
Chapter 44: Message

I stood there for just a few moments, as I thought about what it was that he had said just now. It was clear that they were talking about me, but not just that either, I had heard them talking about killing me, and that was the part that scared me the most.

I was not sure what to, as I stood near the edge of the hall way, as I was a bit afraid, as I was not sure what to do. I had my phone on me, but there was no one for me to call, with no sort of cell phone signal, not just near the house, but for miles on out at the very least as well.

I did not want to make any sort of move ment either, as I was worried that he might be able to hear it, and they would know that I was listening in on what it was that they were saying. I shivered, as I was stuck, with not a clue of what it was that I should try to do either.

I knew that I should try to get out of the house, but if I were to much less even go down the hall way, I was worried that even the slightest creak might get the attention of Pat on to me. I did not even want to think on what it would be like when I was to even open the door to their house.

I just stood in this spot for a little while longer, as I let the silence draw on for just a little bit longer as well. I breathed in heavily, as even me doing that scared me in to the fact that he might be able to hear me breath. I put a hand over my mouth, as for some reason I thought it would help me out just a little bit.

I stared at the door to their bed room, which was not too far away from me, as that was where I had heard their voices come from. I felt sick to my stomach, as I thought on what it was that he was going to do to me. Was he going to sacrifice me like he had done to the rabbit, and make all of the people there drink my blood?

I shook my head, as I knew that I was at least going to do my best to make sure that none of that was to happen. I was talking like it was going to happen no matter what, but at the same time as well, I knew that I still had a chance to get my self out if this mess that I was in at the moment.

As the silence drew on for a little while longer, I began to shiver from the cold air drifts flying through the house. It was a bit strange to me, as I had always been told that hell was hot, and you burned if you went there. Maybe I was not in hell yet, but it sure felt like I was right now.

I blinked a few times, as I luckily got my self out if those thoughts at the exact same time as well, as I heard Ashley, the wife of Pat finally decide to speak back to Pat. I had forgotten that they were even there with how long the silence had been, but I listened to what it was that she had to say to him either way.

"We don't know if it is a good sacrifice or not... Plus the poor guy just showed up at our house... We should at least give him a chance, don't you think?" She said back to him. I stood there, as I was a bit lost as to what was even going on in the first place, as I thought back on what had even been said a few moments before now.

I remembered what it was that had been said practically right away, as even though I was so tired, it felt like my brain was going in to a bit of some over drive right now. She was standing up for me, which I was grateful of, I had known that she had been quite a bit different than her husband.

Not as evil as he was at the very least, as I kind of felt sick at the thought of Pat leading an evil satanic cult. I felt like she might be making a bit of a mistake her self, as she might be risking her own life too, if she was standing up for me so hard. I had to assume at the very least, that she might have not had a choice like I, to be put into a satanic cult.

I shook my head at the same time how ever, as silence presumed for a little bit longer, until I heard the voice of Pat began to step up, and speak back to his wife, as he did not seem to have too happy of a tone in his voice, as I listened to what it was that he had to say back to her at the exact same time as well.

"If he gets away, and we cant find him, he could expose a whole lot of shit... I cant risk that..." He said to her, as I stood there for a few moments, I began to realize what was going on, before he even had the chance to say it, which he did in fact do, as he continued to speak. "Tonight is the best night... I have made up my mind..."

As I blinked a few times, I suddenly began to freak out, as my body entered a bit of a state of paralysis, as it did not seem to want to move, as I heard Pat begin to walk over to the door way of his bed room. I was not sure as to what it was that I should do, as I knew that he was coming for me.

I made a bit of an idiotic move, as I stood at the edge of the hallway, which was right near the stairs up to the bed room, that he was talking about killing me in. Fortunately enough for me, I was not in that bed room, but it would not be good for me, if he saw me at the edge of the hall way.

As I heard him draw closer to the front door of the bed room, I then began to move out of complete instinct, over to the couch in the living room, just as he walked out of his bed room. Some how, I miraculously managed to not make a sound down the creaky floor boards, whilst I had done so as well.

As I stood in this spot for just a little bit of some time, I watched as Pat walked right past me, down the hall way over to the steps up. I shivered a little bit, as for some reason, he stopped right at the bottom step, as at first I had thought that he might have noticed me even through the dark room.

Pat then shook his head, as he began to go up the steps over to the bed room that was up stairs, where I was supposed to be in right now. It was by pure luck, by perhaps God, but not their God at the very least, that I had woke up just a few minutes before now, so that I knew he was coming for me.

I stood in place for a little bit longer for some reason, as I was not sure what I was doing, as I was being a bit of an idiot by not trying to get out right now. I knew that when he found out that I was in fact not in the bed room, he was going to start looking all over his house for me.

At some point, perhaps very soon, he would find me. I lifted my self up at the same time, as I began to get up, and head right over to the back door of the house. Just as I had got up from the spot that I had been in how ever, I then saw some one else pop up in to the hall way right beside me.

The hall way that I had just been in, and also the same hall way that I Pat had just gone through, so that he could get to the bed room, and kill me. I heard his foot steps at the same time too, as I knew that he was right near the top step now. That did not matter though, as what really mattered was the person that was staring at me in the hall way.

