Hidden Main Storyline Quest!

In the headquarters of MI9…

"Sir! Report came that Norman's wife and her son have boarded a train to Goptal in the north. 2 of our men are already on the train and are keeping an eye on her."

"Good, mobilize the Goptal branch to ensure we can track he every step. I need to find a new base! They have been hiding from us for almost 10 years! Now I finally have the chance to catch them, even if it just is one of their bases! I will pick each one of those 'Resistance' scum off the face of Gamin!"

"Yes sir!"

On the train, Luke took the liberty to Inspect Zack and his mother. Much to his surprise, Zack had a bunch of talents!


NPC Status [Inspection]

Name: Zack Rodrigo

Level: 0

Age: 7

Gender: Male

Species: Human

Path: None

Specialisation: None


Vitality: 4

Stamina: 2

Intelligence: 2

Perception: 1

Strength: 4

Dexterity: 3

Charisma: 1








Intermediate Aura Control Lv 1

Beginner Energy Absorption Lv 5

Beginner Regeneration Lv 5


And one of those Talents was Intermediate, while another was Regeneration! Regeneration is a skill only boss-type builds have, which allows them to slowly heal over time. This means that as long as the dps (damage per second) does not exceed the amount of HP regenerated passively, the boss is immortal!

Thankfully, it was only beginner, which mean that small cuts would heal in a few minutes, and a gunshot flesh wound would heal in a day or two.

Zack's mother was mostly normal, except her level was 13!! She was most definitely a dangerous person, and if she had been a level higher, she would have noticed Luke trying to spy on her and reacted!

This lesson forced Luke back to the reality where he was no longer in a game where he could just revive. He had to be careful since it wasn't certain that this skill was brought along with him.

He decided to stick strictly to the mission, and try to reduce the difficulty as much as possible by simply following Zack and his mother from a distance away.

Over time, Luke's vigilance remained on high alert due to the existence of a level 13.

He had also noticed two men acting rather strangely. However, he soon spotted guns on them and decided it was best not to investigate them. Currently, he was only a level 4, and could not do much against bullets.

Therefore, he decided to ignore them for the time being, and stay alert using his hearing, and instead, focus back on the advancement knowledge.

Almost 14 hours later, they arrived at the northernmost city of Leon, Goptal. A city bordering Roland to the northwest, and Islesat to the northeast.

Luke had eaten his dinner on the train and had even gone to sleep.

So far, he had completely understood around 70% of the knowledge. In about another 3-4 hours of continuous reading, he should be able to completely understand it and advance to level 4.

However, the train was already slowing down to come to a complete stop at the train station in Goptal.

Upon alighting from the train, Luke first went to the counter and bought a map of the city for 5 copper. Next, he began tailing Zack and his mother once again.

During the next 10 minutes, he had bumped into the two men a few times, and they had also realized that he was following Zack and his mother.

Although they wanted to ignore the one following her, the two MI9 officers could not do that, since even they knew that the man following Zack and mother would have realized that they were doing the same.

Therefore, they decided to take the initiative to approach him slowly.

"Why are you following her?"

"I have my own reasons. I do not wish you, or your people any harm. You can go about your business, and I can go about mine. I do not wish to have a conflict the locals"

Both the men got the hint Luke had put out. He knew they belonged to MI(, or at the very least, the Leon Kingdom's law enforcement. He also didn't wish to get in their way of whatever they were doing.

However ,they could not leave a potential threat next to themselves during such a crucial operation. What if he was actually a 'Resistance' member in secret, and would tip Zack's mother, Mary off at the crucial moment?

Instead of taking the decision themselves, One of the men immediately turned to a corner and began having a conversation with another man. Clearly, these were locals of the city, which was highly likely to be the local MI9.

Luke had long since deduced who the two men were from their strict demeanour and to the book actions.

Within a few seconds, the man who had been left behind was replaced by another , slightly more tanned local, who looked at the other man and nodded, who intern looked at Luke and nodded.

Seeing this, Luke nodded back to them, and the three of them came to a mutual understanding. The higher ups had told them to ignore Luke for the time being, and focus on the target.

Soon, they arrived at a carriage station. Such carriages where different from the normal private ones. They could carry up to 10 people along with luggage, and followed a track inlaid into the streets.

Such cities all had tracked carriages, which were equivalent to the 21st century buses. Even Sozra had them, but they were too crowded since it was the capital and tracked carriages were the cheapest way to travel.

Getting onto the tracked carriage, Luke paid the 5 copper, and sat down. He then closed his eyes and began reading the knowledge book.

He had already come to a conclusion that this secret base Mary was talking about could not possibly be within the city right? Since the train station was almost bang in the center of the city according to the map, it would take around half an hour to leave the city by normal carriage, and around an hour using the tracked carriage.

Why would he waste this time? He quickly closed his eyes and began reading.

Around 45 minutes later, at a stop around 30 minutes away from the city gate on foot, Mary and Zack alighted from the carriage.

