
Seeing the S+ rating, Luke did not waste any time to try and run. However, his body was held in place by an immense amount of energy.

Rachel looked at Luke and said,

"That mask… The Sage! You! You are the reason! It is because of you! You! How do you know where our bases are?!"

Luke was stunned for a moment. He then realized his mistake. His identity as 'The Sage' was known to many members of the Resistance back at the first base to be conquered. It was only natural for their leader to learn about it.

He put on a calm façade and looked straight into her eyes and said, "I can see the future"

At this moment, another notification popped up.


You have successfully angered a predator, a bringer of death



Skill Unbreakable courage Lv 4 has levelled up to level 5


Hearing this, Luke celebrated deep within his heart as he used a skill point to evolve his skill.


Skill Unbreakable courage Lv 5 has evolved to Undying Will Lv 0



Class advancement Mission

Level up Skill Unbreakable Courage to Level 5 and evolve it to Undying Will Lv 0

- Complete -



Specialisation Sun has been chosen



Skill Intermediate Purification Light Lv 0 has been learned



Skill Beginner Regeneration Lv 0 has been learned



Skill Intermediate Healing Spells Lv 0 has been learned



Talent Intermediate Recovery Body Lv 0 has been learned


Unhesitantly, Luke spent all his accumulated exp from killing people into levelling up to 12. For some reason, the pent up disgust he felt at himself when he was killing people for exp had vanished, most likely due to the insane amount of pressure he was under.

He didn't bother to waste any stat points into luck, since the only thing it was useful for was mini-games like lucky draws and mystery boxes, along with in casinos.


NPC Status

Name: Lucas Ferland (The Sage)

Level: 12

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Race: Observer I

Path: Magician (Beginner Mage)

Specialisation: Sun


Vitality: 60

Stamina: 30

Intelligence: 35

Perception: 55

Strength: 35

Dexterity: 35

Charisma: 50



Fire Affinity: 30%

Water Affinity: 30%

Wind Affinity: 30%

Earth Affinity: 30%

Mind Affinity: 35%

Recovery Affinity: 50%



-Undying Will Lv 0

-Beginner Cooking Lv 5

-Beginner Hunting Lv 5

-Intermediate Hand-Hand Combat Lv 4

-Beginner Swimming Lv 5

-Intermediate Smiting Lv 5

-Beginner Sewing Lv 5

-Advanced Meditation Lv 5

-Intermediate Fire Spells Lv 5

-Intermediate Earth Spells Lv 5

-Intermediate Water Spells Lv 5

-Intermediate Wind Spells Lv 5

-Advanced Mind Spells Lv 5

-Intermediate Magic Runes Lv 4

-Intermediate Crafting Lv 5

-Intermediate Purification Light Lv 0

-Beginner Regeneration Lv 0

-Intermediate Healing Spells Lv 0

Skill points: 9



-Intermediate Spell Casting Lv 5

-Intermediate Energy Absorption Lv 5

-Advanced Mental Perception Lv 5

-Intermediate Recovery Body Lv 0

Talent Points: 3



Beta testing begins in 42 days, 20 hours, 10 minutes, 49 seconds.





With his current stats, he could most definitely fight with someone 1 or 2 levels above him, but it was still too great of a difference between him and Rachel, whose status was still all question marks even after leveling up 3 times.

Unhesitantly, Luke used Both fire and Water Magic to create a smokescreen and shouted "RUN"

With this, he turned around using all the energy in his body, and ran. To his left and right were his team mates, running and stumbling with pale faces.

Luke then took out one of the phones he had brought along with him for the mission and rang the only number saved on it, Barton's.

Within 1 ring, the phone was picked up.

"What is it. Weren't you supposed to be in a mission?"

Just as Barton's voice came, Luck yelled at the phone while panting and running using all kinds of magic. However, due to the intense energy being released from his magic, the phone connection was unstable.

However, Barton did make sense of some words, which piecing together made his pupils constrict infinitely.

"Help! Rachel… Leader… Resistance… Here! Help! Too Strong…!"

Without hesitating, he dropped all the matters at hand and rushed to the tunnel that led to the plane hanger as he said,

"I'll be there in 7 minutes. Just hold on till them"

At this moment, a new notification popped up. It was a refreshed mission update.


Emergency Quest- Rachel

One of the four peak level figures in Gamin, and the leader of 'The Resistance', Rachel has appeared before you. She is dissatisfied with the work conducted by those in this base and decided to eradicate them entirely. Unfortunately, you happened to find her in the act and must now face the wrath of an entity infinitely close to level 80.

