
Chapter 34: What I had in Mind

I looked at the man who had just spoken me for just a few more moments, as I wondered if any of this was even real, and how in the hell this had happened to me as well. I closed my eyes for just a small amount of time too, as I knew that was probably not the best idea to do at the moment.

Luckily no one seemed to notice, nor did they care, as I heard the main guy, the guy, who house that I had slept at last night, which I had to admit was quite a bit kind of him, even if he was a devil worshipper, as he began to walk back to the barn.

I sat there for a few moments, as I heard the rest of the group that had been surrounding me for quite some time, as they began to follow him. As I sat there for a bit more time, I then realized that it would probably be a wise idea for me to follow them.

I opened my eyes, as I saw that they had gone a fair bit of ways away from me. I looked around for just a few moments, as I then suddenly thought if I could perhaps run away, and they might not be able to catch me in time. I then shook those thoughts from out of my head at the same instance.

I knew that it would be a terrible idea if I was to do so, or even try to get out of here like that. I had no idea where I was even going to go, and from what I had heard from them, and what I had seen happen to me over the last couple of days, these people were all over the state of Kansas.

I shivered, as I knew that I had to find some way out, and some way that I did not have to be a part of a cult for the rest of my life. There just was no way in ny head at the moment, that I could see fit for me to get out of this.

If I did go back with them, I knew that they would not go through with the promise that they had made me before I had found out that they were a part of a cult. They would not help me fix up the truck, because they did not want me to leave Kansas.

I knew that these people were fairly smart, even if it was not smart to worship the devil. I knew that they would not let me go back to the truck company, as I could easily tell a lot of people about what had happened to me here, and all about the cults.

They knew that I could tell people of where they lived, and many other things, and even I knew that they were not willing to risk that. I shook my head, as I knew that I had to go through with this, and no matter what, even if I did not want to do so, that I had to go to this gathering in the barn.

I felt sick, as I now knew that all of what my father had told me, for the most part had been true, and my mother had been telling him that it was not for such a long time. I wish that the both of them were with me right now, to see that it was all true.

I then looked up at the same time, as I saw that the group was far ahead of me, and they were nearly over to the barn at the same time too. I noticed that none of them were looking back for me either, almost as if they had already forgotten what had just happened a few moments ago.

I looked around for a few moments, as it then came back to me, the idea of running off. That was, until I saw that there were 2 people staying back, as they were staring me down at the same time too. They were fairly big guys too, and I really did not want to try to mess with them.

The plan of me running off was now completely out of the window, as at the sane time too, I knew that it was a bad idea anyways. If they were all over Kansas, than they would eventually find me no matter what, as I needed to get food and water of I tried to run off.

Even if I did try to run off, it would take me weeks to get out of here, as I did not have a vehicle no longer, to get me out of here quickly. I would probably never have that vehicle ever again... They would not trust me with it, and I knew that for a fact.

The day they would trust me, at that point I knew that I would be too far gone at that point, and I would have no soul. I shook my head, as I then saw that the 2 big guys had their eyes squinted at me, and they were walking up to me too.

I saw that the group that was far ahead of me, was in the barn now, and I also saw that there was a blade on one of the hands of the guys. That was when I did not hesitate to make my final decision on this, as I then began to jog over to the barn, to meet up with the rest of the others.

They stopped, once they saw me do that, as they just stared me down, until I got deep into the barn, with the rest of the people that were in there with me. I looked around for a few moments, as from the outside, it had looked as though the barn was pitch black.

I then remembered that I had been in here no more than an hour ago at the same time as well, and I noticed the candles that were all across the walls again. I shook my head, as I saw that all of them were in the big room that I had been spying on them from, in the hallway of the outside.

Many of them were looking around, as I could tell that they were a bit confused as to where it was that I had gone to. But then they saw that I was just walking in through the large doorway, as they then nodded to me, at the same time as well.

I nodded back to them, though I was still a bit scared, as I was not sure what to do, nor did I want to mess up, as I was worried that if I did so, than they would not hesitate to kill me. I looked around at the large circle, that was a lot wider than the circle that they had around me, on the outside of the barn.

