
Chapter 10: Oh no...

I began walking back to my truck, I had already put the small amount of fuel in that I had bought from the gas station, into the gas line. Now all that I had to do was drive myself over to the gas station, to fill up the gas line and I could be off.

I was lucky, if I was going to be honest with myself, it could have been a lot worse than that, I thought to myself, thinking about the kids that I had seen messing with my engine. They had told me "good luck" and I really had thought that they had messed with it, and that was the reason why my truck stopped.

But instead, it was because I was too worried about that being a possibility, that I had not put any diesel in my truck. If they had really messed with my engine, the truck probably would not have started in the first place.

I could have been stuck here for a lot longer if so, and I was also lucky that I was near a place like this. Sometimes I felt that I was unlucky to have things like this happen to me, but I also realized that I was lucky with certain things when it came to stuff like this.

I shook my head, popping the fuel line closed, and then walking up to the truck and sticking the key into the door to open the drivers side door. As it unlocked, I opened the door to the truck and then hopped in.

Once I got in the truck, I stuck the key into the ignition. It spazzed out a little, but eventually it turned on, I freaked out a bit hearing it sound like that. I figured that was probably because of the fact that I had not put diesel in the line and it was just trying to fix itself up.

I closed my eyes for a few moments, and then nodded. Thanking god for some reason for the truck thankfully being fixed up. It could have most definitely ended up being a lot worse than that. I opened my eyes, and then looked in the mirror just to make sure that for whatever reason there was someone behind me.

I saw something flash by for a few moments, that looked like someone, in a dark robe, but I couldn't see it long enough to be too sure. I shivered, and looked around to see where they were at. I did not see where the person was at, not at all.

I closed my eyes once again, and then I looked back to see if anything was behind me once again. I did not see anything at all, I then began to drive across the road, to get to the gas station, looking through my side mirror once again just to make sure.

I saw the guy with the black robe, he was staring clearly right at me, as if he could see me through the mirror, I shivered, and then began to drive off, looking at him in the distance at the same time, as the guy then cracked a smile at me.

I shook my head, it looked an evil smile, and it freaked me out quite a bit. I just wanted to get the gas and get out of this state as soon as possible. I still could not stop thinking about how that guy that I had seen at the truck stop earlier had told me that there was evil stuff going on around there.

Then the little girl, with the knife in her hands, and the blood all over the truck, this just had to be some sort of joke that a bunch of people were pulling on me surely? My father had told me about stuff like this happening before, I just never wanted to believe it to be real.

As I went into the opening of the gas station, I put my truck beside the diesel machine, and then I hopped out of the door of my truck. I turned my head once again, just to make sure that the guy was not anywhere near me.

I did see the guy, he was just standing conpletely still from about 500 feet away, still just staring at me and smiling, it was really beginning to freak me out now. I put the card that I got from my manager into the machine, and then tapped on diesel, making sure that I 100% did that this time.

I put in enough for about 30 gallons of fuel, and then sat there, just staring at the guy back at him, just to make sure that he did not try to sneak up on me and try something on me. I did not look at the guys face, I just did not want to see it at all.

After about a couple minutes of me just staring, I heard the machine make that loud click, and I pulled out the gas pump. Once I put it back into the machine, I looked back at the guy in the robe one last time. This time, I did not see him back at the auto repair shop this time.

I looked around, still not seeing the guy anywhere to be seen, I shivered and then quickly hopped in through the drivers door of the truck. Once I was in, I quickly put the key into the ignition, and then hit the gas to get out of the gas station.

I was lucky to not hit anything, or anyone, I had not payed attention to that, nor did I even think about that at all either. But I was in Kansas, so odds are, unless I was the least lucky person in the world, which it tended to seem like I was, I was not going to hit someone.

Once I was out of the gas station, I saw the guy walking on the grass beside the road, and the guy smiled and waved at me. I did not wave back at the guy, he had a sort of evil smile on his face, a smile that I did not like at all. I blinked my eyes, and I just kept on walking.

I shook my head, that only spelt trouble for me, I was lucky to get out of there, and I looked through my mirror, just to make sure there was not a car behind me, that was trying to follow me. I knew that it was a smile of evil, why would some person in the middle of Kansas where robes with an upside down cross on it just wave at a truck driver?

I shook my head, happy to see that there was no car following me, then I kept on driving, pulling up my google map gps to see if there was somewhere in Denver that I could stop at, hopefully for the night as well... The gps was the only thing that was good about this truck, everything else was terrible.

I knew that this was an old truck as well, it had been used my someone else that had quit the company, they had just put the gps in recently so you would not get lost, in parts of the country where there was no data. I was at least grateful for that, but that was about all that they had done for me.

I kept on driving, looking back on the road once again. I shook my head once I saw that no one was behind me, and then I began looking at the GPS so I could find somewhere to eat, just before I got out or Kansas... Maybe not the smartest idea since it seemed like people were following me, but I was a fair bit hungry at the moment.

I kept on driving anyways, look at nearby places at the border, just to see if there was a place that I could get something to eat, before it would get too dark. I looked up at the horizon, seeing that it was already starting to get dark, and I was 100 miles away still, there was no way I would be able to get there on time for that.

I just blinked my eyes for a few moments, and just kept my head on the road, that is all that I needed to be doing right now, just keep my eyes on the road, and not be thinking about anything else. Once I was out of this state, I am sure that I would be fine.

