Mixed Feelings

"That damned Branch Master. He didn't bother showing up when Su Lan was struggling in her battle, but now he is when I unleashed my killing intent," cursed Adam.

"Well, I still have a minute, which I can enjoy," he said with an evil smile.

Crushing the wrist of the leader that he had a hold of, he had his bones crunch.

Doing the same to his other wrist, the man began to howl in pain, but it did nothing to stop Adam who showed no remorse for the torture he was putting him through.

Such a despicable man deserved much worse and Adam didn't plan on killing him.

That would be showing him mercy.

Utterly destroying all four of his limbs to the point that he would never be able to recover them or use them again, he also destroyed his Internal Cultivation, crushed his face and destroyed his voice box.

Leaving him as a cripple that could see and hear anything, but would never be able to speak or kill himself.