Ryan was beyond shocked. It wasn't because it hurts or because he was humiliated in public. There was no way in his wildest dream he had ever imagined Mika to take a step.
The Mika he knew cared about anyone she would be in touch with, would think twice before saying anything harsh, would be there no matter when you told her. She was the girl whose love was as pure as her innocent smile. Most caring person anyone could ever meet.
How far could he have pushed her
to make this happen?
Ryan just sat on his seat, without uttering a single word. While this time, Mika was the one to break the silence.
"This would the last time I'm telling you this so listen carefully", she spoke with no expressions on her face, looking at him eye to eye. "I am not something for yours to have. Neither you have got any right over me".
"Mi- Mika I-", he wanted to say something.
"No!", she interrupted him. "I am not going to listen to anything anymore. Whatever is happening in my life is none of your goddamn business, so keep out of it".
With this, she smashed her share of money on the table and stormed out of the cafe not looking back even once.
"Wow", Grace sighed.
Nate glanced at Noah who just sat there, lost in his own deep thoughts.
"Are you going to talk to him?", he asked.
Noah thought for two seconds and then sighed. "No", he shook his head. "She took care of it too well. There's no point of me to jump in", he took off his disguise.
"I told you, she is one strong girl", Grace smiled.
"I'm going to see Mika. She might not be in a very good mood", Noah got up.
"Alright", Nate nodded. "I'm going to be with Grace so I'll catch up with you later".
As Noah walked out he stood in front of the table where Ryan was sitting. As their eyes met Ryan was a little startled. Noah kept looking at him for some seconds. He had some serious expressions on his face.
Then without saying a single word he walked past him. But he did what he intended to. It didn't look like much to Grace who was looking at this happen but Nate knew his buddy's intentions. He just wanted to show him that he saw this. That he was hearing every single word they uttered.
After some time, Ryan went out too.
"That was some rough stuff", Nate sighed.
"I know. I'm really worried about Mika right now", Grace said in a gloomy voice. "Do you think she'll be okay?"
Nate scoffed. His girl was being her worried self again. He took her hand and pressed his lips on her knuckles. "Don't worry. If it's Noah, I know it'll be fine in no time", he smiled gently on her.
Mika sat down on a park bench staring off into the clouds, sighing from time to time.
Did I do the right thing?
Her head was hurting. Even though she did what she had to she couldn't help but feel bad about it. She leaned back and murmured, "this sucks".
"Oh you poor thing", someone suddenly whispered in her ears.
"WAAAH!!", Mika jumped off the bench. She turned back and saw Noah laughing at her stupid reaction.
"Not fair!!", she ran towards him and started punching him all over.
"Okay okay I'm sorry!", Noah defended himself from Mika still chuckling.
"YOU'RE STILL LAUGHING!", she kicked him. But up to this point, it looked like Noah was getting hit by a little girl.
All of a sudden he grabbed Mika's hand and pulled her on his chest.
Mika's face flushed. She tried resisting, "no!! let me go! no no no!". But Noah didn't have in intentions to do so.
He quickly hugged her tight, "someone is having a bad day", he chuckled.
That was it. The point where Mika stops resisting. She stops moving her body at once and lets herself be pampered by him. "Yes", she whispers.
He pats her head for the honesty and sits on the bench with her.
"Come here", he takes her head on his chest and starts patting her head. Mika doesn't say anything and lets the moment take the best of her.
"I'm guessing your meeting didn't go well", he says as softly as he could.
Mika nods slowly.
"Were you able to take care of it?"
She nods again.
"Is my girl still upset?"
She nods.
"Do you want to stay like this?"
This time it was followed by some furious nods. It made Noah chuckle. No matter how strong and mature she is, he never gets tired with this cute side of her.
"How did you know I was here?", Mika asks while snuggling on his chest.
Obviously, the answer can't just be, "I followed you".
"Well...", Noah started thinking hard, "I have my way to find you. Afterall I couldn't just sit there when I wanted to be with you".
'The heck did I just say?', he thought to himself. It was fairly the weirdest way to answer such a question.
But it worked for innocent little Mika. She was convinced that Noah just wanted to see her totally forgetting the fact that her question was how he knew where she was.
"I didn't realise fall has already started", she looked at the trees painted orange around her.
"Yeah. It'll be winter soon", Noah poked her nose.
Her reflex quickly hit his hand. "I don't like winters", she pouted.
"Why's that?", he poked her nose again.
"Hmp!!", she pushed his hand away again. "Because! It's so cold! And I hate cold. And! there are so many clothes to wear! So heavy!!", she started whining.
"Aw that's bad", Noah poked her nose again. It was getting fun for him now.
"Don't do it!", she pushed his hand with her nails this time.
"Why?", he still kept doing it. Being the skilled one he is, he kept dodging her nails too.
"GRRRR I don't like it!", she said in annoyance.
Being the Noah he is, he kept doing it.
In the end, to make up for the little Mika pouting with her puffed cheeks he had to buy her some ice cream.
"Okay I'm sorry", he handed it over to her.
"Hmph!", she turned away while still taking the ice cream.
He grabbed her hand and put it in his jacket's pocket. "Shall we take a walk?", he asked with utmost comfort.
"Okay...", she melted.
"Where are Nate and Grace?", she asked as her mood had lightened up now.
"He said something about being with Grace so must be together", Noah answered.
"Grrrr, I knew it! He always takes away such chances", Mika frowned.
"Why do you regret it?", he gripped her hand tighter.
"No", she blushed behind her little ice cream cone.
Somehow without even asking anything about what happened, Noah was able to lighten up her mood. The little teasing, pampering and treats were enough to make her happy. What he didn't realise was in her mind, what actually made her happy was how he knew the ways to cheer her up without ever talking about it.
"You know there's one thing I told him today", Mika looked into his eyes.
"What is that?", Noah asked with curiosity.
"That", she came in front of him and raised both of her hands, "you're VERY!!!! special to me".
Such cute gestures of her are enough to make him move. "Is that so?", he asked keeping his calm even though his heart was dancing on his chest.
"Yes!", she jumped in front of him, "you are". What made it, even more, cuter was she had to look up to him because of her tiny height.
"I give up", Noah whispered under his breath and started laughing. His happiness was coming out of his laugh. It was something very beautiful.
"Why are you laughing?", Mika was confused out of her mind.
"Nothing", he came to Mika and picked her up from his waist, "just thinking about my special idiot".
"Waahhhh! Let me down!!!!", Mika started screaming. Noah's more than perfect physique had actually picked up as much as he could reach.
"No way!", he started spinning her around. Still laughing his lungs out.
It was almost dark but people passing by could still see them and Mika's screaming was calling for attention. But at that moment none of them cared.
"Waaahh! I'll fall! It's scary!!!", she kept screaming.
In the end, Noah had to take her to the nearby food stall for a treat. He managed to piss Mika off. More than that, he managed to make her happy both the times.
"Don't do that again!!!", Mika shouted at him with food stuffed in her mouth.
"Okay okay", he sighed as he wiped her mouth with his napkin.
But in the end, Mika's head was all out of it's overthinking and worries. She could feel a lot of emotions except for sadness and guilt. She knew that she did right. He managed to pamper her and take care of her without even her knowing it.
Just like that, she found her solace.