Luke was confused at this. As he stood up to follow them, he turned around to look at the MI9 members behind him, who also stared at him with furrowed brows and confusion written all over their faces. However, such emotions were quickly from their faces and both Luke and them got off the carriage and followed some distance behind.

Suddenly, she pulled Zack and went into an alley.

Both the men were going to rush forward to pursue her, but Luke stopped them by holding onto their shoulders.

Before they could say anything, he pulled out the map and pointed at their current location, and then at where Mary had gone.

It was clearly a dead end! Once Luke had taken a good look at the map, he had already formed a virtual map in his mind, and no longer needed the actual one. He could effectively see his live location like a GPS.

With this he was able to deduce that there was a dead end where Mary had gone. This meant that either there was a secret passage that led to the secret base of hers there, or she was waiting to deal with followers before she continued on her journey to the base.

The passage could not be moved in a few seconds, and the latter would expose them.

Seeing this, both of the men came to a sudden realization. They looked back at Luke and nodded.

Without another word, the local MI9 member turned to the right and left.

Luke looked at the remaining MI9 member and signaled with his eyes for them to check the situation from across the street.

Within a few seconds, the two had crossed the road and began walking. Luke turned his head slightly to take a look at the alley, but found nothing.

There was no Mary and no Zack.

At this moment, Luke suddenly remembered something.

It was the main storyline of the South-Asia server. Although he did not play here, he still kept up to date with all the other server's main storylines. This included the Gamin continent.

He remembered that during the war, there was a secret organisation working in the shadows of Leon. It would do its best to weaken the Leon Kingdom during the war, and ultimately finally brought about the downfall of the kingdom.

However, Islesat and Roland did not stop at eliminating Leon, but went a few steps further and began to eradicate this organisation to eliminate any latent risks to the United Gamin Empire that would be jointly ruled by both Roland and Islesat.

It could even be said that the 'Resistance' was 40% of the reason why Leon lost the war. Although Leon was relatively new when compared to the other 2 large nations, they by far were the strongest. Leon owned almost half of the Gamin continent. This is also why both Roland and Islesat had to join hands together to defeat Leon.

Suddenly, a notification popped up,


Chain Mission (4/4)- The Truth

The true reason behind the creation of the abomination that devastated the lives of countless is being investigated by the Leon Kingdom's Intelligence Agency, MI9. Handing the collected information to the relevant authorities would gain you faction points and a certain amount of money. However, finding out the truth yourself might be more beneficial.

Option 2: Find the truth out by yourself

Difficulty: D-


Mission Completion reward- Hidden Main Storyline mission


Due to the this mission completion reward, a new mission popped up.


Hidden Main Storyline Mission- The resistance

Before the Leon kingdom was formed, this part of the land was ruled over by hundreds of different lords. However, due to the greed of the few, a huge war was waged across half of Gamin over the true ruler of Gamin. Over time, a new kingdom was slowly formed by swallowing up those hundreds of small territories, forming the Leon kingdom we know today. However, many citizens, nobles and rulers were unsatisfied with this takeover, and with the support from Roland and Islesat, formed a secret organisation called 'The Resistance' with the numbers reaching in the hundreds of thousands. With the sole goal of the breaking down of the Leon Kingdom into smaller kingdoms, they worked in the shadows to achieve this goal. However, with time, this goal shifted from disbanding to annihilation, twisting their morals and attempting to create diseases for humans, and mutations for monsters.

You must choose which side you will support for this mission before proceeding.

Option 1: The Resistance

Option 2: The Leon Kingdom


'I see, The resistance was formed from the remnants of the losers, and glued together by Roland and Islesat to weaken the oppressive Leon Kingdom. This would explain how they were able to eradicate the resistance within 2 years in-game. The already knew the locations of the various bases. But wait! Even I remember the locations. They had been marked out on a map of Gamin. I could use this!'

With this thought in mind, Luke decided to change his plans from holding together a collapsing house to gluing together the foundations of a yet to collapse skyscraper.


Do you chose Option 2: The Leon Kingdom?




Hidden Main Storyline Mission- The Resistance

Before the Leon kingdom was formed, this part of the land was ruled over by hundreds of different lords. However, due to the greed of the few, a huge war was waged across half of Gamin over the true ruler of Gamin. Over time, a new kingdom was slowly formed by swallowing up those hundreds of small territories, forming the Leon kingdom we know today. However, many citizens, nobles and rulers were unsatisfied with this takeover, and with the support from Roland and Islesat, formed a secret organisation called 'The Resistance' with the numbers reaching in the hundreds of thousands. With the sole goal of the breaking down of the Leon Kingdom into smaller kingdoms, they worked in the shadows to achieve this goal. However, with time, this goal shifted from disbanding to annihilation, twisting their morals and attempting to create diseases for humans, and mutations for monsters.

Option 2: The Leon Kingdom (Chosen)

Mission Objective: Help the Leon Kingdom in eliminating 'The Resistance,' an organisation formed from the flame of war .

Mission completion- 0%

Mission difficulty: A-
