I fucked up. I know I fucked up. I should've paid attention. I should've cross-checked both sides of the road. I should've been more assertive. I should've be--
-' Hey ! I am still alive.. Stop tormenting yourself. I am fine. '
Unable to expel any words out, B fell on her knees crying her life out. And V stuck on the hospital's bed could not move and calm her sister down. In the end, both felt remorseful for each other. Just then, familiar voices burst in the room the sisters were in. It was Dee followed by Rebecca, Ashley and Karen. And as soon as they passed by the door, one stumbled creating a fall in chain. V then looked at them laughing and tearing at the same time. B confused stood and asked V who they were. When V told her that they were her lovers.
-' They are the three lovers !!!? '
Shy, B looked down and hid herself in her sister's arm.
A few minutes later.....
-' When I heard about the accident, I immediately informed the school and about an half an hour later, these three rushed at me. Asking where you were. These lot were too much work for me to deal with. So I brought them. I hope it is okay for you. Anyway, how are you, V ? '
-' I am fine. Just a few cut on the forehead and two broken ribs. I will be fine after five days of hospitalisation. '
-' Okay. Better than anything else. '
-' By the way, sis. How come you are here ? Aren't you supposed to be-- '
-' Ohh, Dee did not tell you that. I asked Dee to come today because I've been given back my liberty. More precisely, I got adopted by a royal family. By Dee's family. '
-' Wha-- '
-' And I asked her parent for it. Beccause I was alone. I thought you and I would never patch up. So, I decided that-- '
-' I understand. '
-' V. I don't think you have a grasp of the situati-- '
-' I said I understand. Now leave. All of you leave. I don't want to deal with you now. I am tired. So, please, leave.. '
Leaving V by her own, she lost herself in her thoughts. And outside the room, everyone remained silent.
The next day, a new ennemy of V came to her. Still in her thoughts, V did not notice someone next to her. Not until that person talked.
-' You seem lost... Sorry to appear out of nowhere. My name is Louis and I am the new brother of Bonnie. I came today because Bonnie tried to stop the procedure of adoption. I researched a bit and I learnt that it was because of you. '
-' She do not want it anymore..That's right. She's mine because she is my sister. '
-' Was, you mean. If it was someone not that important, I would have personally cut off the contract. But your mother is someone that is too important. So the lies it will create for my family will greatly help us.....I hope you agree with me or else.... '
-' Fuck you. I will not let her go. She is mine. My sister, my family. I don't give a fuck about my mother. It is her that matters....Fucker. Get out. '
-' Okay. See you later then. Vee Amber Vanessa. Goodbye. '
To be continued.