I blinked a few times, as I was not sure what to do, so I just went up to one of the people that were closer to me, and I stood with them, and looked at the middle of the circle, where the main guy, Patrick, stood, with his head down to the ground.

At first things seemed to be normal, until I saw that everyone was looking right at me, and squinting at me, including the person whom I had just stood beside. I looked around, as I was a bit confused as to what it was that I had done wrong.

I then saw that the man in the middle of all of this, finally decided to lift up his head, as he too stared at me, but not with his eyes squinted at me, like all of the others had. He instead had a bit of a strange, and almost scary looking smile on his face, as I shivered at the same time as well.

He then looked around at all of his companions, that were all with him, as he then nodded to all of them, with the same smile on his face. No one else here seemed to have that same creepy smile, so I was quite a bit confused as to what was going on.

Eventually, after looking at each one of the people that he was with, he then turned his head over to me, and then he nodded back to me as well. I looked at him for a few moments as well, as I was not quite sure what it was that I should do.

I was not sure if I should speak to him, or what... I looked around, as if some one was going to help me do the correct thing, but I realized that I was a bit dumb for thinking so. These people just seemed to be soulless and they just did whatever their leader told them to do.

I looked away from all of them, as I looked over to Patrick, and I went ahead and did the safest play possible, as I was sure that he would not be angry at me for it. I just nodded back to him, as I hoped that it was the correct thing for me to do.

He did not seem to be angry at it at all, as I saw that he had no sort of emotion on his face at the moment, as he just stared into my eyes, I was not sure what he was trying to do. I just looked at him for a bit longer though, until finally, he decided to speak to me.

"Anthony... Come with me to the middle of the circle please..." He said to me. I looked at him for just a few moments, as I looked around, once again, though I did not look for long, as I remembered that I was not going to get much of a response from any of these people.

I then looked back at the man, as I saw that he now had his eyes squinted at me once again. I was a bit confused as to why, until I felt a bit dumb, as it did not take me long to realize as to why it was so. He was waiting for me to do as he had just told me.

I looked at the ground for just a few seconds, as I then began to walk over to him, in the middle of the circle. He then put the same smile that he had on his face, just a few moments ago. I stopped right beside him, as I did my best to not keep my head down.

I knew that it would make me awfully suspicious to all of them, if I just had my head down to the ground, through all of this. I knew that they were trying to get me to be a part of the cult, and if it did not look like I wanted to be, than it would not look good for me.

I looked around at the circle that was around me, as I saw that all of the people seemed to have very pale skin, though I wondered if it was just the dark light that was in the room, as I also saw that they did not have any sort of emotion on their faces at all.

I wondered, if I was here for very long, if I was going to be the same way. If I just had my soul sucked out of me, as soon as I joined this group. I did not want to join them though, so I was not sure what all was going to happen to me.

I shivered, as I just turned my head over to the main guy, Patrick. He had his head held high, as if he were trying to tell all of the people in the room, that he was the superior, to the rest of them. As if he even needed to make sure that they all knew that.

Eventually he then turned his head over to me, after a bit more time had managed to pass along. He just stared into his eyes, almost as if he were checking to see if I was worthy to join their cult, or if he was trying to make sure that I did not betray them.

I was not sure what I was going to do just yet, so I lowered my eyes to the ground for just a few seconds, as I did not want him to try to soul read me. I eventually lifted my head back up, as it had been a bit of some scary silence in the room for a fair amount of time now, and I felt like I should say something to the guy.

I looked back up, to see that he was just still staring at me. I hesitated a bit, but in the end, I made the decision that I was going to speak to him, much unlike the rest of his group did not seem to be willing to do. I then nodded to him, as I could tell he was a bit surprised, but he did not back to me.

I blinked a few times, as I tried to think through my head, as to what it was that I was even going to say to him in the first place. I could tell that he was staring at me, as he was waiting for me to speak, so I just went off of my natural instinct, and began to talk to him, but a bit quiet, so that all of the others could barely hear what I was saying.

