Shattering the Ice

"This way."

Fenrir was leading me to where Yuki was hiding. Along the way, she had told me about her friendship with the spirits inside me and the missing young daughter of Queen Yukimi and how Yuki's heart had drowned into despair.

I felt like she left some important information because that was the only thing she talked about, nothing more.

"So, where is she?"

"We are almost there."

Fenrir had led me to a large cave, a cave covered in ice. Of course, it's going to be covered in ice. This was all Fenrir's doing, after all.

"We have arrived."

We arrived in this cavern, which was massive. There were glowworms attached to the icicles on the ceiling. It was very ice-themed.

As I looked around, I noticed someone standing on the water. She was wearing clothes that resembled that of a female ninja. It was called a Kunoichi if I recall.

"Yuki, I have brought the boy."

It was Yuki. I almost didn't realize because of her. She had a slim figure, flat-chested too. Not like that matters, though. She was charming.

Yuki turned around and glared at me with cold eyes. Whoa, those weren't the kind of eyes I saw earlier this morning.

[Level 158 Yuki Mitsuko]

As Fenrir said, her power is affected by her possessor. Despite being on a lower level than me, I could tell that she'll be on equal footing as me.

Hmm, she's pretty quiet.

"Fenrir, why isn't she talking?"

"She doesn't talk to anyone she considers her enemy."

So she's seeing me as an enemy. I think I understand. Your pet spirit gets defeated by some guy you met a few hours ago, and now you want to avenge it.

Yuki looked over at Fenrir and then opened her mouth.

"Come here."

Fenrir obediently got next to her. Yuki gave her some headpats, then she looked back at me.

"It seems you could defeat Fenrir."

She's complimenting me? Well, I don't know if I really won. It was more like she let me win.

"But it will be different when you go against me."

It might. You might win because I don't know if Fenrir was even playing easy or not, she even made me use Divine Chain-mail so you might do the same.

I said that all in my mind, I don't know, I'm nervous. I've never fought someone who could release such a cold aura before.

Yuki had pulled out two daggers from her spatial, and I brought out my father's sword.

It was a standoff. We were waiting for one of us to make the first move. But none of us did. Instead, all we did was stare at each other. Slowly, it got awkward for me. So I decided to go after her first.



As soon as I took the first step, I immediately slipped from the slippery ice.


"Ahh, that hurt."

As I readjusted my attention, I realized that Yuki was now gone.

"Where did she go?"

Fenrir was staying exactly where she was, by herself, so Yuki was probably still nearby.

Maybe I should use it, precognition.

When I use precognition, I see the vision in my left eye, so I activate it whenever I cover my right eye.


A vision appeared. I remember that I'll be able to look 10 seconds into the future. I don't know how much time would've passed in the actual world, but I know that it'll probably be slowed down.

3 seconds into the future, I saw myself sitting down on the ice looking around, alone. Then when the 7-second mark came, Yuki had dropped down from the ceiling and placed me in a chokehold. After that was just me struggling from her chokehold.

So she's above me, huh? Well, now that I know, I can change the future to my own will. Thanks to this ability I copied from Vlad, I'm able to foresee the future.

How many seconds have passed? It's been 10 seconds for me, but how long in the real world. Since Yuki hasn't dropped down yet, it's probably been a second or two. I should get away from here now.

I would then look up at the ceiling, Yuki was hanging onto the icicles.

I faced my palm at her, and a fireball came out of my hand. Her eyes widened, and she dodged. Now she was in front of me, her daggers near my underbelly. I jumped back, avoiding her incoming attack.

I wonder why she wasn't having Fenrir attack, it's part of her aberrant skill so she Fenrir should be attacking me too.


I looked down at my feet, I couldn't move.

"This was why you stayed still."

Fenrir nodded.

Precognition can only look at one future, it's not possible to look at another future. So this was unexpected.

Now that my feet were frozen in place, I couldn't move anymore. The only solution right now is to use fire magic.

I tried releasing fire particles, but the ice just didn't melt. It's like what happened outside when I used heatwave. The snow and ice on the ground didn't melt.

"It's useless, my ice is unmeltable."

But it's breakable, that I know.

