Recognised By The Death Corps

"What is it?" asked Shinka's uncle in an annoyed and unbothered manner.

There was too much mystery behind Adam and he seemed to have a lot of knowledge about the universe and its affairs, which was shocking considering he seemed to be a lone and weak wandering soul when he encountered him.

However, since he was relatively capable by Mortal's standards and had helped Shinka so much, he was willing to hear him out, but was also ready to decline anything he requested, knowing how crafty he could be.

"I want a Death Corps certification. With it, I would be able to openly communicate with those from the Death Corps, even if they have a sensory cover, and can also aid any in my vicinity. But I also don't want to be tracked or restricted by the underworld and Death Corps. If you can do that for me, I will be able to lend you a hand more, since my world seems to be within your jurisdiction," answered Adam.