"You didn't take me to the the middle of this circle, so that you could kill me, and then sacrifice me, did you?" I said to him. He looked at me, for just a few moments, as if he was a bit surprised, and a bit confused as to what I had just said to him.

It relaxed me just a bit, for a little while, as at least it made me feel like I was not going to die today. After a little while longer though, I was not sure if I was right for thinking I was safe, as he once again had that creepy, and scary grin on his face once again.

I gulped, as I was not sure what it was that he was going to say to me next. He looked around at the others for just a few moments, as he stared at his wife for just a little while. After a bit more time had passed though, he then turned his head over to me, with a bit more of a calm little smile on his face, as he then began to speak back to me.

"Oh wow! How did you find out my secret evil plans so quickly!" He said to me, as he suddenly pulled a dagger out of his pocket, and moved it a bit close to me. I jumped back a bit, as I was a bit surprised, and a bit scared at the same time as well.

I nearly fell over on the ground, but I stopped myself before doing so. He then began to laugh a bit, as he lowered his body doing so. After a few seconds of him laughing, the rest of his group then began to do the same, though their laughs did not seem to be as real as his.

I was a bit confused as to what was going on at the moment, as I saw that he still had his dagger in his hand, so I was not quite willing to draw any closer to him. After a few moments of him laughing, he then lifted his head back up to me.

He realized that he still had the dagger out, and it was scaring me a bit still, so he at least put it in his pocket for now. I wondered what was going on, as I was a bit confused, and scared at the same time, as I looked over at the exit to the barn.

I thought about running off, but I also knew that it was a terrible idea, and they would easily catch up to me, due to the fact that I had no idea as to where it was that I would even be going, and I would be worn out, as I was not in the best of shape, quite quickly.

I then turned my head back over to him, as he kept the same smile on his face. I tried my best to stay calm, as this time I heard a bit more of a smooth voice from not too far away from me, I turned my head over to where it had come from as well.

I saw that it was the mans wife that was speaking to me, as at the same time, it almost seemed like, out of all of the people here, she was the most likely to have at least some sort of a soul. I shook my head though, as I listened to what it was that she had to say to me.

"Don't listen to Pat... He is just joking with you half of the time..." She began to say to me. I looked at her for a few moments, as I then began to calm myself down a bit. She realized that I looked a bit too calm though, so she quickly continued to speak to me. "You will know when he isn't joking though, and when hes angry..."

I gulped a bit at the last part, but at the same time, I knew that I should not be too worried, and at the same time too, I also had learned one thing from my mother, that if I was doing something wrong, and if it was making someone angry, than there was really no harm in asking them.

I nodded back to her, as I then turned my head back to Patrick, as I now saw that his smile was no longer there, as his wife had just seemed to tell his secret, and it was no longer funny to him at all. He turned his head over to the fire pit, and just stared at it for just a few moments.

I was not sure what it was that I should do, so I went ahead and just did the same thing that he was doing. I stared at the fire pit for quite a while, until I also realized at the same time too, that the fire pit was also in a bit of a strange star like shape.

I blinked a few times, as I realized that it was built to be the star of David. I was a bit confused as to what it was supposed to be about, as I had heard that it had been from the Bible, and my father had told a little bit about it a few times as well.

I was not too sure about what it was supposed to be though, as I had never read the Bible before, as my father had told me that the Catholic church was an evil church, and he had told me not to read it. Not that I really read all that much in the first place.

I looked at it for a bit longer, until I saw that Patrick had his eyes back on me once again. I then turned my head over to him, as I looked at him for a little while, as I waited for him to speak. After a bit more time had passed, he did so as well, as I listened to what it was that he had to say to me.

"Anthony... We are going to make you drink the blood of a raw rabbit... After that, I need you to listen to what it is that I am going to tell you to do after this... Do not worry, it is what I always do, for any person that joins us." He said to me. I looked at him for a few moments, as I was not sure what to think about what it was that he had just said to me.

I was not sure what to think about me having to drink blood from a raw rabbit, as I was sure that it was going to be quite a bit nasty no matter what. I blinked a few times, as I knew that I had no other choice but to do as he had said.