Yuki took advantage of my disability and dashed at me, her daggers in a cross formation. As she threw a barrage of sharp swings, I used my sword to block. With every swing she performed, I was slowly beginning to lean back, she was slowly getting closer to me.


She had delivered a cut to my left shoulder, she was fast, I almost couldn't keep up with her attack speed. Guess I have no choice.


Again, silver, white, and blue platings appeared on my body. Now her attacks had no effect on me, though the force at which she hit I could still feel.





I'm safe now. I just need to get out of this ice.

I swung my sword at the ice attached on my feet, which easily shattered it. I was free now, I could move around again.

Fenrir, realizing that I had activated my Divine Chain-mail, ran up to her mistress' side.

"I should take it from here."

"No, you act as support."

"But you can't take him head-on like that. You'll lose."

"We don't know about that, but if a legendary spirit says so, you might want to listen."

I said interjecting. Yuki was glaring daggers at me now, literally. She threw her daggers at me, which I deflected. Then 3 magic circles appeared in front of her.

An advanced magic spell?

"Flooding Stream!"

A powerful stream of water came out of her hands and collided with my chest area. As I said, the armor may be good for protection, but I will still feel the impact of the attack. It was hard, hard enough that I started coughing out blood.


Her surge of water and knocked me back, me crashing into the wall.


I dropped onto the ground. That spell really hurt.

Since the pain was too much, it had made me activate my Divine Chain-mail. I looked up at Yuki, who was slowly approaching me.

I pointed my palm at her and a stream of fire traveled towards her, but it was blocked by ice that Fenrir created. Damn it, Fenrir's is like her bodyguard, no, she is a bodyguard.

[HP: 14025/184000]

I haven't been paying attention to my health. That water stream really did a number on me. I need to get up, which means using my stamina.

[Stamina: 29430/240590]

I have no idea how my stamina was so low right now. Maybe it was the last battle that got me this tired and maybe traveling through the snow. Stamina is also how much energy I have to last through the day. If I eat food or drinking something, my stamina will be restored, that's how my stamina worked.

I need to use restoration, immediately.

[Insufficient Mana.]

What do you mean, Insufficient Mana?

[MP: 2485/39500]

That's bad, I need 2500 MP in order to use restoration magic. If I can't use restoration right now, I'll have to use whatever is left.

And I may have the mana for just one more move.

When Yuki got closer, she was wide open. I just need to time this right.

Fenrir had gotten closer, Yuki ordered her to pick me up. She got closer, and soon she was right in front of me.

Then she lifted my face and immediately questioned.

"How did you know I was up there?"

Shit, she's onto me. She knew that I couldn't possibly sense her, which I couldn't because she was probably using a stealth technique that hid her presence.

Instead of answering her, I began laughing.

"Hehehehe, hahahaha~"

"What are you laughing about?"

She got closer.


I hovered my hand near her stomach, my index finger and my middle finger were one inch away from her stomach. Fenrir observed this and Yuki noticed it too, but they were too late.

"Divine Dragon Shock Flash."

I made a fist, and then I hit her directly in the stomach.


I delivered a hard punch into her gut, which then blasted her away into the air, all the way to the other side of the cavern. She collided with the wall, causing a huge crash.


I think I may have put too much force into that, but it did the job. Fenrir had let go of me and ran towards her.


She dropped onto the floor hard. Maybe I did too much. No, I didn't even have the strength to get Fenrir off me, that move I just did channels my magic power, and the strength that comes out depends on my attacking force.


The cavern began rumbling. The ice was becoming unstable. Then a batch of icicles broke off above Yuki.

Shit! It's going to get her.

"Yuki! Get out of the way!"

Fenrir was running at her full speed, but she was too slow, the icicles were just about to hit her. Using the last of my strength, I got up and used my last resort.

In a matter of seconds, I had appeared next to Yuki.

"What? How did you?"

I carried her and dashed out of there.


I had successfully moved Yuki out of the way. Fenrir had stopped in her tracks, stunned by what just happened.

"Whew, that was close."

Then, unexpectedly, Yuki grabbed my head.

"Uhh, what are you doi-?"

Fenrir's jaw had dropped. She was frozen and stared at us with wide-eyes.

As Yuki pulled my head closer to hers, she kissed me directly on the lips.


