
Chapter 31: Join Us

I sat there for a few seconds, as at first I thought that they might have been talking about someone else, until I realized that I was the only 1 that was sneaking in, on their secret meeting. I blinked a few times as I then lowered my head, making sure that I was not looking through the peephole.

I began to shiver, as I was beginning to get a bit scared now. I knew that this was in fact a satanic gathering, but I was not sure what to do, or how I could get out of this. I stood there, as my mind went blank, and I tried my best to think of ways to get out.

I knew the simple solution would to just run out of the barn, and go back to the house, and maybe hope that they did not think that it was me that had gone there. I did not like the odds of that going in my favor however, as I took a few seconds to think that through.

I realized that, even if I did run out of the place, and managed to get away, they had cars and trucks, while I just had my legs and feet. They would easily catch up to me, if I did that in any case, even if I ran through the woods in that case, I would still be done for.

They would get back home, and it would not take long for them to realize that I was not there. I could not just sneak through the door, or the window, and hope that they had not noticed that I had been gone. I knew the room that I had stayed in would be the first place that they would look.

Hell... I was probably wrong in that departure as well. The kid could just tell them that I had gone out to the truck, and he had not heard from me in a few hours. It would not take them that long after that, to figure out all of the pieces to the puzzle.

I knew that as evil, and as satanic as they were, they were still very smart people. I squinted my eyes harder than before, as I kept them closed. It scared me even more, just to think about it like that. Though hell was supposedly hot, it sure as hell felt cold.

I was closer to the devil than ever before, and I was not sure if that was good for me. Not that it ever could be, as even if I did not listen to the crazy stories that my father had told me, I knew that people that were religious, hated the devil.

It was kind of crazy, as I thought about it more and more. They said not to hate anything, but they sure as hell did not like the devil. I mean who would? Well, now that I thought about the question that I had just asked of myself, the answer was quite easy to it.

I was at a gathering right now, of a bunch of the people that seemed to love Satan. It made me sick, as I knew that no matter what you could say, the devil was not a good man. Hell, if making the Jews kill Jesus was not bad enough, I am not sure what was worse.

I shook my head, as I knew that my thoughts should not be on all of that at the moment. I remembered what it was that was going on around me at the moment, and I began to feel more sick, and more scared that I had been just a few seconds ago.

There was 1 way that I could get out of this I suppose. It was not the best way to get out, but it was just about the only way that I could think of, that would make the most sense at the moment. If I was to just run away, and hide out in the woods, I would stand a chance.

I knew that they would come looking for me though, and with who knows what either. For all I know, they could already have put some sort of tracking drones on me. Shit... I was beginning to sound like my dad now... Was that a bad thing though?

After all, just about every single thing that he had told me about, had ended up coming true in the end, and I would have never thought that it would come to that, at any day. I was more than likely over thinking this once again, and I knew it.

Tracking drones, you had to be shitting me at the moment. No... If there was any way out of this, my best choice, was to get out of this barn, and run out in to the woods. I knew that they would go searching for me out in the woods, and for all I knew, they had K9s.

If I got far enough away, it might give me just enough time though. I would have to hurry, and hell, for all I knew I would have to stay up a lot for the next couple of nights, no matter how tired I was to get. At the same time though, I really did not know how deep these woods could be.

For all I know they could be waiting for me on the other side. I shook my head, as I knew that I had to at least give myself a chance. That was just about the only way that seemed fit, for me to have a chance to get out of this situation.

I blinked a few times, as I realized the barn that I was in, had gone dead silent. I was not sure if it was a good idea for me to poke my head through the peep hole, but I went ahead, and I did it any ways, just to make sure that no one was looking my way.

As I looked through, I saw that all of the people that were at the gathering, were all a slight bit confused, as they all were looking around, trying to see the person that, Patrick, the man that I had spent the night at, at his house last night.

It was clear to me, that he must be the leader of all of this. I squinted at the man, as I saw that he had his eyes closed, and he had a big smile on his face at the same time as well. It made me feel even more sick, than I had felt just a few seconds ago.

I had to get out of here, and I had to do ot quick! I lifted myself up, as I knew this was just about the only chance that I had at getting out of here at this point. Hell, if they caught me, I did not even want to imagine what they would do to me.

I then began to slowly walk out of the room that I was in, making sure that no one was poking their head out, that might see me, as I crept myself out of the barn. I did not want them to hear my footsteps either. My heart began to pump fast.

I was so afraid, and I was not sure what it was that I would do once I got out of here. I had no connection, so it would just about be damn near impossible for me to call anyone, no matter how far I ran off to, and if I was in woods, while in Kansas, I really doubted if there would be any cell towers nearby.

How would I eat, and how would I drink as well? If I did manage to get out of this, I knew that my boss would not believe a word that I would say, and I knew that he would fire me, for me losing the truck. I would worry about that later I suppose.

Right now my main focus, was to find some way out of here, and make sure that I was not caught, and I was not killed. I had already managed to catch a bit of some video, of them in the circle with satanic robes on, and them singing some sort of satanic hymn.

I shook my head, I would share that, if I got out of here. When I got out of here at least, as I knew that I needed to have a positive out look on all of this. I just was not sure what it was that could be positive about any of this at the exact moment.

I kept on slowly walking, as I got over to exit of the barn. I sighed a bit in relief as I had at least made it this far. The sigh that I had made, almost seemed to have jinxed myself. As just as I got to the exit, I heard Patrick then speak to me, but this time that he spoke, it was closer than before.

"Hello Anthony... I suppose that you have found out, about our little secret!" He said to me. I sat there for a few seconds, as it felt like none of this could possibly be real at all for me at the exact moment. This had to be some sort of sick joke, like some sort of prank TV show, surely right?

It did not make sense though, as why would there be some prank show in the middle of Kansas? Why would they go this in to it either? All of the stuff that had gone on before I had gotten here... No... I knew that it was all real, as I turned my head back over to the man.

He had a bit of a strange smile on his face, that made me feel a quite bit sick as well, as I lowered my head to the ground, un able for me to lock eyes with him. I knew this was the end for me, I saw his pals with knives on them, looking like they were just about ready to end me.

I stared at each one of them for just a few seconds, and then I looked over at Pat. I began to get a bit scared, though I did not like the guy, from the moment that I had laid eyes on him, he was at least the guy that seemed to be the least crazy out of all of them. I then nodded to him, as I began to speak.

"Look... I am sorry... I really did not mean to sneak in on all of this... If you let me go, I promise that I will not tell anyone about this. I just felt like I should see what it was that was going on... I realize my mistake now!" I said to him, begging and pleading my case, for him to let me go free.

It was a bit strange to me, to think of it like this, but it was almost like that time I had gone in court with my mother, and my father, when they had first gotten their divorce... They were both trying to plead their case, on who got the rights on me.

In the end, neither of them got full rights on me, and I spent most of my life just switching in between the both of them. It made me feel a bit sick for me to compare a satanic cult to that, but it strangely enough was just the same, as I was begging for them to let me go.

The man looked at me for just a few seconds, as he had a bit smile on his face, as I watched him begin to stroke his chin at me. He looked at his wife, as she nodded to him. I was not sure if that were good, or bad for me. I listened to Pat, as he began to speak to me anyways.

"Look... We can't just let you go free, and then tell everyone about us... We do not want to kill a poor guy like you, so maybe we have another choice." He said to me. I looked at him for a few seconds, as I blinked, wondering what it was that he had meant. I nodded to him, letting him know that I was listening to him, as he continued to speak. "But if you were... To maybe... Join us..."