
Within the darkness, Luke remained motionless. He had tried everything, struggling, screaming, jumping, dancing, and even announcing his various passwords for his gaming accounts, hoping something would match and let him leave this place.

However, nothing happened after he tried everything. At this point, he had already worried enough for his entire family, and the few of his real life friends, cursed enough to kill of a billion people, and cried enough to fill 2 earths.

It was unknown how much time he had spent here, however, he felt no pain, hunger, nor any eagerness to excrete[1].

Now, the only emotion remaining within Luke was a deep and profound thought[2].

Only he knew what he was thinking so intensely on, but it was the reason why he remained motionless. This though was also the one thing that brought him back from the brink of insanity.

Luke had already lost his sense of time, space, and almost himself. He just waited, patiently, pondering over the one question. The question that kept him alive. The question that prevented him from giving up.

Suddenly, a faint white fog appeared in the depths of the darkness. Normally, Luke would stay away from the unknown, and not take risks.

However, this was a completely different case. He had been stuck in the darkness for an eternity, and there was finally a change. Naturally, he would grab onto anything new, anything at all!

Like a moth to a flame, Luke used all sorts of techniques, like butterfly stroke, freestyle, and even the ever elusive dolphin style to try and wade his was closer to the white fog. However, nothing happened. The white fog remained in the darkness, and he remained in his spot.

In reality, it wasn't a fact that Luke was stuck in his spot and the fog was in its own spot. It could even be that the two were moving at the same speed and velocity, with no changes in inertia.

This was similar to Einstein's Theory of Special relativity he had learned about in high school.[3]

Luke suddenly fell into though once again. However, he had already forgotten the previous important question he had been pondering over, and was now thinking of a way to get to the fog.

Suddenly, the fog trembled unnoticeably, and a thin, illusory tentacle stretched out towards Luke. It crossed the unimaginable distance within a few centimetres, as though it had warped the darkness along the way. However, there was no way of knowing since neither were there any visible changes to the darkness itself, nor did Luke care.

He instinctively stretched out his hands and waved them frantically to come into contact with the fog.

As soon as the middle finger of his right hand came into contact with the greyish-white fog, a blinding light emanated from the origins of the white fog, completely enveloping Luke.

The next moment, Luke found himself at the outskirts of a walled metropolis. The wall was almost 15 floors high, and around 2 metres thick. On it was a large engraving that could be seen miles away. It was a flaming sword clashing with an arrow of ice. This was the insignia of The Leon Kingdom, one of the three large nations of the South Asia server's Gamin Continent.

Although Luke did not play in this server, he knew all about it from the forums.

However, something confused Luke even more than the fact that he was still in the game, and that was that the Leon kingdom was still standing. In his previous life, the Leon kingdom had been destroyed and occupied by the two other nations; the Roland Theocracy, and the Holy Kingdom of Islesat.

But Luke did not waste any time pondering over this question. He had already wasted enough time pondering over questions in the darkness.

Currently, all he wanted to do was to leave his capsule and return home. Take a nice hot shower and spend some time with his wife, Anna. She too played 'Ultimatum', however she had decided to join an opposing guild just for the fun of it. Both he and Anna played 'Ultimatum' for fun in their free time. They both had full time jobs that needed more attention that a game, but they both found at least a few hours a day to play 'Ultimatum'. This corresponded to a few days in-game.

Just as Luke opened the status screen to log out, he was stunned.


NPC Status

Name: Lucas Ferland

Level: 0

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Species: Human

Path: None

Specialisation: None



















Beta testing begins in 92 days, 02 hours, 39 minutes, 12 seconds.





Seeing this, Luke was slightly alarmed. The logout button had been greyed out, along with the button to access the forums.

What did this mean? Was he stuck in the game? Was he stuck in 'Ultimatum'?

'What the hell, don't tell me I'm going to be stuck in a death game like a certain Sword Ar* Onl*ne!' he muttered to himself in a daze.

[1] For those illiterate maggots who do not know what excrete means, pardon my French but, it mean to take a shit! You piece of shit!

[2] Not Thot. Begone those with maggots for brains!

[3] An intellectual like myself will not fall down to Einstein's level and explain such a basic theory to you fools! Also, the key word is similar so don't go pointing fingers at me in the comments