Mission objective- Survive for 7 minutes until Executive Commander Barton arrives

Mission difficulty- S

Mission Completion Reward- Unknown

Mission Failure- Death


Seeing that the mission difficulty has only reduced to S, Luke was slightly disheartened.

He had used the standard method to reduce the difficulty of the mission, by calling for help.

Although this would reduce the mission difficulty, along with the completion reward, Luke only cared about his life.

However, lasting 7 minutes is still at S rank difficulty for the current him, which was still highly unlikely to be complete.

But Luke didn't have a choice. He had chosen MI9, and was now paying the price.

He quickly gathered up all his courage and came up with a plan.

As he ran, he was leaving a huge cloud of mist behind, blocking normal sight.

However Luke knew that such a petty trick might only be able to stall for time. But that was exactly what Luke wanted. Stall as much time as possible.

Within this mist, he as continuously expending mana to create replicas of himself using Earth magic.

Currently the total amount of energy he had was 100,but this too wasn't enough to support this insane amount of consumption, since he was injecting a part of his energy into each golem, to confuse [Energy Vision], a skill most level 79 people of any pathway would have, and use during times when their normal vision is impaired.

Just at that moment, Luke remembered something. He remembered the information on Rachel. She was not of any Pathway. She was the first of her kind that the players had found in Gamin. A 'Unique' is what she was named, and all those after her with similarly unique abilities.

'Uniques' were those who grew in levels, and gained skills by simply existing. Naturally, they too reached bottlenecks, which took certain scenarios to overcome, but no knowledge was required.

Once Rachel had been found to have this power, more and more NPCs began to sprout up with such abilities, and soon, even some players received this ability. However, the level caps limited the players growth, and not being specialized in one particular aspect made them easy pickings for the 'Pathway Players' during the Pro League.

Rachel, however, was not limited by the level cap, and only faced the bottlenecks.

Luke also remembered that she did not have energy vision, and instead had [Thermal Vision], Possessed specifically by the Hunter pathway.

He unhesitantly used fire magic and heated up the next golem he created, instead of injecting energy into it, while simultaneously casting ice magic on his body.

This slowed down his movements, but might very well save his life.

Luke has also remembered that Rachel had some monstrous battle skills, mainly in close combat, and had almost no skills for long range battles. This meant that she would have to get close to him to kill him, and he could use this to hide from her.

Yes hide, Luke had no intention of facing head on, even when he reached her level. Instead, he wanted to hide, which he actually might be able to pull off.

The magician pathway's greatest strength was in preparing in advance. A magician was at his strongest when he was prepares in advance about the enemies, their strengths, and location.

Now that Luke knew the enemy, as well as her strength, along with a lot of detailed knowledge about the mountain from MI9, he was at his strongest. Hiding for 7 minutes was now not as impossible as it was earlier.

Just as this thought raced in his mind, a resounding explosion occurred 25 meters behind him.

That was where he had first started putting the heated statues of himself. This meant that his plan was working.

However, he realized something, all the golems were placed in a straight line behind him, which create a simple trail for Rachel to follow!

He had just painted his face into a big fat bullseye!

Quickly, he changed direction to the left, while creating 4 more statues to create the illusion he was still running in that direction.

In the next second, he heard another thundering crash, which shook the entire mountain!

This was just how overpowered 'Uniques' were. They may not have certain abilities, however, the abilities they do have are overpowered. Luke remembered most of Rachel's skills, some of which were simply bugs!

[Skill Overload: Doubles all stats while sacrificing Energy for 20 minutes]

[Skill Transfer: Transfer Stamina to Energy]

[Skill Recover: Regain you peak physical condition for 20 minutes]

Just three of her skills would allow here to perpetually remain at double stats for a few hours depending on her energy!

Simply overpowered!

However, Luke did not let these thoughts cloud his mind as he cast another freeze spell on his skin and clothes, while keeping the internal organs and muscle warm using fire magic, to prevent hypothermia from setting in.

Within the next few seconds, 14 other explosions sounded, meaning that all of Luke's dummies had been obliterated, and all further explosions had stopped.

This meant that Rachel had realized that Luke had stopped following this path and had turned to another direction.

Naturally, this was not that hard to find after flying upwards. Although Luke's mist had spread in almost every direction by now, all Rachel had to do was find the part of the mist with the greatest density.

Finding such a spot from 50 meters in the air, Rachel flew towards it with a substantial amount of speed, visibly breaking the sound barrier in the process.


She didn't waste tome searching for Luke. Instead, she just created a 20 meter wide hole in the ground, flattening anything present into a thick paste.

At this point, within the green mush, there was a bright red mixed in.