
Chapter 11: Get Back...

My truck stopped, making a racket at the same time. I just stood there for a few moments, closing my eyes, and just hoping, if there ever was a god, that this was not real. I just wanted to wake up, realizing that this was just some nightmare, and then get back on the road, and do my job.

I punched the steering wheel fairly hard, and it slammed on my fist and caused quite some pain from it. It let me know that this was real, and a part of me felt like I was in hell right now. And, maybe I was in hell, all the freemason stickers and other shit that I had been seeing over the last couple of days.

It was really starting to scare me. Now, I was stuck in the middle of nowhere, somewhere in Kansas, with no signal to the nearest of anything. This was just great, it was as if my biggest fears had all of the sudden just all came into one big thing.

I also realized that when I had slammed my fist into the steering wheel, no sound had come out of the horn. The engine was completely out, and I might not be good with cars or trucks, but that was one thing I was smart enough at, as I came to realize that.

I closed my eyes for a few moments, if only I would have gotten a much needed new truck, then things would have ended up okay. If only I had told that guy to check the engine, then I would have been alright... But no... I was too lazy, and I had just assumed that it had been my fault.

A part of it was, but if I had not put the normal gas into the gas tank, then he would have checked the engine, and that was where the real problems were coming from. I was tempted to slam my hand again, but that would only cause more pain... Right now, I just needed to think.

I closed my eyes once again, trying to think through all of this properly. It had been a few miles back, and I had gotten 1, or maybe 2 bars of signal... But I did not know how far back that was really. I just needed any sort of connection, and I could hire someone to work on it. How long was I willing to walk to find the nearest place?

I opened my eyes, trying to remember what the surroundings were like around me. I looked around, and saw that there was a house, not to far away from the right side of me. There were 2 cars in the driveway, with no freemason stickers as far as I could see thankfully.

I looked over to my left as well, to see if I could spot anything. I then pulled out my phone, seeing a sign in the road that was far too far away for me to see. And yes, I knew that I needed glasses, or at least contacts, but it would still be too far away for any persons eyes anyways.

I took a picture with my camera, and then zoomed in on it, it was so far away that it was a bit blurry for me to see. But I saw that the nearest gas station was 13 miles away, along with a random Mcdonalds beside it was well.

I cursed myself, nearly slamming my hand into the steering wheel once again. That was going to be an insanely long walk for one, a walk that I would not be able to do today, as I saw that it was beginning to get quite a bit dark outside.

2nd off, how would I know that they would be able to help me anyways? My best bet, if I was going to be honest would be to go 10 or so miles back, and try to get some service so that I could call someone. If there was someone that would be willing to drive all the way out here at least...

I wish I would have just asked that guy to check my engine, it would not have gone out of my account for one thing. But I remembered that the guy was fairly upset with me, that was the decision that I had made, and now, there was no going back on it.

It was quite a dumb decision by me, if I was going to be honest with myself. I should have just asked him to check the engine, it did not matter if he was upset with me, I was never going to be back at that place ever again. I looked behind me just to make sure I was not missing something.

I knew I was not however, I was paying attention to the road, practically all the way through here. I closed my eyes, this was going to be fun I suppose. Hopefully the people at this house would help me, I could tell they owned a lot of land through the fields behind them.

If I did not get help, I was going to be screwed for quite some time, and I would not be surprised if my owner fired me because of something like this, that was not my fault. I had just told my manager that I had engine problems, it was a lie at the time, but now I knew however that it was slightly true.

Hopefully my manager had already begun talking to the owner, but I had my doubts on whether or not that was really true. I shook my head, maybe I should have just applied for a trucking job for amazon or something, that probably would have made my life a whole lot easier.

I did not know what the payment was like for stuff like that though, so I suppose I should just be happy with my current job, this was just one small little mishap, it might cost me a bit of time, and a bit of money, but maybe it was exactly what I needed to do, just to think through life.

I had plenty of money, over 200,000 in savings. My entire life was just driving this truck, so it was fairly rarely that I needed to spend money on anything. I was 25, and I hoped that I could retire permanently by the age of 40... That was the goal at least.

A couple of thousand would not hurt me too bad, I knew that I was only going to be down for a few weeks, and I would be getting a new truck out of it as well... This truck currently, had to be at least 30 years old, surely they would not just fix up the engine and then send me on my way right?

