
Chapter 26: Where They Went

I had just about finished with getting the food for all of the chickens. The water had already been enough. I did not like working on a farm at all, if I was going to be completely honest with myself. I would never want to live a life like the way this family was.

I shook my head as I put down the final 2 baskets of the chicken food, as a few other chickens flocked on top of it, all pecking at each other to have a chance to get in on the food. I rolled my eyes at the chickens, as I stared at them for quite some time.

The place smelled like absolute shit, I was not going to lie about that. It was also very loud, with all the chickens fighting each other. It did in fact seem a slight bit peaceful however. It sure did beat driving a truck all across the country my entire life.

That was peaceful in the sense that I was alone. But it also was not, as life felt a bit different when you did not have a person by your side. I lowered my head to the ground, as I thought about my mother, and my father. It had been quite some time sense I had last spoken to either of them.

It seemed as though being on this farm, with all of the animals, it almost felt like you were not alone in a strange sort of way. They were simply just some farm animals, and you could not speak to them, but it did not make you feel like you were alone.

I tried my best to make a mental note in my mind, that whenever I got any sort of connection to the internet, or any sort of data signal, that I must call both of my parents. I had to catch up on some things with them. Even if I was not the biggest fan of my father.

He was still my father, and even if I did not like him, it did not, not make him my father. I closed my eyes for a bit of time, as a felt the breeze of chickens flying to and fro around me. It was a lot different, it was as if it were some whole new world.

I was waking up to some things, as it seemed as though I was telling myself that I was no longer going to be alone. I smiled a bit to myself, as it seemed as if it had been the first time that I had done this along this whole trip to Portland so far.

Just as I had my mind off of all of the bad things, I heard a loud noise of what seemed to be the sound of an engine starting from not too far away from me. I opened my eyes, as I saw the truck of the man and his wife not but 300 feet away from me.

I opened my eyes, and looked over to it, as I knew that they had told me that they were going to be going somewhere tonight, so it should not be any sort of surprise to me. I stared at it for quite some time, as I spotted the freemason sticker that I had seen just yesterday once again.

I gulped a bit, as I then realized why it was a surprise to me. I still did not know them all too well, and all of the stories that my father had told me when I was younger, were all coming back to me. I tried to shake it off, but it was just too hard for me to do so.

I watched as the truck began to drive off, and I just stared at it for a little bit of time. Then I saw what was on the back side of the truck as well. I saw a bunch of rabbits... What was it that they might be doing with all of those rabbits?

I shook my head, as I knew that it was none of my business, but for some reason there just did not seem to be something that was right about this. It was as if something was just slightly off on all of this. Maybe I was over thinking all of it, and just letting all of the stories that my father had told me, get to my head.

I just could not shake it off, from out of my head. Why had they not just told me that they were just selling some rabbits off of the market? What were they really doing with those rabbits. The normal part of me was telling my that they had just forgotten to tell me, or they just did not care to tell me.

It seemed as though there was some other type in my brain, that was telling me that there was something that was not right about all of this. I tried to shake that off, it made sense as to why I had been having all of those nightmares now...

I closed my eyes, as I just tried to give my normal part of the brain time to think over to myself. But, the part of my brain that was working in over drive at the moment just seemed as though it were not going to allow that to happen right now.

I just opened my eyes, as I realized that it was not going to work at all, as I saw the truck drive away in the distance. I watched it as far as I could see as it went down the long and straight road. I blinked a couple of times, as I saw that it was now out of my viewing range.

I tried my best to tell myself that it all was going to end up being okay. I just was not quite sure if that were true at all though. I wanted so badly to say so, but something was just taking over my normal train of thought at the moment. I shook my head though, as I realized that I must be getting back to what it was that I had been doing.

If these people were in fact evil people, than I would not want to make them angry. I was lucky that they were giving me a place to stay for now. I did not want to test them, as I was a bit scared to see what would happen if I did that in fact.

I then began to walk into the chicken coop that was in front of me, as I heard a few groans of some chickens that had stayed in here, unlike many of the other chickens had, to go and get some food and some water. I looked around, as I looked to see where the eggs might all be at.

I did not see any around the general area, as I had expected there to be so. I then looked over at a few chickens that were with each other in the far corner of the chicken coop. That it when I saw all of the eggs. They were all bundled up together, as it were clear that they were trying to protect them.

I looked at them for quite some time, as I saw them staring right back into my eyes. I looked at them for a bit longer, as I then shook my head, to try not to lock my eyes onto theirs. I felt a bit bad for them, though I was not sure why that would be the case.

I knew that the eggs did not have a baby chicken in them, and I knew that they were not fertilized at all. I still felt a bit bad for them, as I began to come a little closer to them, with the basket in my hand. I could see them staring at me as if they were a bit angry.

