
Chapter 37: The God

Pat turned his head over to me, and he squinted his eyes. I felt like I had made a bit of a mistake with what I had just said to him. I gulped a bit, as he just sat there for a bit of time, and continued to stare me down. I lowered my head to the ground, trying to hide any sort of emotions from them.

A lot of that had to do with the fact that all of the people that had been at the gathering, had seemed to have very little emotion, if any at all. I was not sure if that was because they were forced to show none, as some sort of satanic sign, or if it was just because they did not have any soul at all.

It made sense as well, as my father had always talked in the manner of 'sold thier soul'. I was starting to believe more and more of what he had told me as well. I just did not want to show it to these people, as I was not sure what was okay to do, and what was not okay to do.

I shook my head, as for some odd reason, it already felt like I was giving in to what it was that they had wanted me to do, and what they had wanted me to be a part of. I shivered, as I felt a bit sick just to even think on all of that.

I stared at the ground for a bit of some time, as it was just dead silence in the room for quite a bit of time. I then heard the voice of Pat speak up to me, and I felt it best if I looked up at him, just to make sure that he knew that I was listening to what it was that he had to say to me.

"Yeah... Sorry... I am just going to have a bit of a talk with my wife tonight. Do not worry about yourself, I will tell you what is okay to do, and not do, in due time..." He said to me, as he then turned his head over to his wife, and he stared her down for a couple of moments.

I could tell that it was really giving her quite a bit of anxiety as well, and I did not blame her at all for it, as I felt as if I would be the exact same if I was in her situation. I almost wanted to run up to the man, and hit him, or do something else to him. He did not seem like an evil man if you just took a glance at him, but I could see it in his eyes the more that I looked at him.

I looked over at the mans wife, Ashley, as I saw that she too had her head down low to the ground, just as I had a few moments ago, as it looked like what Pat had said was true, and she was the one that had made the real mistake.

It took a bit of stress off of me, as I felt like I should not feel bad for the lady, as it was her decision to marry the man, and to join his cult in the first place. I blinked a couple of times, as I began to think about it more and more. What if she did not have the choice? What if she had been forced in to it, such as I was right now?

I shook my head though, as the lady then lifted her head up to Pat, after a little bit more time had passed, and she felt like it was now okay to talk, as if Pat had already forgotten what she had just done. I felt like that was not the case, as Pat did not seem like one of those guys to just so easily forgive and forget.

I stood there for a bit more time, as the room just stayed a bit quiet, until Pats wife, Ashley, then finally decided that she was going to speak back to him. I felt like it was going to be like my parents relationship, where they were just going to argue back and forth.

I realized that not all relationships were like that... I hoped at least, though I doubted that I was ever going to be looking for a woman. I knew that she was going to choose her words to this man, quite carefully, as I then began to listen to what it was that she had to say to him.

"Yes... I am sorry Pat, I will try to make it up to you... I am still learning..." She said back to him. I stood there for a few moments, with a bit of a blank look on my face. I then took in just what it was that she had said to him, as I blinked a few times.

Did she mean that she was new to all of this, just as I was? It made a bit more sense as well, as I began to think about it more and more. The kid did not look to have any sort of looks in common with the lady, now that I began to think back on it.

I wondered what it was that had happened to the mans last wife? Perhaps she had died to cancer, or even a car crash. I shook of the car crash theory right away, as I realized that they were in an empty area in the middle of Kansas, so there were not exactly very may cars flying around.

I felt like I already knew the answer to all of that at the same time too, as I was quite sure that the man had killed his previous wife, for perhaps the same reason that he had just now gotten upset at his current wife. I tried to shake it off, and not think on all of it too much however.

Pat, sat there for a bit of some time, as I saw him look at the both of us, from side to side, with a bit of a suspicious look on his face, as if he might have thought that me and her were going to team up on him, and try to take him down.

He then let out a bit of a loud sigh, as I looked over at him, a bit confused as to what it was that was going on around me at the current moment. Pat stared at me for a bit of some time, as he then nodded to the both of us, as he began to speak to us.

"Well come on then... Follow me... Both of you." He said to us. I stood there for a bit of time, with a bit of a blank look still on my face, as I was not sure how to handle, or take in all that was going on at the current moment, as it felt like it was flying by so fast.

I saw Pat began to stare at me for a bit of time, as I then shook my head to my self, and then I looked up at him, and I nodded, to let him know that I was ready to head of to wherever it was that he was going to take the both of us. I nodded back to me, as he then looked over at his wife.

I looked at her at the same time too, as I knew that she was the reason that we were being held back, as bad as it was for me to say it. I saw that she had a bit of an afraid look on her face still, but in the end, she too lifted her head up, and then nodded to her husband.

Pat then turned his head around, and began to walk to the doorway that we had gone through, to walk in to the cabin in the first place. I blinked a couple of times, as I stared ahead of us, as all of the sudden, something came to mind, right as I stopped to think.

