
---At medicine room---

"Here hold my hand." The little white hand came forward and Mingyo couldn't help but hold it in urgency. The pain in her knee was getting the best of her fear, but in reality, she trusted Chungyong this much to at least hold his hand which had offered nothing more than help till now. She closed her eyes fractionally when the pain from the ointment increased. Her welled up eyes started to leak tears but Chungyoung's sweet talks rang in her ear once again and she felt a bit of chill.

Finally, the pain died slowly and she started feeling a bit calm now. Her breath was still heavy but the constant painful itching was no more. She looked at Chungyong and he was looking back at her, with a smile on his face which made Mingyo realize she had never seen someone this happy with her. Chungyong said, "You did great work. You stayed strong. I am so proud of you."