Chapter 9/Another story part 1

The name is Alexandra Peter. I am a full fledged fan of the school rules. I never ever got any sort of problems from anyone. I am the straight(?) girl. There is just one problem. Let me introduce myself well.

I was born from criminal parents and all my siblings took after them. But it wasn't always like this. Even though they lied, we enjoyed getting cared by our parents in a mansion not ours. We enjoyed the time we went boating altogether, Like a family. I am a mix between a mexican and canadian. And at home, a simple argument was like world war. Haha😂 but it was fun. I enjoyed living with that family. My accent isn't that terrible. The problem is my look. I am a square girl. I abide by every rule written down on a paper and that makes me the most hated person of SQHC.

But no worry. I got friends. Best friends, more precisely. Ethan and Cheslie. I met Ethan in kindergarten. He was a timid looking boy. Really timid though. I still remember that one time in primary school. Ethan was training in the swimming pool and I was watching him. He got a cramp and I had to save him. By the time I jumped in the water, he'd already drowned and passed out. I picked him and threw him on the ground. I got up hardly tired from moving him. We were both lying down and I was like a mother watching over him. I looked at his face as seconds flew by. I could not stop myself from gazing at him. I did not want to stop. And that time, I did something unforgivable. I stole his first kiss. The teacher came afterwards and we went to the medics. And when he woke he thanked me like a little puppy he was. I never told him this secret but I promised to tell him someday. I am sure he will forgive me though. He is such a (puppy)timid guy.

The other one is a girl. My bff, my bestie, my sister. Her name is Chelsea but I call her Cheslie. The reason is fucked up though. I first met her at a five person blind date. We were all girls and I was the only one left out. And I still don't know why its a five person meetup. One is bind to get fucked at some point. Anyway, We met there. I was left out and alone, I thought about going home but she came up to me and took me somewhere else. I didn't have time to think that we were already in the bus. We got down at a bus stop on a hill. No lights on the great scenery, I was afraid but thrilled by the adventurous felling I got. I followed her who was heading somewhere. And we arrived at the top of the hill. As we discovered the full view of our city, a strong wind blew at us pushing us together. We did not know what happened but we were kissing each other. I was ready to pull back when I saw her closed her eyes. I did the same and after a few minutes, we stopped. We did not speak to each other for the rest of the night and went back home. The next day, I still could not forget about her that I texted her and we learnt to forget and become friends. Besties, to be exact.

Those two have been with me since forever and I for them. We have a story together and I am pretty sure it will last forever. And like I told you, I am,-was the person the most hated in the school. Until a bunch of kids decided to go on an all-out war. They created such a commotion that the principle directly asked to organise a trip. I became suddenly famous and the new hated girl was someone known as Vee, I think. Anyway, from now on I was officially free from any stress.

My name is Alexandra Peter. I am the head student council of the school. Nothing ever happens until I order it or by the principal's authorisation. I abide by the rule and execute. Those who do not obey shalt perish😂😂. Joking, they will only get a warning. I must go now, bye bye.