I looked at the large door way that was beside me, as I remembered when I had first walked in to the place. I did my best to try not to stop, though it did still slow me down a bit, as I was trying to think on what it was that my brain was trying to tell me was so important about that memory in specific.

It then clicked in my head all at once, as I looked down at my pocket, and then I put my hand in it, just to make sure that it was still there. I let out a bit of a quiet sigh more to myself, as it was also a bit of a sigh of relief, as I felt my phone still in my pocket.

I had almost forgotten that I had recorded all of what it was that I had seen going on. It then began to occur to me, that maybe, just maybe, I had a chance to get out of here, or show the world what it was that these people were doing.

I shook my head, as I knew that I should not get too ahead of myself at the same time as well. I had to get out of here first, and then even after all of that, my father had told me that the theorist had shown plenty of proof, but the world still did not want to believe it.

I kept on following Pat, as I tried to shake off all of those thoughts at the moment. We walked out of the large cabin, or barn like place that we had been in, as I saw that we were heading over to his truck. It was not too far away from us as well, so I knew that things were going to be okay, for the night at least.

Once we were there, the man unlocked his truck, as I heard a bit of a loud, and strange beep come from it. It almost scared me, and knocked me to the ground, but luckily I stopped myself from looking like a fool, just at the last second.

Pat, opened his door to the truck, and his wife did the same, on the passenger side. I looked around me as, I scanned the area that we were currently in. I stood there for a bit of time, as I then began to think about running off... It would be the perfect time for me to do so as well.

I knew that these people did not have phones, so they would not be able to warn the others that I had ran off. If I could get some distance and ground on them, than I might stand a fair chance of getting out of this. I blinked a few times, as I turned my head, and my eyes back over to Pat.

I knew that he was in a lot better shape than I was, and he would be a lot faster than me, likely to be able to catch up to me. It was starting to get dark at the moment, but it was not dark enough to run off, with him not being able to see me.

Besides, I was not sure if they had some sort of special powers given to them by the devil, and I was sure that it would not be a very smart idea for me to run off. I felt like I had a better chance, of perhaps running off while they were not at the house.

Maybe I could even do it tonight, while also taking some food with me, and some water as well. That sounded like a lot better of an idea than what it was that I had just now thought of. I shook my head, as I felt like I should not be too worried about it right now.

I knew that I should just let things go as is, and find a good time to try to sneak out, some other time, rather than just be in such a rush. At the same time too, I felt like I would get sucked in to all of this, and at some point I might not want to try to leave.

I shivered, as I thought about it more and more, but I then heard the voice of Pat begin to speak to me, that luckily took off all of those thoughts that I had just been having. I stared at him, as I saw his head poke through the window, as he began to speak to me, and I listened to what it was that he had to say to me as well.

"Are you getting in, or not?" He said to me, with a not very happy look on his face. I wondered why it might be so, as I knew that I sure was taking a lot of time. I remembered what he had said about being home before dark, to his son.

That seemed like it was the case as well, as they certainly were doing a good job to hide all the evil that they were doing, from their child. He seemed to think very highly of us son, and he seemed to care about him as well, which I felt was fair enough.

There was still, beyond a shadow of doubt, that the man was still evil to the core. I felt a bit bad for the kid, as he seemed to be a genuinely good kid, as he had to grow up in a family such as this one... I suppose it couldn't be any worse than mine though.

I shook my head though, as I realized that I was still standing there, and I could tell that it was get the man fairly upset too. I was about to speak back to him as well, until I heard his wife begin to speak up, from the other side of the car. I listened to what it was that she had to say to me, as I was a bit surprised that she had decided to speak again too.

"Didn't get your truck to suddenly magically begin to start working did you? How did you find us in the first place anyways? We have a pretty hidden place in the woods..." She said to me. I blinked a few times, as I was a bit lost at the moment.

I began to think about what it was that she had said to me, just now. As I was not all to certain what had gotten me to find this place, it the first place. I thought back on how it was that I had gotten here in the first place, as I closed my eyes for a few seconds.

I did not want to make Pat too angry, but I also needed to think about how I had even gotten here in the first place. I thought back in the couple of miles I had walked, to find that there was an open section in the woods. At first I had thought that it was a trail.

But for some reason, at that time, there had been something that had told me to go down that trail. I really wish that I had not, and that I had just gone back home. They would have helped me get my truck fixed up, and after that, I could have just gone my separate way.

But no... I always had to find out more. I shook my head, as I finally looked up at Pat, as I saw that he was still staring at me through the window. I blinked a few times, as I then nodded to him, before I then began to speak to him.

"I don't know how... It's just like some thing made me walk..." I said back to the both of them. Pat stood there for a few moments, as I saw that he had quite the look of shock on his face, as to what I had just said to him. It was true, but not exactly in the way that they might think it to be.

Pat turned his head over to his wife, and he stared at her for just a couple of seconds. I could not see her, but it felt like I could hear what was going on in their heads. After a bit more time, Pat looked back over to me, and he nodded, with a real serious look on his face, to my surprise, as he began to speak to me.

"I think that there was someone taking you here... He is the God..."