I doubt that these people would follow me into any bigger cities, I knew that rural people hated urban life style. I kept on driving, smiling, I was going to be okay, this would all be alright, that was one thing that my father had told me to do.

He told me to always think positive, and that same energy would follow you. It seemed to be true, though my father must not be thinking positive very much, because he did not have very many positive things happen to him. It was kind of a bit hypocritical if I was going to be honest with myself.

I hated thinking about my father, he was out of my life, and I hoped that it was for good... I hated my father, I was not going to lie to myself. He always seemed to try to scare me and my mother, and he treated us like garbage most of the time.

I was happy that he was gone, he must be so alone, and worried about what sort of bad thing was going to happen in the world next. I shook my head, I did not need to worry about him, my mind should only be focused on myself. That was the real way to live, think about yourself, and once you are okay, that is when you think about others.

I know everyone will tell me different, but that was the only way that I could think about living my life, that was the only way for me. My mind all of the sudden got off that subject, thankfully, as for once I was happy to see it was my manager calling.

The happiness disappeared right away, just before I tapped on the green circle that was on the screen to open the call. I knew right away what he was calling me about, I knew that he was about to attack me, because of the fact that I had just spent 1000$ on the account.

But I would fight back this time, and I would let him know that I needed a new truck, even if it was a bit of a lie of how it had happened, I needed a new truck anyways... Maybe this was the perfect time for me to show him why I needed one.

I knew that a new truck would be very expensive, I knew that is why they did not want to buy me a new one, but in the end, I would still need a new one, and it would cost more just for little fix ups every couple of weeks or so. I shook my head, I did not want to press on the call.

I part of my just wanted to leave it til it got to the 40 second mark and made it to voice mail, but I tapped on the screen for some reason. This was the perfect time to prove a point to him. As soon as I tapped on the green, right away I heard him yelling at me.

"Why the hell is there 1000$ on the account? What the hell did you just spend that money on, a bike?" He said to me. I sat there, in silence for a few moments, trying to hold in a bit of a laugh, which I was not sure why I would be laughing in the first place, none of this was funny at all.

I just sat there, letting him get it all out, before I began to talk to him, still trying to hide in all the laughter that was going through my head right now. After he was done speaking to me, I began to talk back to him, doing my best to act angry at first, but then it turned into real anger as I realized how much I really hated this guy.

"I spent it on fixing up a part of the truck! This truck is shitty, I can see why that last guy left you guys! I need a damn new truck, something else is going to break, and you guys wont get as much money if I don't reach my destination on time." I said to the guy, letting him no I was angry, but also keeping a calm, and steady tone in my voice at the same time.

I sat there for a few moments, the guy did not know what to say back to me clearly. I was tempted to cough to get his attention, but this was a phone call, and I hated phones anyways, I only really used them for games, I had no friends to really be texting.

After a little bit longer, my manager, Jim, a perfect name when you thought about a guy that would be your manager, finally decided to respond back to me. This time, he too kept his voice calm, just on the level that I was at.

"Okay... I will speak to my owner about this, I cant make any promises, I am not the one that makes these types of decisions." He said to me. If I was going to be honest with myself, I was not sure how to respond to that, I had not expected that from him at all.

I suppose it did not really matter however, the owner was an even bigger prick than he was. I looked at the road, this time trying to focus, as I saw a couple of cars coming past me, last thing that I needed was my massive truck hitting a small little car, and then killing the person in it instantly.

I hated the highways in places like these as well, there was no railing on the other side of the road, and there was no bumps to let you know you were going off the road, it was just a single lane highway that went both ways.

I finally managed to realize what the manager had said to me, and for perhaps the first time that I had ever done to him, mainly because he did nothing to deserve it, I thanked him, and he sounded a bit surprised with it, he knew that I did not like him very much as well.

"Well... Thanks... Good luck with that." I told him. We sat there in silence for a few moments, neither of us said a word to each other. But eventually, he finally decided to speak his voice in our short little conversation.

"Yeah... No problem Anthony, stay safe on the road buddy..." He said to me. I nodded to him for some reason, even though I knew that he could not see it, and I was a bit surprised to hear him call me buddy as well, because we most definitely were not friends at all.

I then heard the click, and he left the call. I shook my head, and then put the phone on the side of my drivers side door, and looked at the maps, Denver was still about 150 miles away, but I was getting a bit closer to the border now, so that was one good thing for sure.

I looked back at the road, and saw a bit of a smaller truck drive past me, in the truck I saw a couple chickens and rabbits, and I saw the exact same freemason sticker that I had seen last night. I shook my head though, it was best for me to not worry about that.

It was probably nothing, my father had told me that not all freemasons were bad as well, and there were certain levels of that sort of thing, I never got that deep into it, because I did not want to believe all of the evil things that my father had told me about the world, I just wanted to push it off like it was some sort of joke.

I kept on driving, but all of the sudden, I heard a very loud popping noise from the front side of my car, right near the engine, and it made me jump right away. I then realized that my car was slowing down... Something had just blown my engine.

I began to freak out, I did not know what to do... I then began to pull over on the side of the highway, that seemed like the somewhat smart thing to do. I picked up my phone, but I saw that I had no data connection, damn it verizon! The one time that I needed it the most...

"Oh... No..."