Master? Part 1

Adam instinctively felt that the man wasn't ordinary and he could use his full strength against him, and even if he was normal, he was too arrogant and deserved a beating.

Adam jumped up off the ground and cracked his knuckles as he walked over to the short chubby man.

Without much talking, Adam dashed towards the weird man, using half his speed, and held his arms up to protect his face in a boxing style stance.

Adam didn't have any hand to hand combat experience and had never fought anybody before integrating with the system, so was using only what he had watched online from fighting videos and tutorials.

However, despite having ideas and brief knowledge of how to fight, Adam had never used it first hand and this was Adam's first hand to hand fight.

[The best fighting style for me with my dual-wielding mastery, for now, will be boxing as it also the one that I learnt the most about] decided Adam.