I shook my head, realizing that I was wasting a fair amount of time now, it was starting to get dark outside for real now. I looked outside for a few moments, hardly seeing anything left out in the sun, and then I opened the door to the drivers side of the truck.

I unbuckled the belt, realizing that I still had it on. Then I looked outside the door and stared at it for a few moments. I remembered the steep fall that I took when I got out of the truck, and I nodded to myself, remembering to think about that, as I then got out of my truck.

I looked around, trying to remember what I was doing... What was it again? Oh yes... That is right, my truck engine just passed out, and now I am stuck in the middle of Kansas with no connection on my phone. Almost as if it was the "Good Ol Days", which did not seem so good to me.

I turned over to the house that I was about to go to, and I noticed that I could hardly see the house now. It was that dark, at this point. I was lucky that there was a light in one of the bedrooms, telling me that there was in fact someone in the house...

They just had their curtains closed, they did not want to be bothered clearly. I felt a bit bad for whoever it was that was in there, if I was lucky that they were kind enough to let me in, it might not be so much as good luck to them.

I tended to not get along with very many people, I was not so sure why that was. It was as if the way I talked, they just did not like that. It was not really my fault, I hoped whoever was in there would let me in, it looked like a fairly big house, they were well established farmers, they should have an extra room.

I began to walk over to the house, and I was about 20 feet away from the front porch, when I stepped on something, luckily it did not break, they probably would not let me in if so. I looked at it, and noticed that it was a gravestone that I had stepped on.

It was still standing up, luckily enough for me, but I noticed that it was an upside down cross. I shivered, trying not to think about whatever that might mean. I looked at the words on it, from the light coming from one of the bedroom windows.

"Rest In Pepperoni, Fluffins, December 25th, 2018..." It was nearly 3 years since that had happened. It was clearly the handwriting of a young kid. He was memeing as well, it made me feel quite a bit better at what it was that I was about to walk into.

I was glad that I had not broken the gravestone. It actually brought quite a bit of a smile to my face, not seeing that it was a dead cat, but more of the fact that this was a young kid, and I was going to be okay when I walked into that house.

That was if they let me in of course, I hoped that they did not open the door with a shotgun in their hand, telling me to get off of their land. I suppose I was about to find out, as I then walked up to the door, I then began to knock on it.

I sat there for a few moments, and all I heard was silence. I then began to wonder if someone was there in the house, or they had just left a light on the scare any intruders. I sat down on one of the steps on the porch, supposing I had nothing better to do right now, I might as well wait.

After about a minute, I then began to hear footsteps, and I heard a bit of a younger person walking to the door. Their parents must not be here, they would have been the one to have gone to the door if they had heard me knocking on it at this time of the day.

That was probably why the kid had taken so long to walk over to the door as well, they were probably busy contemplating if they should go up and see who it was or not. I did not blame the kid, if I was in their shoes I would have not gone to the door at all.

I walked up onto the front door, and noticed something move in the little peephole, but I did not say anything about it. I just sat there for a few moments, just staring at the door. Waiting for the kid to respond to me knocking on the door a few moments ago.

After a few more seconds, I wondered if they were going to answer me, or if they had just possibly left. But I knew that I did not hear the footsteps of the kid walking away from the front door. They were just waiting til they had the balls to say something about a random stranger knocking on the door. I then began to hear the young kid start to talk to me.

"Can I help you?" The kid said, he was clearly lowering his voice deeper to make it sound like he was older than he actually was. I felt a bit bad for the kid, he must be very scared right now, probably worried about why there was a completely stranger on the front steps.

I did my best, trying to stifle a bit of a laugh, it was a fair bit funny to me that the kid was trying to make it seem like he was older than he actually was. After a few seconds, I could see the kids eyes still looking at me from the peephole, I then responded to him.

Yes... Sorry to be a bother, my truck just shut down right beside your house, I have no way of fixing it and nowhere to stay for the night, I was just wondering if you all could let me in." I said to him. He looked at me for a few moments, I could almost see his face, he was wondering how to respond to that.

I knew just as good as him, that he was the only one in the house right now.

He took a few moments to say something back to me, about what I had just said to him, and I wondered if he was going to say something to me for a few moments, I might have scared him off, which I would hope would not have been the case.

After a few more seconds, the kid finally responded to me. He made the right decision as well, I was a total stranger pulling up to his house in the middle of Kansas, he was probably scared out of his right mind right now.

"Just stay on the front porch til my parents get back..."