I knew that if I did not do so, that I would be killed, and it really was not worth it for me. I also was not sure if he was lying to me, as if it were some sort of test, or if he was playing some sort of game with me as well. I looked around at all of the others, as this time I did manage to get a response to them.

I remembered that he had told me that they all had to drink the blood of a raw rabbit, and I saw many of them nodding to agreement, as it was clear that many of them were thinking back on the day that they had done so, to join up as a part of this cult.

I knew that it was just about all that I was going to get from all of them. I then turned my head over to the main guy, Patrick, who was the dude that I really needed to have my eyes on at the moment. He put a bit of a soft smile on his face, as he nodded back to me.

I sat there for a bit of some time, as we both just stared at each other, as I knew that the rest of the people that were in the circle were all just staring at me as well, as they too, were waiting for something to happen.

After a bit more time had come to pass, I was starting to get a bit anxious, as it did not seem like anything was going to happen. I did not like to have anxiety, so I looked at Patrick, and then I began to speak to him, as it seemed like everyone was just staring at me.

"So... Are we going to do it or not?" I said to him, at the same time, I felt like I had made a bit of a mistake too, as I knew that he wanted to be the one that was the superior, and the way that I had just spoken, it seemed as if I was making it the polar opposite.

Luckily, he did not seem the be phased by what I had said, nor the way that I had said it, which I wondered if he had noticed the look of mistake on my face, and if he really was that smart. It kind of scared me to even think about it at the same time too.

He began to laugh once again, and this time the group that was around me, did not seem to join in, as it seemed like they were smart enough to know when to laugh, and when not to. After laughing for a bit, he eventually stopped, and then he looked at me in my eyes, and he began to respond to what I had said.

"Calm down buddy... So willing to just give your soul away huh? My wife just has to get the cup of rabbits blood for you, she should be back any minute." He said to me. He said it to me, with a bit or a voice as to let me know that he was the superior, and that he was the alpha of the group.

I lowered my head to the ground, as I just felt like it would be smarter to give in to all of this. I also felt a bit dumb, as I had for some reason, not realized that his wife had left the room, and that they could not just spawn the blood from out of nowhere, like they were witches...

Hell... Maybe they were witches for all that I knew, as I felt a bit sick at the same time, to even think about that being a possibility, as I had always been told in school, and by many other people, that witches were just some sort of fantasy thing, that Christians used to scare people back in the day.

My father told me though, at the same time too. That schools also told kids that, as they wanted to engrain it into kids minds, that all of that was fake, so that no one believed in all of the conspiracies that people like my father listened to.

He also told me that a lot of the government was controlled by Nazis, and that there was proof that we had taken in Nazi leaders, and scientist in to our government after WW2... I was really starting to believe all that he had told me now.

I shook my head at the same time though too, as I knew that it was not where my head should be at, at the exact moment. I blinked a few times, as I felt like I was about to through up. I should have seen some shit like this coming at some point in my life.

I should have listened to my father, but no, I listened to my mother, as it seemed a lot more likely that he was just going crazy. It was all true though, and I should have listened to what he had told me, and what he had warned me about as well.

I then shook my head, as I heard loud footsteps of a person, as they then began to walk into the room. At first I had thought that it was the big guys that had been watching me outside, but as I looked up, I realized that it was just Patrick's wife.

She held a dark glass cup in her hand, as I saw almost a bit of a sad look, as she gave it to me. I nodded to her, as it almost seemed like me and her were on the same page, as she then shook her head, and then she began to speak to her husband.

"Alright Pat... Its all ready... We can get this started now..." She said to him. He blinked a few times, as he then turned his head away from me for once, and over to his wife, as she had just spoken to him. He looked at her for a few moments, with a blank look on his face once again.

I was not sure if it was because he was too busy thinking through his head, or if it might be because he no longer had a soul in his body. I shook my head though, as this time he spoke to his wife, rather than me for once, but I listened to what it was that he had to say to her anyways.

"Yes... Sorry... I didn't expect the last 2 days to go like this... Its not exactly what I had in mind..."