Preparing for the battle

Luke had spent the past week trying to fully digest the knowledge. Since it was from the Mage rank, it took a really long time to grasp all the information, but after a whole week, he had finally done it. Well, only the information for Beginner Mage. He had also completed quite a few missions together with MI9, destroyed 1 more base, created and sold a few low-tier artifacts and levelled up everything.

Currently, his status showed how much stronger had had gotten.


NPC Status

Name: Lucas Ferland (The Sage)

Level: 9

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Race: Observer I

Path: Magician (Beginner Mage)

Specialisation: None


Vitality: 20

Stamina: 20

Intelligence: 25

Perception: 45

Strength: 25

Dexterity: 25

Charisma: 20



Fire Affinity: 30%

Water Affinity: 30%

Wind Affinity: 30%

Earth Affinity: 30%

Mind Affinity: 35%



-Unbreakable courage Lv 2

-Beginner Cooking Lv 5

-Beginner Hunting Lv 5

-Intermediate Hand-Hand Combat Lv 4

-Beginner Swimming Lv 5

-Intermediate Smiting Lv 5

-Beginner Sewing Lv 5

-Advanced Meditation Lv 5

-Intermediate Fire Spells Lv 5

-Intermediate Earth Spells Lv 5

-Intermediate Water Spells Lv 5

-Intermediate Wind Spells Lv 5

-Advanced Mind Spells Lv 5

-Intermediate Magic Runes Lv 4

-Intermediate Crafting Lv 5

Skill points: 9



-Intermediate Spell Casting Lv 5

-Intermediate Energy Absorption Lv 5

-Advanced Mental Perception Lv 5

Talent Points: 3



Beta testing begins in 43 days, 00 hours, 02 minutes, 24 seconds.





Currently, he was wearing his 'Sage' mask that he had create in Goptal, since it was one of the better ones he owned.

He had donned a black steampunk windbreaker with a hood covering his silver-grey hair, and casting a shadow on his mask. Although this had absolutely no added value when it came to combat, Luke didn't care, since it looked way cooler than the coolest Batman costume.

He also had his Wisdom staff in one hand, and had made this his standard way of dressing except when he is performing mundane daily tasks.

Currently, he was in a secret underground electric train that belonged to MI9. At first, Luke had been surprised by the amount of secret technology the Leon kingdom had kept from the public, but by now he was completely unfazed. He had given up all hope, and was even starting to wander if the Resistance was the one who was on the path of righteousness.

But that didn't affect Luke. He didn't care much about who was right or wrong. He only cared about benefits, and since he had been part of the Leon Kingdom faction for a long time, had built enough connections, and did not want to be part of a side that would win, only to get eradicated by their allies, he chose to stick with them.

The destination of the train, that travelled almost triple the speed of the steam locomotives above the ground, was another 'Resistance' base. This time, Luke himself would be participating, since he had become a Beginner mage.

Currently, he had already absorbed the required knowledge to level up and select his specialisation. What he was lacking was exp. This was something that was always in short supply in 'Ultimatum'.

Therefore, he had decided to create a quest and join it himself. This was a tactic used by players much later in the game. As long as they had specific information on an enemy, they could leak the information to their faction, causing them to start an operation to kill the enemy. Then, the player can request to join it, thereby earning mission rewards by 'creating a quest'.

Naturally, if the player's level was high enough, they could just go and kill the enemy, then receive a reward from their faction. This would give a lot more exp and rewards than participating in a mission, but one needed to be strong enough.

Currently, Luke was not anywhere near strong enough, and therefore chose the former.

"Listen up. We have a new member with us for this mission, codename 'Sage'. He is a Beginner Mage and will be helping as support, and if the need for all out attack arises, then the front line."

"Currently, our objective is the transmissions room, located on the second floor of the underground complex. Now all the 'Resistance' Bases have closed all communication in and out of their bases to prevent us from finding them after the first 3 bases had been dealt with. Therefore the reason for our target is to cause confusion within enemy lines to allow for our troops to enter successfully, while the enemy cannot organize their defences."

Luke couldn't help but ask, "So all we have to do is blow up the transmission room right?"

"Well yes, but we do not know which room it is."

"But then, why don't we blow up the entire 2nd floor? It's not like we want to keep any of them alive, and blowing up an entire floor would most definitely cause more chaos!"


Just as the captain was about to rebut, he couldn't find any problem with this plan. The plan he had devised was based on all his prior experience of working in populated cites with many innocents around.

However, they were heading to the middle of nowhere, with only resistance personal inside.

Blowing up the entire base might be a bit extreme and might cause a landslide, but just blowing up 1 floor of the 20 present was not too bad. In fact, it would be greatly beneficial.

However, he suddenly remembered his superior saying they need as much of the base intact as possible.

"No. Orders are to keep as much of the base intact as possible" he said truthfully.

With this, Luke decided to accept his mission and started meditating to absorb as much energy as possible before the battle ahead.