Chapter 14/B.V.A Part 3

' This is TM from news99. Flash news about an incident going on as I am speaking. A hotel caught fire imprisoning the sudents of SQHS in it. The police and firemen are already finding a way to save the sudents. Although the number of students are a mystery. More information will disclosed a bit later. It was TM of News99.'

Few hours ago before the fire started, Bianca met up with the principle.

-' I heard that you helped that girl. Why ? We were supposed to be on the same team. I had your back and you had mine. But nah, you just went and betrayed me. Be sure that I will let my parent know of all of this. '

-' I understand. And please do so. Because you know that I do not care about it at all. After all "that girl's" parent is your parents' boss. And I am sure you know it too. '

-' Wha- '

-' Don't play dumb with me, little girl !! I have three times your age. You must respect me. Now I was saying that, I am on their side. The side of the winner. '

-' Fuck you ! I was the one who helped you arrive where you are today. Don't get too greedy. You owe me everything you have right now. So-- '

-' Yes and thank you. But you messed up with the wrong one. You've pissed off someone even the president of america fears. I doubt the chance of your survival. And as I am now, old and tired, I want a better retreat than you proposed. You see, I need more than ten maids. And heck more than only one five star chief. And So, I must go I am afraid. Have fun with the little time you got left because soon "that girl" will take your place as the Queen. Bye. '

-' That sly bastard ! I didn't plan this. V, fuck you ! All of this is because you exist. I will destroy you before going down. Along with everyone you love. I swear on my pride[Crying]. '

At the same time on B's side.

-' So, the principal did it. Now that she's alone. She'll rely on you. I am sure you know that. '

-' B. I didn't think you would be the one coming to me. Normally you would send a lackee and I'd just torment it. A surprise you came in person. So, why did you come ? '

-' I just told you. Can't you pay attention- '

-' Shut up. Don't you dare disrepect me. You are the one in need of help. So, Bianca lost. Strange. She was so meticulous though. I guess she became as conceited as you when you were the queen of the school. '

-' Just tell me what you'll do Bliss Alexx, former queen of SQHS. '

-' You hear that Stacy. Rebecca is flattering me[Laughs]. '

-' And you, right-hand of the former queen Stacy Macaron. What is your choice ? Me and V or Bicanca and co ? '

-' Hmmmmm.....First of all, I am interested in you and V. Why, you though. You changed. You are not the lost kid you were before. You found you identity. You've matured. And secondly, Stacy and I have already long ago decided to support you both. Congratulations !! '

-' Thank you. I really mean it. '

-' Its okay. Don't bow. And regarding your little friend, V. I vouch for her. You really seem into her. But beware. I searched her background and her history is pretty horrific. She may be playing you regarding that. So, take of yourself. Good bye ! '

-' Stacy ?! Where are you !? Come. The food's gonna get cold. '

-' Thank you for the advice former Right-hand. '

Then it happened. A fire broke out.

To be continued.

Till then💜