glaring at her which she repays with a calm stare.

The boy's look then changes into a different expression. "You know after taking a much closer look." he took small steps towards her and when he was one foot away he put both his hands on the sink, cornering her in between.

He held up her chin to meet his eyes. "You look pretty cute," he said with a teasing tone in his voice.

Shaine wasn't the type to get much attention from boys, she and the other two girls on the soccer team do get special treatment but that's another story, this is not the kind of attention that she's used to.

She's not gonna lie that the situation she's in right now is not frightening, it's terrifying, enough for her legs to shake a bit.

"And you look cuter with that wet look." the boy said earning small chuckles from his buddies. She almost gagged at his lousy pickup lines.

As girly as it sounds but she badly wants to scream for help. The boy then slowly pull her face closer to his, scared enough she shut her eyes not wanting to see what might happen.

" Hey. "

Both Shaine and the rude boys snap their heads toward the voice, it was the whole team with Elly leading them. His eyes are sharply glaring at the one touching his cousin's face with his dirty hands. Elly is a shy boy but once someone had done something he would never do to his cousins, he would turn into a serial killer if he could.

Alex who seems furious just like Elly stands at the front. "Get those dirty hands off her face." he pointed toward the boy's hand which is still holding Shaine's chin.

The boy was a bit scared due to being outnumbered but he seems too stubborn to even listen to what others tell him. He yanks Shaine's chin and pushes her toward the ground in front of her team.

"I'll see you on the field." he wore a big smirk on his lips before walking off with his underlings.

The two girls on the team help Shaine get up from the ground, asking if she was hurt in the process. After a few more questioning if she was okay they all walk back to the filled, each with boiling anger inside of them. Getting three talented girls to join a soccer team that only contains boys is a big jackpot, not only that they help the team move forward the girls also give the team a little hope and strength.

They all huddle up with their hand on each other's shoulders.

"Let's show those guys that girls can do better than they can." said the team captain with his eyes on the three girls smiling at them.

After planning for a few minutes the whistle was blown and its time to play soccer. Shaine got the ball and run past an opponent before passing it to the other girl. The ball is being passed back to back from Shaine to her teammate. The goal is not that far all she got to do is make a shot but the defenders are that boy earlier and one of his underlings.

Remembering what had happened she felt anger raging inside her, she was scared but now she is oozing with the courage to even kick the ball to his crotch.

The loud cheers from their schoolmates boomed into the air, without thinking she shut her eyes for a mere second and reopen them, with force and anger combined she kick the ball towards the net with too much strength that it can't almost be seen, it was merely like a flash of light.

The whole field became silent for a second until the whistle was blown and the referee loudly announced. "Goal!"

The whole team shouts Shaine's name celebrating their first goal within the first minute. However Shaine doesn't feel like celebrating yet, her head started thumbing making her vision blurry by the minute, and she's starting to feel a little lightheaded.

" Shaine!" Her trance was cut off when she felt an arm on her shoulder.

Elly's eyes grow wider to see his cousin's pupil bigger than its normal size, almost filling in the brown color of her eyes. Elly shake his head to let that scene fade.

He smiles at her. " Ni-nice shot there." his voice stuttered without him knowing.

Shaine smiled nodding to her cousin, she have got to pull her mind out of the mud and focus on the game.

"I'm just warming up."