The Trip (Part 2)

"Let me know when you're tired, I'll swap with you", Nate prompted as he saw Noah sit in the driver's seat. 

"Alright", Noah gave him a nice salute. 

As he was done with adjusting all the suitcases, he moved forward in a jolly mood to sit with Grace on the backseat. But before he could step in, he saw another evil site. 

Mika was being all squishy and mushy on the backseat with Grace. 

"Yo, get out", Nate banged his head on the car. 

"No I won't", Mika quickly rebelled and hugged Grace tight. "There's no way I'm letting her sit with a pervert like you!"

"What the hell you're talking about!? I definitely don't wanna hear it from someone like you!", Nate hissed. 

"Say whatever you want! I want to sit with her!"

"You are aware that I can drag you out with just one arm right?"

"Oh yeah? Then don't forget that I'll bite you!!"

Grace sighed loudly, "There they go again".