At the end of the bridge

It was finally break time. Diana went inside the club building again. She was making sure that no one would see her. But also not look like someone shady. 

She slowly opened the door and luckily, there was no one inside. 

She let herself in and locked the door from the inside. 

She was almost panting at that time. Her legs were feeling wobbly. Not able to move at all. But slowly, she collected the strength to not be dominated by all this.

She got her bag off and looked around. Strangely, there was no laptop to be found. 

"Shit!", Diana panicked. 

This was her only shot. Anything more and she'll lose both. Her friends and sister. 

She went to Nate's desk and started looking at the drawers. She also needed to find the sheets of music they had made before putting it on their laptop. 

She opened the drawer. There was nothing important there. And then another. And another. Pages were scattered everywhere like a storm had hit the room.