At first I had thought it was the kid, as he had some how managed to spy in to the conversation as well, as the person was a bit more on the shorter side, but I then realized it was in fact Pats wife, Ashley. I froze up for just a second or so as well, as I was fairly certain that she was going to call on Pat and tell him that I was down here.

That was not the case how ever, as I saw that she was shocked that I was right here in the first place. I was still worried that she was about to call Pat, but I then realized that she had just tried to stand up for me and save my life, as I heard her whisper to me, so that Pat could not hear from up stairs, as I listened as to what it was that she had to say.

"Go! Now!" She said to me. I looked at her with a bit of a blank look on my face for some odd reason or another, as if I had not a clue as to what was going on, or what it was that I should even be doing right now. I stood for just a few more seconds, as I was still not sure what to do.

That was when I heard the bed room door up stairs open. A few seconds after that, I then heard some angry yelling come from Pat. It was then, that it hit me, as to what it was that I should be doing right now, as I heard just what it was that he had to say to every one in the house.

"God damn it! Where did he go?!" He yelled at the top of his lungs, as if he did not care that it would wake up his son. It came as a bit of a surprise to me, as it had seemed like before he was trying to hide all of this stuff from his kid, but at the current moment, it did not seem like he cared, or if he even realized what he had done.

I knew what I had to do now how ever, as I nodded to Ashley, and then I began to run over to the back door of the house, to giving a single care in the world as to how loud my footsteps were, as I slammed the door open, and it busted a hole in the wall. I felt a bit bad for it, but I shook my head at the same time too, as I knew that I really should not.

This man was trying to kill me, I should not be worried about doing any sort of damage to the house. I almost wanted to light it on fire if I had the time, so that they would burn to death, shortly after that as well, they would then go burn in hell, where he belonged.

I was sure that I was not the first person that he had done this too, but I at least hoped that I was the last, as I hoped that I could share this to the world, and I could expose a lot of evil, and messed up stuff going on, that people did not have a clue about.

I knew that I needed to not think on all of that just yet, as I just needed to get my self safe. I had brought my phone with me down the stairs, which I was not so sure as to how much that would help me, if I had no sort of connection. I was sure that if I went far enough in to Kansas, at some point I would find a place with just the slightest bit of date signal.

I just ran, as soon as I got out of the door how ever, as I did not look back, to see if any one was chasing me, as I was worried that if I did, they might be able to see my shadows in the dark, due to me not being far enough away. I was not sure as to where it was that I should go, as I looked around at the same time as I was running.

I saw my truck a fair bit to the side of me, as I figured I should head over to it. At the same time too, I also thought that it would be a bad idea, as I was sure that would be the first place they would go to if they looked for me. Plus, I could not run away in my truck any ways, as it was messed up, and I could not even get it started.

I shook my head, as I spotted a section woods that was way further ahead of me, as it felt like that was the most safe place for me to head off to at the current moment in time. If I was in the woods, I was sure that they would not be able to find me, even if they knew the woods better than I seemed to.

If they did not know where it was that I had gone to, than it did not matter if they knew the woods better. As I kept on running as fast as I could, I felt like I should take a breather, as I had ran at least 500 yards at this point, in a flat land.

If I did not take a couple of seconds of break right now, my asthma might make me pass out. I did in fact stop as well, as I was sure that they would not be looking in this direction just yet. I looked over to the house, which was a little bit of a blimp at this point, as I could see the kitchen lights on, which they were not before hand.

As I stood there for a little while longer, I suddenly saw a bit of a flash of light from the side of the house that I had just gone out of. It was clear that he had flash lights, and he was looking for me. He was looking close for now, but I knew that he knew that it would not work all that well for him.

He had to assume that I would have started to run, or at least go to the truck in the time that he had managed to get a flash light and start go out side to look for me. I knew that I did not have much time, and if I stood here for any longer, than I would be wasting the small bit of valuable time that I did in fact have, as he could easily find me too.

I was tempted to look at my phone and see the time, that way I could see how long I had in the dark, until it got bright out side. I knew that if I did, it would put out a bright light how ever, which he would be able to see from this distance away. I shook my head, as I then looked back over to the woods, and I began to jog this time, as I knew that would not wear me out nearly as much.

I saw that the woods were about the same distance ahead of me, as they were from the house. I had thankfully chosen the woods that did not lead to the cabin either, even if they were closer to me, I did not want to roll back up to the cabin, as I felt like they would be waiting for me there.

I continued to keep going, as I then got in to the woods, I looked back at the same time too, to make sure that they did not seem to be heading my way. I was nearly a quarter mile away from them right now, but I could still see just the slightest bit of some light flashing up, to let me know that they were still near the house, luckily enough for me.

I was glad that I had the chance to at least get away, before he could even realize that I was not in the room. Hell, I was just lucky that I had even woken up to hear what was going down in the first place. It felt like God was on my side for once, as I let out a bit of a sigh of relief, and then I looked back in to the woods.

I then began to head in to them at the same time too, as I made sure that I was not heading any where near the road at the same time either, as I did not want to risk them driving down that way, trying to look for me either. I nodded to my self, as I kept on jogging in one direction, at a bit of an angle to go deeper in to the woods, but at the same time, also go further from the road.

