Chapter 4/Issues

A light breeze blew a blank paper off the road revealing a massive building. Plot of students walking in different direction and talking about diverse subject. V just got out of the school bus and while listening to music through her earphones, she started to walk. Feeling ready to take over the school, she walked forward. Inspecting around and memorising the name of departments, V was stressed. Finally starting school after months of nothing, she was down to be the best at academic subjects. Having walked around, V was tired and decided to sat by a tree. The sun radiating its calming heat and the wind blowing, V felt like home and intinctively closed her eyes. She had a class in a couple of hours, so she could lighten up her mood. Taken deep in her sweet dreams, V did not sense someone poking her head with a stick. Thinking that V was dead, that person started doing Mouth-to-mouth medical aid. Feeling a tongue not hers, V woke up seeing a girl with beautiful traits kissing her. V pushed her away and swiped her hands on her mouth to clean. Looking at the girl, V sighed and was astonished by how stupid that girl was. V had immediately understood what happened. Laughing her life out, V couldn't stop and started to cry. Relieved, that girl grabbed V's hands and said.

-"(B) I saw you lying on this rocky plain, I had to intervene and help you, mademoiselle en detresse."

Shocked by the words that girl used, V couldn't think straight anymore and stood up.

-"(V) Look! I don't know where you got your brain, but you better change it. I must go now, weirdo."

V walked away leaving the girl behind. Later, doing classwork in her class, V remembered that girl she just met. Coming from being none to being a person. V had a rough path to be considered as a normal. Normally rich, she lost everything she did not care about and vowed to live her high school life to its fullest.

Break came soon to free the student from the teacher's claw. Walking along the corridor, two hands stopped V. V could feel the difference between the two. One was chubby and the other skinny. Guessing that the skinny was her friend Ashley. The other one was a mystery to her. Looking back, she saw a blonde wearing gloves next to Ashley.

-"(V) You. You are the freak who kissed me. What do you want ?"

-"(B) What?? I saved you back there. Anyway, my sorority is in need of a sister and I need you in it. Come with me!"

Forced to walk, V couldn't even look at Ashley.

-"(Ashley) Hey! I wanted to ask you something. Where were you this morning ? I searched you but you were gone. Its not important anyway, Good day !"

Far, V could only hear the last piece of what Ashley said. And replied the same thing.

Getting a debrief from the unknown girl, V understood that she had just to talk to the captain of the sister to accept her. Stopped by a flat building painted in brown and rose. She followed the girl in and met up with the sisters. But then, the sisters knelt in front of V. Not getting what was going on, V looked back at the girl. But, found only a smirk on her face.

-"(B) You are pretty dumb, right ? You seriously thought that you could enter in here and do whatever the heck you wanted. I don't know what you are looking for with us, the riches. As a poor and ugly girl, I am afraid that I must punish you up for tresspassing our privacy. Girls, Beat her ugly face. Till she bleed,..please."

Dumbfounded, V could only let herself be beaten. Closing and awaiting her fate in there, she kept waiting because nothing happened. She opened her yes and they all were stopped. Looking down, she started to hear a voice. Aggressive as if it wanted to protect her.

-"(Karen)--- Just make a move on her and I'll upload this vid so that everyone can see your true face. Just do it! And I won't hesitate to destroy your world."

Struggling to go forward, the voice had already disappeared and V came late to only find a loser kind of face. Not even looking at the captain, V went out but couldn't find anything.

-"(Vee) ( What a beautiful voice that was. I wonder to whom that voice belonged. Whoever, I think I fell in love.)

Next time, Chapter 5/Afraid Am I.