As I got closer to them, to my surprise, the chickens got off of the pile of eggs that they had been sitting on. They then flew past me with their wings flapping. I stared at them, a bit surprise that they had done so as well, but I let them fly past me anyways.

I watched them go out of the chicken coop as well, as I saw them turn around the corner, going to get some water and some food, just like the rest of the chickens had done. I watched it a bit longer, as if I expected the chickens to come back in, to try and protect their eggs, but that was not the case.

I shook my head, as I turned back over to where they had been hiding their eggs, and then I began to walk over to them, feeling a bit grateful that I did not have to deal with the potential threat of being attacked by a massive horde of chickens.

As I got closer to the eggs however, I then heard a loud squawk. I jumped back, quite a bit surprised, as I wondered where it had come from. I knew that it was more of a defensive squawk than an attacking squawk, and I knew that it must have come from a chicken that I had missed.

I looked around a bit confused for a few moments. I then saw it hiding in the far corner of the coop. It was staring at me with a strange look in its eyes, almost as if it were trying to look through my soul. I did not dare look back at it, as I did not make any sort of move to try to get the eggs.

We both sat there for quite some time, until I felt like it might be a bit more safe for me to make a move. I knew that I would not lose it a fight against a chicken like this, but I still did not want to get pecked a bunch of times because I was trying to take its eggs.

As I got closer, it groaned a bit, as I grabbed the first egg, and then I put it into the basket. I kept my eyes on it, making sure that it did not all of the sudden run at me, since I was taking its eggs way from her. Once I thought that it was safe again, I grabbed another egg.

This time it did not groan at me, but it instead hopped off of the eggs it had been sitting on, as I could tell that it was a bit sad. I knew that it was not the first time that this chicken had witnessed us taking eggs from her. I then watched as it walked out of the coop like the others had done, to get some food and water.

I felt a bit bad for the chicken, though I knew that I should not. Once I knew that there were no other chickens in the coop with me, I then quickly began to put more eggs into the 2 baskets, before any other chickens walked into the coop with me.

After a bit of some time, I then noticed that there were no more eggs to be taken care of, I then lifted up the 2 full baskets filled with eggs. I then nodded to myself, as I turned my head over to the exit of the chicken coop.

Once I was out, I looked around at the large area, seeing that there were still a fair amount of chickens that were getting some food and water. Those chickens were a bit smaller than most of the chickens, and it started to make sense as to why they were still eating.

They must have gotten attacked by the other chickens, so they had not gotten a chance to get any of the first bites of the food. I felt bad for the small chickens, but I shook my head at the same time, as I saw that some of the chickens were looking over at the basket of eggs that I had, with their heads tilted.

I realized that I should get out of this place before I might in fact get attacked by some of the chickens. I then quickly opened the door to the fence, closing it as fast as I could as well, to make sure that no chickens had followed me in to the small little area.

Once I had made sure that I was safe, I carried the baskets of eggs out towards the exit of the entire chicken den. Once I was out, I looked over at the chickens that no longer had their eyes on me, and I wiped off the sweat that had gotten on ny face.

It was not that it was that it had been hot. It was more the fact that I felt like I was going to be attacked several times I had been in that chicken coop. I was out of it now, though I felt like there might be more days like this to come, and next time they might not be as friendly as they were now.

I shook my head, as I began to walk over to the house. I looked at the driveway at the same time, as I saw a car that looked like it had not been used it quite some time. I saw a sticker on the back side of the car, that did not look like on that I had seen before.

I was not sure if it were a good, or a bad thing. I then shook my head at the same time as well, as I figured that I should not be so worried about all of that. I closed my eyes for just a few seconds, and once I had given my brain some time to wipe out those thoughts, I then hopped on to the front porch.

I went up to the front door, and as I got close to it, I was about to knock on it, until I remembered that they had told me that I was free to come in and out whenever I felt necessary. I nodded thankfully, as I then began to think that maybe they were not as bad as I had thought they were.

I opened the door the house, and then I put the eggs in a nearby table, as they had told me to do. I then began to focus in on my surroundings at the same time as well. I heard the TV in the background, behind the kitchen that was on the left side of me.

I sat there for some time, as I heard the voices of characters from a TV show that I did not recognize. I figured that the kid must still be watching Disney Channel however. I shook my head, as I walked over to the room, to let the kid know that I was there.

Once I was over past the kitchen in to the room, I spotted to kid in the same chair that he had been sitting in not too long ago. I shook my head, as I wondered how kids could have their eyes glued to a TV screen for such long periods at a time.

The kid then nodded to me, as he saw that I was in the room with him. I nodded back to the kid, as I sat down in the chair next to him, just as I had done so earlier. I looked at the screen for just a few seconds, and then I turned my head over to the kid, and began to speak to him.

"Hey kid... About your parents... You have any clue where they went?"