As I continued going down this way, I let out a bit of a yawn at the same time too, as if I was telling my self that I should go to sleep right now. I shook my head, as I did my best to at least wake my self up a bit. I knew that was a terrible idea, even if I was in fact very tired at the current moment.

I kept on going in to the woods, as I did not dare look back at all, as I did not want to even see if they were heading towards me, even if I was in fact a fair bit in to the woods. I was fairly certain that I had gone at least half a mile in at this point, but I really did not want to stop, as I wanted to get as far away from there as possible.

I just kept on going, as it felt like it had been at least half an hour at this point, even though I knew it had only been simply a few minutes. I began to feel safer and safer as I got further and further in, so much as to the point where I then began to speak to my self, to coax me up a little bit.

"Thank God I am out of that one now!" I said to my self, a bit loud, as if I thought that they might be able to hear me from nearly a mile away at this point. That was not what I needed to worry about how ever, as I looked back behind me, I did not realize that I had made the biggest mistake of my life.

It was not the fact that they had seen me, but I had failed to see what I was about to walk my self in to. It was not a trap so much as to the fact that there were people waiting for me, but it seemed to be much different trap than that, as it was a trap used in to woods to catch animals.

I walked right in to it, as it snapped right in to my leg, and I fell straight to the ground in pain, and also the fact that I only had one leg to go with as I was still running. At first it was the 2nd part that had been most of the reason that I had fell over, but it soon after was the 1st part that began to take over.

I was in a lot of pain, as it squeezed right in to my leg, and a lot of blood was coming from my leg at the same time too. Normally, I passed out at the fact that I saw my own blood, but this time I knew that now was not exactly the time for me to be doing so right now.

I held in my yell, as I did in fact make a slight bit of noise, as to the fact that it hurt so much, but not nearly enough to be able to hear from a mile away. But... After a few more seconds had passed, there was some thing else that began to make noise, that could easily be heard from that far away.

It was the trap that I had just got my self in to... It was an alarm, to notify the people that had set up the trap that they had caught what it was that they were looking for. In this case, it was clear to me, that while they might have been looking for some thing else at the time of them setting up the trap, they got what they really were looking for, which was me...

I was stuck, as I did my best to pull my self out of it, which I was not sure what I was going to do when I even did get out of it, as I knew I was not going to be able to walk. I was not able to even pull the trap off of me any ways, so it did not matter all that much, as I shook my head and then I laid down on the ground.

I was doing my best to not freak out in all of the pain that I was in, I was not sure if it was to make me feel better, as I knew that they would find me no matter what, over the very loud noise that the trap was making. It was over for me... I knew that it was time for me to give up.

They had caught me... I stared at the sky at the same time too, as I then began to cry. It had all gone bad... I wish that I had listened to my father, and I might have seen this coming, and not gone looking for them, to see as to what it was that they had been doing.

I laid there for a bit of time, as I was not sure what to do. I felt like I should spend my final moments on this planet at least trying to do some thing. Maybe try to repent for all of my sins... I closed my eyes for a few moments, as I was just about to start to try to do so at the same time too.

That was when I heard it, and I felt it all happen all at once. My phone was starting to buzz like crazy, as it seemed like a bunch of notifications were starting to fly in all at once. I stood there for a few moments, a bit confused as to what was going on, as I was not used to my phone buzzing so much, as not many people messaged me.

I shook my head, as I knew what to do right away... I realized that I had connection some how, out in the middle of some woods in Kansas. I pulled my phone out of my pocket, as I looked to see that I some how had 2 bars of 4G, and that was the reason that a bunch of messages were flowing through.

I saw that most of them were from my games, but I saw that there was 1 in fact a message from some one. I clicked on it, and then I put in my phones pass code, and then got in to see who had texted me. I stood there for a while, as I saw to my disappointment that it was just my manager that had called me earlier.

I knew that he was more than likely wondering why I was in the middle of Kansas for a couple of days, and my truck was not moving at all. I let out a bit of a groan, as I really did not want to spend the last moments of my life responding to one of the guys that I hated the most.

I shook my head, as I was about to close my eyes, and put the phone back in my pocket, when I remembered that I had made a video just last evening, as to the fact that I had been spying on a cult gathering. I blinked a few times, as I then looked right at me phone, and saw it in my videos.

I was about to send it to him for a few moments, until I stopped my self... I had a better idea, as I then clicked off of the text messages from him, and I clicked on 'new chat' in the top right. I then began to add people to it... As I added every single person in my contacts to it, even if I did not like them.

I knew that if I was going to die, I was not going to let it be in vein, and I was not going to let these people get by with the evil shit that they were doing. I let out a bit of a smile to my self, as I clicked on the last person that I had on my contacts, which was my father.

I then began to send it, as I smiled to my self, as I knew that no matter what, that short few minutes of a video was going to be sent to all of those people, and they would all know what was going on in it. I felt like if I was going to die, I had at least accomplished some thing before doing so, as I then spoke to my self a bit quietly.

"They are all going to see that message..."